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Tarotscopes: October 2023

October Tarotscopes - Emma L. Bennett

Gosh, we are zooming towards the end of 2023, aren’t we?

Last month I said, “there’s a real mix of happenings and it is clear that not everyone is in the same place” .

This month, many people are in very similar places. A THIRD of the signs received the exact same card! Whaaaat?! MIND. BLOWN.

October brings themes of abundance, new directions and of connecting inwards as well as connecting with others. Many people are slowing down, some of us are reassessing or taking stock and almost everyone is readying for something big.

This feels like a time of profound change and I know I'm here for it.

Please note: These messages are not the traditional card meanings nor the messages from the accompanying book. I use these cards to inspire and invoke intuitive messages to come through to me and then I share them with you.

Aries: The Hanged Man

You’re moving slower than you’d like this month, Aries. At times, it might even feel as though you’re suspended in mid-air - much like our Hanged Man here. Remember, the Universe isn’t against you. Even with this reduced rhythm, you’re in alignment. Whilst you’re more comfortable racing through life, charging off into adventures, there’s a time and place for everything. When you’re moving at a swift pace, you’re more likely to miss the signs. I’m being shown someone driving in a car at 70mph, with the music blaring, they feel great, this song is their jam but they just missed the SatNav telling them to take the next exit. The reason things are slowing down is because there is something for you to see. Many things in fact. This month, you’re taking the scenic route, baby. It’s going to be good for your soul but October is also a month of epiphanies and big ‘ah-ha’ moments for you. If you can allow this feeling of slowness and even stillness, you’re going to receive some pretty special information. From your higher self, from Spirit - but also from those around you. This is going to line you up with the right people, at the right time, bringing you some very interesting opportunities! This month might be appear still but life isn’t stopping, in fact, it’s delivering more than you can imagine. Believe it or not, this chill out vibe is the answer to your prayers.

(Gemini, Libra AND Sagittarius also received The Hanged Man this month You are all vibrationally matched & in alignment right now! It may be worth reading over their ‘Scope to see if you resonate.)

Taurus: Three of Cups

When forces come together, a magical alchemy takes place and alchemy is a key word for you in October. This month, the way forward is together, Taurus. There’s no denying that you’re independent and capable of doing much by yourself. Sometimes, you even prefer it. But there’s only so far you can go on your own. Working with others will take you further. There’s encouragement to share yourself with the people who show up on your path this month. You may have had to let go of certain people in recent months and you had your reasons for doing so, but now there are new people are arriving. These people are in a similar place to you, they share how you see the world and they’re more vibrationally matched. They will be offering you a hand, inviting you to follow them into new places. Allowing for a meeting of minds, a meeting of hearts, a meeting of spirits, bringing forth brilliant solutions, creative ideas and new dreams. It’s true that you stand just fine on your own but you come alive in the company of others. And togetherness helps to lighten your load, Taurus. It gets awfully tiresome trying to hold the whole world up by yourself. This month asks you to transform the idea that other people are a threat into knowing that the right people could be your salvation.

Gemini: The Hanged Man

Gemini, it’s time to slow down… You have come a long way this year. You have travelled great distances, experienced losses, overcome challenges and achieved some impressive wins. And now it’s time to take a break and be present. Imagine that you’ve arrived in a new country, somewhere you’ve never been before. This is somewhere you’ve been wanting to visit for a long time, you’ve finally made it here. Are you going to rush straight through to the country next door? Or are you going to slow down? Take in the scenery? Visit the landmarks? Talk to the locals? Maybe take it all in? And now imagine that you’ve been on a race around the world - you’ve seen it all recently - and you’ve finally landed home. As you head in through the front door, will you leave immediately through the back and go round again? Or might you run a bath? Lay down on the sofa? Have a cup of tea? Maybe take it all in? Whilst I use two very different examples, I kind of feel like you are both somehow. Either way, this is a time for presence. A time to take it all in. This month, when you look forward, you might find it tricky to see the way ahead, as though a great mist has descended. It’ll pass but know that where you are now, will reveal to you everything you need to know about where you go next. There is nowhere else for you to be, other than right here Gem, right here.

(Aries, Libra AND Sagittarius also received The Hanged Man this month. You are all vibrationally matched & in alignment right now! It may be worth reading over their ‘Scope to see if you resonate.)

Cancer: Ten of Cups

October might just be your lucky month, Cancer! This month, you’ve got abundance in abundance! For realsies, you’re going to feel like magic. Your wants and desires are showing up at record speed, your psychic knowings are on point and it’s as if the whole Universe is on your side. Well, it is. It always is. But these good vibes herald a change in cycle for you. You had a tough slog for a few years but that particular cycle has come to completion. You’ve right at the beginning of a new cycle now and it’s time for some fun, some passion and some magic! This is all part of a bigger plan, a higher purpose. Spirit know when you’re in this vibe, you are seeing with sparkling clarity - and they have things to show you. Spirit know that when you’re in this vibe, your visions and dreams are bigger - and they want you to follow them. Spirit know that when you’re in this vibe, you feel capable, confident and powerful - and they want to use you for something. This is an energy that makes things happen… Easily. This month, you’re making things happen and it’s all Divinely aligned, Divinely blessed, Divinely purposeful. So, manifest yourself something fun for yourself or your family. Do something silly and playful. Enjoy it! Fill yourself up on it! Because from here… Spirit can and will move you.

Leo: Ten of Wands

There are times on the spiritual path where it feels as though a veil has come down and you cannot see beyond it. My friend says, “The blackout blind” has been pulled down. I’ve often imagined it like theatre curtains that are closed in front of the stage. So why does this happen? Sometimes, it’s because something valuable is about to be realised by ourselves and all distractions have been removed. Often, our attention is drawn away from the horizon and towards something important happening right in front of our face. Sometimes, I feel those theatre curtains are drawn in a dramatic build up. Soon, they’re going to open and an unexpected scene is going to play out in front of us. Either way, the focus is on right here, right now. October asks you to be present, Leo. If you use it wisely, this presence will be a readying. This month has a feeling of… There’s nothing… Nothing… Nothing… Until there’s something. A really big something. You’ll be chilling and then you’ll be asked to embrace a brave new beginning. You’re being prepared for it. You’re being given everything you need to embrace it. This month will be bringing quiet and calm, stillness and presence. And it will be bringing revelations and epiphanies, wows and whoahs. And you’re ready for both.

Virgo: Eight of Cups

I’ve always said that Spirit love to use messages in music to communicate with us and the Eight of Cups always puts a specific song in my head. It is Craig David’s ‘Walking Away’. “I’m walking away from the troubles in my life, I'm walking away, oh, to find a better day”. This is your October vibe, Virgo. I feel that this month is really quite abundant for you. You’ve got Divine fortune coming your way, you’re feeling the love, you’re feeling fulfilled and you’re feeling blessed. You’re feeling good. Which means when you’re coming into contact with people and places who are not aligned with you, ohhhh that contrast is going to be only too obvious. You might find that things you tolerated before have become absolutely abhorrent to you. Remember, it’s only because you’ve been feeling so wonderful and so Divine, that this is standing out as much as it is. It will be undeniable to you. It will not only give you the ick, it will give you the ‘hell no, I don’t think so’. And that's when you’ll want to pull a Craig David and walk away. The message here is to do it. Trust your gut. You’re not being unreasonable or irrational. You know when something isn’t aligning with you. You know when someone isn’t vibing with you. You need not explain yourself or justify why you’re doing it. Save yourself some time and just keep on walking. Yes - this month is abundant but remember to do what you need to do to protect your joy, your blessings and your wellbeing.

Libra: The Hanged Man

Happy Birthday to our October Librans! Your vision, your goals and possibly even your whole world has rotated, Libra. Maybe this has already happened to you in recent months or perhaps it’s ahead this month. Where you thought you were going, what you thought you wanted and who you thought you were have changed. You were following one direction and your trajectory has completely switched. Are you feeling some mild whiplash? Whilst this may be both unsettling and utterly freeing and therefore stirring a mix of emotions in you - the Spirit world, and the whole Universe itself, is in alignment with these realisations. They are celebrating you, there are cheers coming from the gallery! It’s time to take a breather, just a couple of weeks, to allow for the changes in you to settle. You might need a moment to just feel what has been lost - whether you wanted it or not, there are some feelings there. But also, this is a victorious move for you and it’s a good time to take stock, to feel the power of it, the thrill, the release, the liberty. Exciting times are ahead and this path you're on is a big, important one. It’s going to take you places, Libra. This month encourages you to rest, recharge and recalibrate. This is your time to steady yourself and regain your strength. Now you’re on the way to a brand new world, a brand new life, a brand new you and this is your readying.

(Aries, Gemini AND Sagittarius also received The Hanged Man this month. You are all vibrationally matched & in alignment right now! It may be worth reading over their ‘Scope to see if you resonate.)

Scorpio: King of Wands

Happy Birthday to our October Scorpios! This month, you regain your strength, your vision and your connection. Scorpio. You may have been a bit up and down in recent weeks or months and feeling like the true you was difficult to grasp hold of. Travelling through the unknown, feeling as if the ground was moving beneath your feet and finding it tricky to steady yourself. This month, you’re back on solid land and you feel your knowing return. You’re grounded, you’re calmer and you can hear your inner voice again. What’s contributing to this? Well, the astrological energy is really working for you. But, I also feel as though you naturally ease into your power because you’re helping people. Others are coming to you for advice, support and direction and it’s in this giving, that you remember yourself. This is a good month for you to take a role in guiding, assisting or teaching others. Showing up for the people in your world supports you in reconnecting with your life experience, your learning, your knowledge, your wisdom, your higher self. It assists you in effortlessly moving from that place of ‘I don’t know anything’ to ‘I do know something’. It is literally the key to your knowing! There’s a good chance that the advice you’re giving to others is also a reflective message for yourself. This month, it is through leading others that you take the reins in your own life again.

Sagittarius: The Hanged Man

This month, you are changing direction, Sagittarius. You have known for some time that you wanted it and needed it. You may have had plenty of questions but no real answers. You had some ideas about where you might go… Or should go. And this month you get the news that you’re heading somewhere completely different. Yet, it feels so right. As this wasn’t part of the plan, you don’t really have a plan. You might feel eager to rush out, put everything into place, figure it all out, make it happen immediately, like right now. But there’s encouragement to slow down… There’s real potential here to follow this path to completion, to bring it to fullness, to actually achieve the dream. But it’s one step at a time. And there’s more steps than you think there is, Sag. Each and every step is what will make the difference between ‘we’ve tried this before and didn’t make it’ and ‘we’re trying this now and we’re going to get where we know we can be’. Once again, there’s encouragement to slow down… Slowing down, allowing for the scenic route, is going to ensure that you gain the necessary information, experience and power. Slowing down will create the space for you to be connected to your intuition and the Divine, which will give you more confidence in your choices and in yourself. You are on the way, Sagittarius. This month, allow the way the reveal itself, to unfold beneath your feet and call you onwards.

(Aries, Gemini AND Libra also received The Hanged Man this month. You are all vibrationally matched & in alignment right now! It may be worth reading over their ‘Scope to see if you resonate.)

Capricorn: King of Cups

This month, you are Captain Capricorn. Cappy Cap! Someone, or some people, are coming to you for your help, your knowledge, your wisdom and your love. They trust in you to see clearly when they are unable. They trust you to lead the way. Whilst you might find that you have some emotional turbulence around you, you will choose to remain steady. I’m seeing you as a captain of a ship. You’ve got your people on board and as master of the helm, you’re steering your way the dark night, ensuring you make it through to a place of safety. You might have to rearrange your plans, put some tasks off or protect your energy from that which is not a priority so that you’re able to bring your strength to other, more important situations. There are real vibes of you being a protector and maybe an advocate for someone. It may ask a lot of you - patience, time, understanding, courage and love. But, the Spirit world and the Universe are going to give back to you tenfold for what you give. The abundance will come with ease this month and in the months following. It is as you rise into this role of leadership, stability and protection that you also can feel another layer to your true purpose, your calling in life. Whilst this might not be where you planned to be, it’s where you’ve been called to and it’s awakening where you thrive, where you shine, where you belong as a helper in this world.

Aquarius: Ace of Pentacles

This month, you’re in an abundant new beginning, Aquarius. You’re starting somewhere new, starting something new and the energy is sooo aligned for it. It reminds me of beginner’s luck… The fun, the playfulness, the surprises. The feeling that you’re winning without trying. The thrill of not knowing what you’re doing but somehow being victorious. Except, this fortune will be on your side at the beginning, middle and end. There’s encouragement to take some risks and put yourself out there. There are people being Divinely placed to help you on your way and you can’t really get it wrong. Whilst most people are slowing down right now, you’re speeding up!. There’s potential for life to move quite quickly through October and through to the end of the year. One thing will lead to more things, one place will lead to more places, one person will lead to more people. I get the feeling this is all about newness and you might have to be brave enough to let your familiar comforts go. There’s a calling for working with new people, visiting new places, experimenting with new thinking, allowing a new you to be birthed. You can’t ask for change and simultaneously try to keep everything the same. This new beginning is yours, it’s what you’ve been waiting for so remember to leave your old ways behind and try something different. This month, fortune favours the bold, Aquarius - so get on out there and start exploring off the beaten track.

Pisces: Page of Wands

This month is all about you, Pisces. Life is moving you into uncharted territory. You’re going to be experiencing life in ways you haven’t before. This could even be the first time you’ve ever experienced this. This is all new, different and unknown. Amidst of this change, right at the very centre of it all, is you. Through the living of it, you are being changed irrevocably forever. This month, it could be that you’ll avoid looking at yourself, as you stand right there in the centre of your world. And that you’ll do this by thinking of every other big and little thing under the sun… Anything but you. Why? The changes that are happening are changing you and you’re a little nervous to find out how. What if the changed and changing you, wants something else? Something different? What if you’re becoming someone else? Someone different to who you knew yourself to be? Throughout October, the Universe will be calling you to have some ‘you’ time. You can only avoid it for so long before the powers-that-be sit you on your butt and force it upon you, so may I suggest some voluntary down time with yourself. It will feel more empowering. You’ll find that once you do take the time to reconnect with yourself, get to know yourself and listen to your heart - you have nothing to be afraid of. The changed and changing you is someone worth getting to know. Pisces, you have not become less by any standard… You have become so much more than you can possibly imagine. And that someone, the changed and changing you, has a message for you worth hearing.

Lots of love,

Emma xxx

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