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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Tarotscopes: December 2023

Wow! Can you even believe we’re at the end of 2023? Another full year lived and another full year of becoming, my friends. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! May it be filled with strength, peace, playfulness, thankfulness, togetherness and love! x

This month, I have one of my dearest friends, Oneness Vibration, joining me on the December ‘Scopes. I have been buddies with this guy for well over a decade. We have both lived a lot of life in this time and being able to witness this man’s becoming has been a marvel - but it’s also been tremendous fun to share in life with him because he is sooo much fun. I feel really blessed that he is my friend. He is one of the kindest and most loving souls I know, but he’s also incredibly connective and a real visionary. I asked him to join me on this month’s Tarotscopes and I’m super thrilled - and thankful - to have him here with me.

Oneness Vibration is an intuitive energy reader who is learning, growing and remembering the Love. He believes that we are all individual extensions of the original Divine vibration, of Source energy, and that we are infinity experiencing itself in infinite ways. He knows that at times we may seem separate, but at our core essence, we are all one. His intention is to remind us of the God already within ourselves.

If you’d like to get a feel for him, and I recommend you do because he’s a vibe worth being in, you can check him out on his Youtube Channel:

This month, we are using The Light Seer’s Tarot from Chris-Anne.

Please note: These messages are not the traditional card meanings nor the messages from the accompanying book. I use these cards to inspire and invoke intuitive messages to come through to me and then I share them with you.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only.

Four of Wands

Aries: Four of Wands

By Oneness Vibration

Okay, so I try to pay attention to everything when I’m reading, and as I was shuffling, a wave of worry kinda came over me and I wanted to check the cards, to make sure I didn’t mix them upside down. The cards were fine… But for Aries, there could be this sense of trying to worry about things that might already be okay. This worrying may keep you repeating old cycles of confusion and this may leave you feeling stagnant or slow going - but it’s all ultimately towards your growth. Can you trust yourself and trust that you’ve got this? Can you take a leap of faith and release yourself from cycles of worry, let love lead you. The Four of Wands came out for your energy. December can be a time of stability with your inner flame, with trusting in your Divine plan, with releasing the worry, with just loving and appreciating life in this moment, right now. Celebrate your life, your light, your passion, your body, your ability to be able to move whatever you can. Maybe you have a roof over your head and a cozy, warm place to sleep during the winter? Maybe celebrate having your fingers and toes, arms and legs, anything and everything you can. That vibration - letting that love, appreciation and celebration of life lead you - that can fuel you from the inside out. It can guide you from the inside out. That celebration of life is you partying in harmony with your inner source and it just brings more things to celebrate!

The Emperor

Taurus: The Emperor

By Emma L. Bennett

It’s time for you to be King (or Queen) of your own castle, Taurus. You are called to take charge of your own world, your own life, your own fate. Decisions need to be made and you’re the only one who can choose the way forward for yourself. Recently, you may have felt like a victim of circumstance and whilst it is true that life will always throw unpredictable and uncontrollable elements into the mix, there are things you can do now to reclaim your power, reclaim your peace and reclaim your life. This is a good time to think about responsibility and how you rise to your own responsibilities in life. Essentially, responsibility means guardianship and care. What areas of your life are calling for your attention and your attentiveness now? What do you need to protect? What do you need to stand for? Whilst you can sometimes avoid taking action through fear, resolving your own problems or issues will give you a renewed sense of strength, knowing and clarity. Making the situation ‘too big’ is another way of avoiding action. Take it all one conscious step at a time and you will realise how capable and competent you are in creating what it is that you desire. This is where you can shift from powerless to powerful, Taurus. And this continues the theme from last month, that good ol’ quote from Glinda The Good Witch, “You've always had the Power, my Dear. You just had to learn it for yourself.”

(Pisces also received The Emperor this month, so you guys are in alignment! Have a read of their ‘Scope to see if it resonates)

The World

Gemini: The World

By Oneness Vibration

For Gemini, we have The World. Gemini is my home sign. I feel like you can have the tendency to go wherever the wind may happen to take you, but I feel that for December, you could be passing a point of no return. Gemini is still going with the flow… But, you’re going from a place of groundedness and stability within oneself, rather than just blowing wherever… You aren’t going to keep going into old cycles that you know aren’t working - because your heart tells you if it’s in alignment with you or not. In December, you’re trusting your heart and learning from the experiences you’ve had. You are finding yourself more for having gone through those experiences. When you remember who you are, in this moment, you move forward confidently and in balance. Sometimes it takes knowing what you don’t want, to know what you do want. Gemini, you’re taking the lessons forward with you and you have evolved for having gone through them. You’re still finding ways to lead with love and share what stability you’ve found for yourself with others, despite it all. Celebrate your growth!

Ten of Wands

Cancer: Ten of Wands

By Emma L. Bennett

At this point in the year, or perhaps at this point in your journey, you have questions about where things are going, what will unfold and what you should be doing. What’s next? What’s next? What’s next? Your curiosity is wonderful. Of course you would ask these questions because you’re eager and you really do care. However, it is not the time for what’s next. The only relevant question is: What’s now? I’m sure you’d agree that today is full enough. And tomorrow will be too. This month is jam-packed for you, Cancerian! You’ve got enough going on. That which is happening today is calling for your attention. What is happening today has so very much to give - do you really want to miss it because you were distracted, looking around for what’s next? This is a call for presence, let Life reveal itself to you. Take a break, you don’t have to go seeking anything. It will all be delivered, it will all align with you along the way, it will unfold from where you are. Should you surrender to this graceful presence, you’ll also rekindle that feeling of magic, that feeling of faith, that feeling of Divinity as everything you need arrives in time with you. This presence is pretty abundant! It is right here, right now that you will get all the directions, all the knowing, all the answers that you are seeking. Once more, today is full enough.

(Capricorn also received the Ten of Wands this month, so you guys are in alignment! Have a read of their ‘Scope to see if it resonates)

Ten of Cups

Leo: Ten of Cups

By Oneness Vibration

Leo, Leo, Leo! We have the 10 of Cups coming out for you. When I look at this, I feel like your happiness is in your hands this December. You can create magic in your life! It flows from the inside out. Rhythm and harmony, it’s all in your hands, Leo. And with that, so are any negative feelings. Discord and disharmony can be there as well, but it’s up to you to release those illusions of feeling entrapped by those feelings. It’s alright, discord and disharmony may be there, ‘cause it shows you where you aren’t empowering yourself. You cannot celebrate life and love and feel trapped or stalemated at the same time. It has to be one or the other. If you can release any burdens you might have been carrying with you, ones that keep you feeling weighed down in place and from realizing your own power, then you can help to lighten your mental load. You will realize that you already have the power you’re seeking. You will realize yourself into this cycle of self empowerment. There can be great power and sustainability in using that to your advantage, if you will so allow it. Happiness comes from within and you hold the keys.

The Hermit

Virgo: The Hermit

By Emma L. Bennett

It’s time to take a break from pushing onwards. A period of rest and even respite and recovery is required. There’s encouragement for you to choose a little time out, so that Life doesn’t have to force you to sit down on your ass. It will feel more empowering if you do it consciously, rather than be wrestled into submission by the Universe. It can be hard to give yourself permission to take some real time off. It can be even harder to do if you use ‘keeping busy’ as a way to avoid other difficult emotions or decisions. What have you been trying to put off or been unwilling to face? A feeling? A change? A choice? Whilst you might have been evading it through fear, you should know that you can totally handle this, Virgo. Of course, you won’t feel that’s true if you’re all burnt out from running in circles. By allowing for some down time this month, you will have the time to recharge your batteries, restore your physical balance, get your head straight and regain your strength. Change is on the horizon and every day, you're a day closer to it. You can use this time to get ready. Not by creating even more busy work, but by chilling out, resting, healing. Pair back, reduce, do less - not more. This little break will realign your head, your heart and your body and from there, you can absolutely handle this, that and anything else.

Queen of Wands

Libra: Queen of Wands

By Oneness Vibration

Libra, I feel like in all fairness, be confident in yourself and your inner flame during December. This also means be confident in your timing as well… In as many aspects of your life as you can. I feel like you’ve gone through a lot of transforming over the year(s) and you’ve learned so much about yourself and others. There is a core part of you that is balanced and finding stability and confidence in yourself overall, as you have navigated through all the shifts and transitions that life has brought you. You’re not the same person you were a week ago, let alone a year ago. If you choose to celebrate that progress, know that you deserve to shine your light as brightly as you wish - knowing that it doesn’t dim the light of anyone else around you. This December, I feel that you are bold, confident and balanced in yourself and that is going to express outwardly into your physical life. You are confidently shining brightly and illuminating the shadows as you follow your passion, joy, excitement and curiosity. The end of one journey brings the start of a new one. Walk forward in confidence and knowledge, blazing a new trail from accumulated experience.

Two of Wands

Scorpio: Two of Wands

By Emma L. Bennett

Happy Birthday to our November, Scorpios! There’s magic at work with you. What you want, you’re receiving. What you desire, it’s arriving. You’re in the right place, at the right time, meeting the right people. The synchronicity is HOT with you right now. It is easy! It’s exciting! It’s fun! Life is rekindling your belief in magic, in miracles, in the Divine. This is reminding you that you don’t have to coerce or control everything you want into place. You’re not doing it all alone. You are Divinely supported, guided and provided for. There are unseen forces at work, helping you along, taking care of you and reaching places beyond your own limitations. You’re feeling reconnected and it’s giving you a real boost. This is having a positive impact on how you feel about yourself, how you feel about your future, how you feel about Life. And it’s from here that you can not only be led into some pretty big experiences but also rise up for them. This is the build up, the readying, the strengthening. All of this is redeveloping your faith and that faith makes you brave. There’s nothing you need to do. Just be here for it. As our good friend Rumi said, “What you seek is seeking you.”

King of Cups

Sagittarius: King of Cups

By Oneness Vibration

Happy Birthday to our December Saggies! Sagittarius… I feel that December for you holds potential for great emotional Love. December could be one that hits close to home. Not in a bad way, but in a tangibly emotional way. You might really feel and soften a bit to your emotions, with new ways of being aware of them. Not to judge them or criticize them for being there, but just making space for them and letting them be part of your balance, rather than throwing you off. I feel like you have this ability, this gift, to rule over your life. Not just with power but with love and a deep emotional understanding, a deep awareness and connection to your life and self, that’s been accumulated along with this power you possess. So, I feel like any new opportunities that may pop up in your experience, you’re able to more easily navigate its ebbs and flows, because you already hold space and rule with emotional depth from within yourself - and your own ebbs and flows. This December, I feel like there’s an opportunity to just breathe into the ease of riding with the flow of life, that is already there, by centering within yourself and tuning into it.

Ten of Wands

Capricorn: Ten of Wands

By Emma L. Bennett

Happy Birthday to our December Cappies! Everyone knows that Cap is great in a crisis because you have incredible problem solving skills. Your inquisitive mind means you’re a natural at figuring things out. But right now, whatever is going on, is not necessarily for you to figure out. This is a time where you might not see the way ahead or that the answers you seek feel just out of reach. Could it be that life needs to reveal more information to you before you can act? I’m getting a common British saying come through, ‘You can’t see the wood for the trees’. It means that when we look too closely at something, we can’t always see it clearly and we certainly cannot see the whole of it. This suggests that the answers you seek are right here, right now - but that you need to be in the right place, or wait for the right time, to see them. It’s a good time to take a step back. You need to put something down, go for a walk, get some fresh air, do something fun, engage in something different. I am reminded of Albert Einstein who would take a break from solving a science problem by playing the piano or the violin. It helped him to see with more clarity. It is through play, through art, through music, through creativity, through fun, through togetherness, through joy that you will regain sparkling clarity, Cap. This is a call for presence, let Life reveal itself through you.

(Cancer also received the Ten of Wands this month, so you guys are in alignment! Have a read of their ‘Scope to see if it resonates)

Nine of Pentacles

Aquarius: Nine of Pentacles

By Oneness Vibration

Aquarius… This was an interesting shuffle. Just putting it out there, there could be some unsureness when it comes to changes happening in your life or maybe to those around you. This could also be a good time to communicate how you’re feeling, even if you think it may come out sounding more emotional than logical. Following the passion of life is not logical. This December, focusing on your passions, wrapping yourself up into enjoying the fruits of your labours will be the vibe. But I think this could be a good time to communicate how you’re feeling inside, as it pertains to others and yourself. You want to be fair to others but you’ve also gotta be fair to yourself and tend to your own garden. Having a life gives you choice. That’s privilege and it’s nothing to feel bad about. Giving yourself, your passions and your joy a little more focus this December might just balance your energy out. As will communicating that to others, if you feel you want to do that, can progress you forward in new and balanced ways. But, always trust yourself and do what you feel is balanced and best with yourself. You’re shifting into endings with the Nine energy and into new life energies. You don’t need to take the baggage with you now. In fact, you deserve to enjoy life, now.

The Emperor

Pisces: The Emperor

By Emma L. Bennett

There’s an ongoing theme with you, Pisces, in which you are caught between what other people want you to do versus what you want to do. You may be feeling pretty tested, with certain people pushing up against you and challenging your choices. Life (the Universe, the Spirit world, the Divine) isn’t testing you, Pisces. But, those people certainly are. They’re testing your resolve, your changing identity, their control over you. You are called to listen to your own knowings, your own intuition, your own heart and to keep choosing what feels right and true for you. This process is repetitive and has been rolling over and over this year. This is because each time you do it, you become stronger and more connected to yourself. By honouring your own needs, your own wants, your own desires, you are strengthening your own sense of self and allowing your own voice to be heard, to have a place in the world. And you should know, this is readying you for bigger - and incredibly beautiful things. I am reminded of a scene from the TV show, Friends in which Rachel is umming and ahhing over whether to get a tattoo. Phoebe says to her, “Who is the boss of you?” and Rachel nervously replies, “You?”. Phoebe shakes her head and says, “No, YOU are the boss of you!” Pisces, please remember, YOU are the boss of you!

(Taurus also received The Emperor this month, so you guys are in alignment! Have a read of their ‘Scope to see if it resonates)

Lots of love,

Emma xxx

For more information and to book in for time, sessions and readings with me, visit my website:

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