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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Tarotscopes: November 2023

This November, there are themes of both transitions and the in-between, big inner power and big powerful life changes. It’s worth being mindful that people are in different places on the journey. For some, you will be beautifully placed to be an inspiration for people. For others, it’s time to connect with those who are experiencing life from a similar place to you. No matter where you are on the way, almost everyone is experiencing big feelings and facing big choices right now. Remember to be gentle with yourself and protect your wellbeing if that’s what you need.

This month I am using The Wild Unknown Tarot from Kim Krans. It’s a beautiful and inspiring deck and I love connecting in with it.

Please note: These messages are not the traditional card meanings nor the messages from the accompanying book. I use these cards to inspire and invoke intuitive messages to come through to me and then I share them with you.

Aries - Three of Wands

Aries: Three of Wands

The support you’ve received over the years has strengthened you, Aries. You are who you are because of the help, care, generosity and love that you’ve shared with others. This month is a good month to consider how your relationships have shaped you, how they’ve contributed to a solid foundation to become who you are. What have your best connections provided you? Spend some inside these questions, open it up with your higher self for conversation. The answers could be just what you need to feel empowered, to feel clear, to feel loved. This is an important part of the process Aries, because what comes next is a calling to rise into your independence. Key areas of your life are being transformed. Potentially, areas connected to career, money, creativity or deep inner yearnings. In the past, you would have relied on other people’s ideas, solutions or even rescue. But now, you’re ready to stand on your own two feet and take charge of your own life. You’re going to be doing it your way, doing it for yourself and it’s a big deal. This is what you want, this is what you have wanted for a long time. Whilst you might be tempted to stick your fingers in your ears, run far away or pretend you don’t really want this, remember that there’s nothing to be afraid of. Tune into all that’s gone into you, all you’ve learned, all you have become through the love of others and use that experience now to move yourself forward.

Taurus - The Hermit

Taurus: The Hermit

There are endless options, endless ways, endless ideas, endless possibilities. Having choices is such a glorious freedom but feeling torn between too many choices can be overwhelming. It feels as though there have been too many cooks in your kitchen, Taurus. Too many people, with too many ideas about what is the best or right way. No wonder you can’t hear your own inner voice. The answers you seek will not be found ‘out there’. You are being called to come away from the loud, busy world and turn inwards, Taurus. You have a good connection with your inner being… Sometimes, in all the confusion, you forget that. You do know your own heart, you two are good friends, and like all relationships - you need to create space to be with one another, to listen to one another, to love one another. This month, you may find that plans aren’t planning or the Universe finds ways to give you some down time. This quiet time is a gift. Meditate, journal, do some breath work, take a break, allow for healing, listen to your heart. Spend some quality time with yourself and you will realise that you’re not trapped in this world. The keys that you require, to unlock and free yourself, to open the doors that lead you to where you want to be, are closer than you think.. Glinda The Good Witch said it best, “You had the power all along, my dear”.

Gemini - Seven of Cups

Gemini: Seven of Cups

Whilst you crave some clarity, some stability and even some solidity, your life is currently in motion. You are in transition Gemini and you are living between worlds. What you once knew, is slowly breaking down and where you’re going, is still developing into its full form. You’re not ‘nowhere’, you’re in both places, at once. You may find this feels true with your earthly self and your spiritual self, but also through specific life transitions. You’re in two places at once. You are here and you are there. And this is exactly where you’re supposed to be. This might feel somewhat disconcerting. A little nausea would be appropriate. This month is not the time for big decision making, Gemini. Not whilst things are still moving, still taking shape, still becoming. In alchemy, there’s a phrase: Solve et Coagula. It translates into ‘dissolve and coagulate’ and it represents the stage of the alchemical process when the elements individually dissolve down before unifying and coming back together as something new. During this time, there is nothing one can do but wait, be patient and respect the process. This is a good time for you to let go, let be, let live. You are full of goals and plans and dreams and your growth game is strong, we love that about you. But what if, just for a few weeks, you just let go? Should you do so, you may be surprised at the powerful realisations that rise in you. Let yourself go, let yourself be, let yourself live.

(Scorpio also received the Seven of Cups this month so you two are totally in alignment! Why not give their ‘Scope a read and see how it feels?)

Cancer - Temperance

Cancer: Temperance

This season is stirring up some intense situations with people you know. Confusion, envy, heartbreak, loss and terror cause people to behave in erratic ways. It can be difficult to watch people you know and love struggle or suffer. It can be even harder to watch their pain turn them into total assholes. Yes, there’s some big stuff going on out there… For others. Not for you, Cancer. When your emotional waters are getting choppy, it’s worth asking yourself whether you really have something going on, or whether someone else does, and you need to bubble wrap yourself. You’ve got plenty of greatness going on, take care to protect it. This month, you’re called towards moderation and being a moderator. You will totally be there for others, in moderation. You’ll help out where you can, in moderation. You’ll go out into the big wide world, in moderation. And it would be good for your mental health for you to not take sides on people’s drama - especially whilst the situation is still changing shape and information is coming to light. A good question to ask is, what does this over-involvement distract or protect you from? Sit on the freaking fence, with a pumpkin spiced latte if you like, but sit on the freakin’ fence. Essentially, a little self-moderation will go a long way in protecting yourself. You’ve come a long way, you worked hard to be here, don’t sacrifice your wellbeing for someone else’s learning curve.

Leo - The Chariot

Leo: The Chariot

You have a wealth of life experience with leaping into the unknown and landing on your feet, Leo. There have been times when you have boldly gone where no man has been before. You have moved on inspiration and intuition and reaped the rewards of acting on that gut instinct. On occasion, you’ve played that game of ‘fake it until you make it’ and you actually did make it. It’s a good time to remind yourself of these past glories. Tell the stories to your friends, journal it out or meditate on these moments of victory. This will help you to remember who you are, Leo. What I want is for you to be mindful of your self-talk. How you speak of yourself, how you perceive yourself, how you feel about yourself will make a difference to your journey this month. November is bringing big movement and you’ll either be upfront and steering the carriage, or you’ll feel like you’re being dragged full speed behind it. Either way, life is moving you forward. It will feel much better to you to be at the forefront of these changes, leading your own way. By connecting inwards, with the parts of you that know what it is to be strong, to be brave, to be confident, to be an adventurer, will make it easier to believe in yourself - but also to enjoy this transition. This month calls you to allow change, go with the change, lead with change and above all, be on your own side for this. Remember, you and life are on the same team!

Virgo - Eight of Wands

Virgo: Eight of Wands

In recent weeks, you have felt unclear about how to take yourself forward, how to break out of your circumstances or how to resolve a situation. Whilst you’ve been wishing for a way ahead, a thick fog covered the horizon. The harder you look, the fuzzier everything becomes. In that grey area, it’s easy to wonder, “If I can’t see a way forward, maybe we should just give up and accept things as they are?” But you are not trapped here, dear Virgo. In fact, a lightning bolt of profound change is about to strike from the sky. It will not be subtle, it will not be quiet, it will not go by unnoticed. You will see it, you will feel it, you will know it. This is a flash, bang, bright light, cutting through that dense fog and it will be undeniable to you. News, information and communication is incoming that will provide you with the answers you’ve been waiting for. There will be a flurry of conversation, which will inform your decision making, and then decide you shall. There will be no dilly-dallying. This will be clear, inspired action. This feels like big energy and you’re on the brink of making a big life choice. Be mindful that you may not be able to see the whole staircase at once, it could be one step at a time - but this month you will be ready to take that first step in a brand new direction for yourself. Whilst things may sometimes seem impossible, anything can happen in the next month, the next week, the next day or even the next hour that will change everything.

Libra - Seven of Pentacles

Libra: Seven of Pentacles

As you go deeper and deeper, mining yourself for answers, you may unearth some interesting questions such as; What am I doing? Why am I doing it? What have I gained from this? Where are the rewards for my efforts? Has this been worth it? These questions may be shrouded in a cloud of dust and dirt that’s been stirred up through your inner excavating. Try looking at these same queries again, when you’re in the light, because you will see very different results. This is an inner cleansing and deep healing. You are cleaning out old wounds, particularly those which you use to judge and punish yourself. This process is quite intimately connected with your inner child. You’re going deep within because that’s where you hide your inner child when you’re pretending to be a grown up. Could this be a rescue mission? Maybe it’s time to swoop them up and free them from the basement? Give them some food, a bath and some clean clothes? Hold them, hug them, treat them with tenderness and whisper loving words in their ears. Your inner child is connected to the Divine and brings a message for you. They know where you are to go, what will bring you joy and what calls you. Rather than thinking you know something that they don’t, why not let them outside to play? Paint, dance, sing, run, splash, play music, play an instrument, play tag-you’re-it, play dodgeball, play Cluedo. Listen to your inner child, you’re going through all this clearing to make space for them… Why not let them lead the way?

Scorpio - Seven of Cups

Scorpio: Seven of Cups

Happy Birthday to our November, Scorpios! You are in transition. I can see you as someone who is travelling to a new land. You’ve arrived at the airport, passed through security and check in but are unable to board your plane yet. You cannot go back, yet you cannot go forward. You’re in a liminal space. The time between ‘what was’ and ‘what’s next’. Liminal spaces are often transformative spaces. They are places where you cannot fulfil your usual roles or routines and therefore you shed personas, or even masks or costumes, that you usually adorn yourself with. This causes an internal shift and you are able to unleash other parts of yourself. The thing is, whilst you are eager to move forward, you do not have all the information yet. Let’s draw on the airport again, you don’t know whether your plane will leave on time, whether it will be late, if there’s a storm rolling in or if a volcano will erupt with ash. Maybe you don’t even know which plane you’re boarding? There is more information to come, information that will direct your path, information that’s worth waiting for. Whilst you may not know where you’re going yet, or perhaps how you’ll get there, these inner parts of you are coming up for a reason. They are a valuable clue. These parts of you will be required on the next leg of the journey. So, whilst you’re waiting, allow these parts that are rising to the surface to have some fun, to have free reign, to let loose a little and lead the way.

(Gemini also received the Seven of Cups this month so you two are totally in alignment! Why not give their ‘Scope a read and see how it feels?)

Sagittarius - Ten of Cups

Sagittarius: Ten of Cups

Happy Birthday to our November, Sagittarians! Following some important realisations, you are making strong decisions to cut ties with something which reduced your world into a dreary, depressive greyscale. And now, your life is flooding with colour. You are breaking free from that which was sucking the life out of you. You can breathe again, you can hear the music playing, you can see the stars in the sky and you’re moving to your own rhythm. You have regained your power and this is real power, Sag. You can feel it, filling you, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. You can feel it in your bones. Do not doubt it, do not wrestle it into submission and do not waste on it ‘trying to figure something out’. Breathe it in, just breathe it in. It guides you towards that which delights you, that which excites you, that which fulfils you. It asks you to sing and dance and play and laugh and dream. It guides you towards things that often seem frivolous or unproductive. You might think you should be ‘doing’ something more ‘serious’. If you’ve learned anything, it’s that when you take yourself too seriously, that’s when you seem to land into trouble. The inner power is calling you towards small joys, which may seem light and flippant, but this inner power works in wondrous ways. It leads you to something as it knows it is a portal to other places. It’s all connected. It really is. Follow the lights.

(Aquarius also received the Ten of Cups this month so you two are totally in alignment! Why not give their ‘Scope a read and see how it feels?)

Capricorn - Two of Swords

Capricorn: Two of Swords

It may feel that there are circumstances or situations that are out of your control. You have ideas of how you wish things to change or how you’d like that to happen and you’re willing to do whatever is in your power to create this outcome. However, that fantasy outcome may not be possible at this time. There are times when wishful thinking protects and shields us from processing an uncomfortable (or even painful) reality. Whilst it may be difficult to face the facts, all is not doomed. There are actions that you can take to move forward now and go towards your dreams, but you may need to let go of one lovely idea to make room for realistic solutions. Be mindful not to fall into thinking that if you cannot have it this way, then you do not want it at all. Your heart is in the right place and your wants and desires are valid. You do not need to give up on yourself or your goals. It’s just time to consider other ways to achieve your vision. This month, there will be kind, supportive and Divine forces guiding you to release where you think you should go or what you think should happen, so you are free to clearly see the Divine path rolling out in the front. You may need to feel elements of disappointment or even mourning, of something that wasn’t able to be. If you’re able to accept it and then let go, you will be surprised at how swiftly healing arrives and beautiful, tangible ways forward arrive.

Aquarius - Ten of Cups

Aquarius: Ten of Cups

You are seeing situations, people and yourself from different perspectives, from deeper perspectives. Your vision is highly tuned and you’re seeing with sparkling clarity. You’ve been pulled into your inner and Divine connection and it is powering you up. This power is fuelling a sense of empowerment and it’s supporting you to feel lighter, freer and more fun. This is not a time for control, coercion or meddling and you can feel that. You can feel that you don’t need to ‘do’ anything or move the pieces into the place. You may gently question whether this means you’re lacking motivation. This is not the case. You have motivation but what’s bigger within you is your intention and awareness. You’re aware that if you simmer in this power, the pieces will move for you, they’ll move towards you. You just need to be right where you are in order to meet them. This is a deeply spiritual time for you and this energy is where you thrive. This month is bringing brilliant synchronicity for you. You will be in the right place, at the right time, to meet the right people. Everything is lining up, everything is connected. You won’t want to distract yourself with petty drama or stress because you want to be present, so you can watch it all play out and delight in the ease of it. Protect your energy, relax and enjoy the show. Just remember, there will be audience participation, so rise to occasion when your name is called.

(Sagittarius also received the Ten of Cups this month so you two are totally in alignment! Why not give their ‘Scope a read and see how it feels?)

Pisces - The Star

Pisces: The Star

‘It’s all about you’ continues to be a theme in your life. You may have been finding it difficult to process strong emotions around what you want and do not want. When you feel your body fiercely rejecting something, you’re convinced there’s something wrong with you. When you feel an immense pull towards a desire or dream, you debate whether it would be selfish to pursue it. You tell others that they must do something for themselves, put their own needs and wellbeing first, listen to the call of their own wild heart. That’s your heart speaking and a way of it readying you. Your heart knows that it takes time for you to trust it, because you need to feel safe in following its direction. The good news is, The Star tells us that you’re about to experience the sheer delight you can feel when you receive your heart’s desire. Life itself, will be delivering joy upon joy to you. Wonderful surprise, after wonderful surprise. Gifts, abundance, rewards. This is an auspicious, miraculous and Divine time. Through feeling that elation, that satisfaction, that pure loveliness - you will realise why it’s really worth listening to your heart. Yes, it’s true that some discomfort or disappointment can be felt when you go against the grain or go after your dreams. But use this time of good fortune to fuel you, fill you up and empower you in following your heart. It is absolutely worth it because this is what it feels like when it gets what it wants.

Lots of love,

Emma xxx

For more information and to book in for readings with me, visit my website:

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