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Hello! I am Emma. I'm a Highly Intuitive Psychic, based in Kent, UK and I have a decade's experience working with Spirit and doing what I do. Every conversation together is Spirit led and directed and I love working with my guides and the Divine. I also have my own jewels of life experience within me that texture my connection and readings. It is an honour to work in this way as well as hold a space for people, to care for them and to be a witness to their life experiences.


I am really at good peeling back the layers of individuals, situations and life experiences and bringing forward for conversation different perspectives, thoughts and processes that can:

  • Support you in deepening and strengthening your relationship with your Self

  • Create space for you to listen to your heart, your intuition, your spirit

  • Assist you in creating healing, nourishing, fulfilling, playful and loving relationships with others

  • Help you in discovering ways to be here now, to overcome challenges, to look forward and to create in life what you want, in ways that feel natural and even exciting for you

  • Provide space for you to be you, when you need that most

  • Move you into a place where you feel you are seeing things with more clarity and making choices that feel right and good for you

  • Be a part of you being able to see even more beauty and magic in the world again and be enthusiastic about not only the possibilities but also the unimaginable!

I've connected with both men and women, all over the world - through thousands of readings and sessions and even after all these years, I still truly love it. Over the years I've been blessed to work for Spirit across a multitude of platforms including one-to-one in person readings, as a 5-star reader on a Psychic line, in workshop settings and through my own sessions online. I have wrote articles for magazines, both nationally and internationally and for other celebrated websites. My job has been, and continues to be, truly rewarding and wonderful!


I am familiar with working with 'high profile people', as I already have clients within the film, fashion and music industry, clients who are CEOs of companies and I also have clients who work for the Ministry of Defence, NATO and NASA - therefore, I fully understand the value and necessity of discretion and privacy. You can be sure that your sensitive information and emotional wellbeing will be protected, respected and taken care of and I am open to conversation about what you may need to feel safe to enjoy our time together.

On a more personal level, I am just a really big cheerleader of life - I believe in all the greatness that it has for us. Much like anyone else, I have been through my own battles, I have suffered, I have experienced loss, heartbreak and breakdown. I know just how tough life can be... And I know how miraculous and beautiful life can be. There is just so much I feel passionate and joyous for. As you get to know me, you'll discover that I am excited about a lot in life - including my family (I am a Mama!), birds and plants and trees and bugs, food (I loooove food), plant teas, art, writing, books and new places I've never been before...

Even with the crap that it can serve up sometimes, I have found ways to still wholly love life. 


And I am here. I am ready to care for, uplift, empower, support and celebrate you as you meet your big life experiences.

I look forward to connecting with you soon...

Lots of love,

Emma x

I am blessed to come from a line of intuitive women. My Mum is intuitive and has her own psychic gifts. Her mother, my grandmother also did, and her mother, my great-grandmother also had strong psychic knowings. There are many, many beautiful & strong women in our  family tree. I, myself, have two sisters but there are aunties and cousins and generally women everywhere, there are loads of us. The women in our family are all highly intuitive, sensitive and connective in their own ways.

© 2014- 2024 by Emma L. Bennett

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