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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Woodpecker: Opportunity Knocks

woodpecker symbolism
This is the only photo I got of my Woodpecker friend lols

This week, on my walk in my little woods, I saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker. I know they frequent this area but I very rarely see them. Having been delighted with catching sight of one, I thought it would be fun to explore their symbolism and spiritual messages. The good news is, Woodpecker only brings good news.

The knocking that is associated with Woodpecker brings some of our biggest symbolism.

Opportunity Knocks

When we see Woodpecker, there is a good chance that a valuable opportunity is about to present itself. Whether it’s a job opportunity, a chance to head off into an adventure or someone inviting us into a new relationship dynamic - something is arriving and we have a choice whether we want to embrace it. Usually, this is something we have been waiting or asking for. This is an answer to a heart’s desire. When Woodpecker shows up, he is letting us know that we’ve been heard and a new way is on the way. This gives us a chance to relax - there’s no need to work too hard trying to figure out the way, it’s coming to us. It also allows us to be prepared. Our life may be about to change direction and it’s lovely to have a heads up about that.

Knock, knock?

Who’s there? Communication may be incoming. Someone you weren’t expecting may show up at your door, on your phone or in your email. You might even bump into someone in the supermarket! This is a key moment. You might have a significant conversation that awakens something in you or offers you an opportunity. Seize it! This is a good surprise. Woodpecker only brings good news for you.


Woodpecker is also famous for his drumming. He uses drumming to state ownership of his territory and to attract a mate. He also makes that rapping sound when he is looking for bugs to eat or creating a nesting cavity. When Woodpecker comes into your life, it may be a sign for you to do a bit of drumming yourself. Drumming on an actual drum is good for the soul and there’s some suggestion it may be good for our health. Drumming is an ancestral part of us, it goes deep and usually when we allow ourselves to have a good rat-tat-tat on a drum we connect into those deeper parts of ourselves. Drumming is a way that we connect to the rhythms of the Earth and the beat of our heart. Is it time for you to get your drum on?

The Green Woodpecker

I think it’s worth talking about The Green Woodpecker. I sometimes see them in my garden and it always feels like such a treat. They’re such beautiful birds. Its behaviour is different from the Great Spotted. For example, it does not do much knocking. When it’s creating a hole in a tree for nesting, it actually chips away at the bark. And Green Woodpecker doesn’t look for bugs in the bark of trees, it’s a ground feeder. It uses its long sticky tongue to suck up ants. For this reason, I feel it brings different spiritual messages.

Time to Move

Green Woodpecker knows when the conditions are right and makes the most of them. It knows when its time to act. It knows when and where the abundance will be and it seizes the opportunity. If you catch sight of a Green Woodpecker, it could be a sign that conditions are favourable for you and it’s time for you to move, to act or to grab the opportunity. Don’t wait too long or let this moment pass - make the most of what’s happening for you, use it to your advantage and enjoy it to the fullest. It’s exciting!


Green Woodpecker has a distinct call. It sounds like laughing and is known as a ‘Yaffle’. When Green Woodpecker comes into your life, it’s a reminder to not take things too seriously and to find humour in your situation. As some say, laughter is the best medicine! Seek out those you can hash life out with and have a giggle and be around people who help you see the bright sides to life. This is a direction towards light-heartedness, play, togetherness and fun!

What good news is Woodpecker bringing you?

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