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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Magpie: Communication Incoming

Magpie spiritual message
Magpie - Spirit Messenger

I am a fan of Magpies but here, in the UK, they can be a controversial bird. The 'Marmite' of the bird world perhaps, you either love 'em or you hate 'em. I love 'em!

People have a lot of weird superstitions around Magpies and whilst I don't subscribe to a lot of them, if we want to believe that the Universe speaks to us in a language we understand, what they represent for us individually has to count for something.

I think in England, one of the biggest connections to Magpie that we have is that famous rhyme:

One for sorrow, Two for joy, Three for a girl, Four for a boy, Five for silver, Six for gold, Seven for a secret, Never to be told.

Eight for a wish, Nine for a kiss, Ten a surprise you should be careful not to miss, Eleven for health, Twelve for wealth, Thirteen beware it’s the devil himself.

The last verse has many, many variations to it but it's surprising how much weight that rhyme can carry for some people. I know a couple of women, that when they catch sight of one Magpie, go on a frantic search for another. One woman who I've met is so terrified of a solo Magpie and the possibility that it might represent great sorrow in her life, that she is known to drive about for hours if she must, just to glimpse that second Magpie to avoid heartbreak. Our beliefs around Magpies can go deep.

Over the years, I've been playful with the rhyme but I pick and choose when it suits me. If it's bringing me joy or gold or wishes or kisses then I'm all for it, anything else isn't really my jam.

Personally, I've got a different meaning for Magpie: Communication Incoming!

Magpies are generally quite loud and can be heard clearly. When they start cackling, you know it's them. They are also wonderfully conversational with one another. With this in mind, it makes sense that spiritually they would represent communication.

I've noticed in my garden that Magpies also function as a security alarm for the other birds. If there is a cat creeping about, the Magpies will out him and let everybody know he is there. I feel that Magpies can work that way for us. Not warning of us of anything ominous but just giving us a heads up that something is incoming.

And that something incoming, is usually communication. I always consider Magpie the 'Eight of Wands' of the bird world. Something is coming in fast - a text message, an email, a phone call, a visitor, a meeting. Something talky.

With Magpie giving us a heads up that an important conversation is on the way, potentially something we have been wanting or waiting for that may move us forward, thankfully we have time to check in with ourselves and ensure we are grounded and clear. This is so we can be ready to make the most of this opportunity. We can give ourselves what we need to see be great listeners, we can give ourselves time to absorb the information and we get in the right headspace to be honest, direct and clear in our communication. We have time to be ready, so we are seeing with sparkling clarity and speaking from the heart.

Magpies also represent togetherness, strength in numbers, boldness and playfulness. So when you hear the familiar cackles of our friends outside, it might be an invitation to embrace one these other aspects.

But it could also be a message that something is incoming for you!

And perhaps, if we follow this theme, when we see a solitary Magpie, rather than anticipate sorrow, we could take it as a good sign that a break from conversation and communication is required, so that we too may enjoy some personal solitude.

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