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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Ladybird: A Lucky Charm

Ladybirds are one of the most loved creatures in the insect world. A favourite with adults and children alike, they seem to put smiles on faces. I considered them a symbol of good luck but I'm not the only one who feels this - they have global symbolism of being a lucky charm!

We can know when we are visited by Ladybird, that things are working in our favour, good news is imminent and happiness is ours to claim and celebrate.

I feel Ladybirds really do inspire playfulness, child-like joy and a feeling of delight and glee. They bring us messages to lighten up, have fun, be silly and just enjoy ourselves and I kind of feel this goes hand-in-hand with a message of 'you can relax and have fun because everything is working out for you'.

Many people I know also believe Ladybirds are sent them by loved ones in Spirit. My daughter believes this - whenever she sees one, she feels her Daddy in Spirit sent them to her and she often tells people, "My sign for my Daddy is a Ladybird". Even if receives toys or books or badges or clothing or anything with Ladybird on it, that's a sign from her Dad. I stand by her on this one, it really is their thing, a connection, a little message they share between one another. I have met lots of people who have this with Ladybirds, a connection to a passed over loved one. When you have one visit, perhaps you think of someone too?

For this reason, our Ladybirds are little Divine Messengers, letting us know that whatever has been on our minds, it is all in hand and being taken care of, whether it's a challenge or a creation, our loved ones - and Spirit in general - are working on things behind the scenes.

They are the most delightful, happy-go-lucky little bug in the whole bug world!

I am also going to throw in another sexy message here...

I believe Ladybirds often represent co-creative experiences. The reason I say this is because Ladybirds seem to be very public in getting it on. I often see them, in great numbers, engaged in the mating process. I actually have a weird habit of pointing it out 'Oh look! Ladybird porn!' and this is because I see it so often.

We can totally zone in on the symbology here which connects to romance, love, pleasure, passion and co-creation. Ladybirds bring messages of coming together in union to create new life experiences and also of bringing that togetherness out into the world, for others to witness. I'm not saying to engage in inappropriate public acts because in most places that is illegal, however I would suggest the Ladybird encourages us not to hide our love away from the world but rather allow it to light up the world. When we are engaged in beautiful love experiences, it can be inspirational for others to know that it exists.

Ladybird also brings messages of 'enjoy your relationships' - without the need to measure them up or explain them away, enjoy the person you're connecting with and be in that togetherness - whether it is temporary or long term, passion or love - you're allowed to have the experience of chemistry and connectivity... Enjoy yourself, enjoy them, enjoy it. Be in the moment with it, surrender to it, be there with it. All connections texture us in some way and all have value.

I also really feel that 'youthfulness' with Ladybird and she kind of stirs up that 'teenager romance' feeling, remember those butterflies in the stomach and the crackle of electricity? Often as adults, we can get hung up on grown up ideas of security and stability but often that young love feeling, all that internal excitement that we love the feeling of, can only come from not knowing what's next. The fun is in the finding out. So there's encouragement for us to just ease into everything, be in the moment, be excited, crack on and have fun...

Overall, I feel Ladybird just wants us to feel better, to feel good, to feel great and she says to us that we need not hide our happiness in the shadows - we are allowed to bring our joyfulness out into the open!

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