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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Vole - How To Look

Whilst on my walk around the lake I noticed a gentleman, maybe in his 60s, staring at the hedgerow. I couldn't see any birds there so I wondered what he was watching. He must have sensed this because he beckoned me over to join him. The man then told me, "There are lots of voles running about in there. If you stand here and watch, you might see them."

I stood and I waited...

For a while, I couldn't see anything. I didn't see anything, until I did.

And then I saw lots of them!

These little voles were so sweet and small, running in and out of crevices and hiding under logs.

I said to the gentleman, "It's funny because my eyes couldn't see them but once I spotted them, I can see them everywhere." He turned to me and said, "It is funny. What is it they say? It's not where to look but how to look".

I discovered that Voles also create incredible burrows but this doesn't happen overnight. They take time, they create networks, carrying a message to give our goals, desires and dreams time. There's no rush, one step at a time, it can all come together. Rome wasn't built in a day - kingdoms take time. They greatest of kingdoms possess high quality, deep longevity and top standards. It will be worth all the little details, all the conversations, the planning, the actions, the co-creation and the experience. We want that. As much as the dream itself. Maybe, that is part of the dream. It's what makes the dream more than a dream, it's what brings it into reality. Vole reminds us to prepare for what we want by living life today and to gently, yet with focus and devotion, keep on towards what we want.

Vole symbolism:

  • How to look

  • Being invisible to those we don't want or need to be seen by

  • Being seen by those who want or need to see us

  • Being hidden in plain sight - messages, treasure, people, gifts

  • Synchronicity

  • Intuition

  • Divinely placed messages

  • Abundance

  • The long term vision

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