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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Tarotscopes: January 2024

Welcome to 2024, friends! Here we are at the beginning of another year… Personally, I always have mixed feelings about January. On one hand, January symbolises a point in time, that humans have decided, to collectively start afresh and look forward. There’s a real energy to that. I love feeling the vast expanse of the year ahead and to breathe that in. I am wide open to all the possibilities that lay ahead and this excites me.

On the other hand, the astrological new year starts with Aries in March. So, in many ways, the next twelve weeks or so are still a winding down. This is the ending of the year and it is still unfolding. The vibe I get right now is this: It’s not over yet! And at the same time, we’re only just beginning.  

This month, I’m doing something different. I am bringing forth a Spirit Animal and a message that is relevant for January, but will also be a powerful and loving guide travelling alongside you for the whole year ahead. I wonder how, where and when your Spirit Animal will show themselves to you - I know they will! I invite you to spend some time bonding, getting to know your Spirit Animal. They will be an ally to you in the months to come.

I am also taking bookings this month for 2024 Readings. These readings will focus on the key themes that will be at the forefront for you in the year ahead. I find these some of the most interesting and exciting readings to share in with you! They can offer loving insight, direction, validation and Divine support. These readings are via telephone or video call, are for around 60 minutes and cost £60.00. To book in for your reading, please send me a message or an email and we’ll seal in our time together.

Please note: These messages are not the traditional card meanings nor the messages from the accompanying book. I use these cards to inspire and invoke intuitive messages to come through to me and then I share them with you. 

Readings are for entertainment purposes only.

Aries: Squirrel

Aries, you have Squirrel as your guide. Squirrel is playful and fun - just like you! When life becomes too heavy or cumbersome, you need to get out of your head and into the big, wide world. Generally, Squirrel doesn’t take life too seriously. He stays light on his feet and light in his heart and encourages the same within you. Ask questions, rather than seek answers. Curiosity and exploration will lead to discovery and the best way to do this is through play. This is an important message for you Aries, as it will be the spiritual tonic you need to get through January and the months ahead. You need fun, a lot of fun. Consider booking this in for yourself in advance, so that you have something to look forward to. Squirrel also asks you to assess, store and respect your resources. Whether that is money, time or emotional and physical energy, you must take stock and be discerning in how you spend and save. The good news is, if you take care of your resources, you will have enough to sustain you through the changes that are ahead. Squirrel highlights enoughness. You do have enough. In fact, there’s plenty to go round. And, you are enough, Aries. Squirrel is by your side to encourage you in taking care of yourself, in taking care of your future and to reconnect you with the plentiful light - both in the world and inside of yourself. 

Taurus: Bee

Bee is your friend, Taurus. Bee is here to say that yes, there is work to be done. But, you are completely capable of it. Now is the time to choose your tasks wisely. Bee says that you need to be clear on what your goals are in order to be committed to them. You’re right, you can’t do everything but you don’t want to do everything. Bee knows how to use her resources wisely, so she isn’t spread too thin or unnecessarily distracted. It’s important to align with your own desires, your own dreams, your own heart. Once you’ve done this, you’ll know where your energy needs to go.  Bee knows that putting in the work creates the sweetest of rewards and it’s important to make time for that. She knows that there’s a time for work and there is a time for rest and will be encouraging this balance in you. Rest will allow you to recharge your energy, appreciate a job well done, learn from experiences, tweak your methods and take in the glorious beauty around you. Essentially, Bee symbolises presence, being present and consciously showing up - with work, with play, with rest and with yourself. Bee will be on your side to keep you committed to your path and your presence, she assures you that the work will be worth the effort and will remind you to make time to enjoy the well earned rewards. 

Gemini: Spider

Your Spirit Animal is Spider, Gemini. Spider is the web-weaver and the term ‘spinning stories’ comes through strong. It is time to spin a different story. Spider is working with you, particularly in regard to how you view and talk about yourself, so that you may see, work and show up in a new light. This will lead you into new places, and new places you shall go, because Spider is a traveller. She goes where the wind takes her… or where a giant hand has moved her, under a big cosmic glass with a piece of paper. Spider has faith in her own capability and resources to begin where she is and will be connecting you to this part of yourself. You can be anywhere in the world and be open to what that place has for you - but also, what you have for that place. There’s much to give, and there’s much to gain, but the message here is really about what you have to give, Gemini. You are bringing something different to the table this year and this is what Spider is drawing out of you. Spider is also symbolic of Divine connection and will be reminding you that Divinely placed people and circumstances are part of the dance - so pay attention to what’s around you. Spider is on your side to show you just how much the world has to offer you, but also awakening and strengthening the knowing inside yourself that you really do have something valuable to offer in the world. 

Cancer: Tortoise

You have Tortoise as your guide, Cancer. It is no surprise that a key message with Tortoise is one of slowing down. Tortoise says the urge to rush the process is really an urge to control and encourages you to make steady, consciously chosen steps at this time. There are benefits to moving slowly. It enables you to pay attention and take in your surroundings, so you don’t miss anything. It gives you space to listen to the Divine and your own heart. This pace will also develop the very thing you’re yearning for: confidence in your choices and faith in the Divine. Tortoise supports your presence and your relationship to what is, what’s now. Don’t make changes for the sake of making changes. What requires your care, your attention and your time is right here, right now - it’s already happening. Tortoise recognises that the world around you may be big and noisy this year and that you will require some self protection. He will be showing you safe ways to draw back from what’s going on, you will need some healthy withdrawal and there are ways to do that are supportive for you.  Retreat will be a key power word. Tortoise also symbolises strength. Tortoise is by your side to support you in your realisation that moving at a different rhythm, honouring your needs and listening to your heart is the gateway to your own strength. 

Leo: Cheetah

Your Power Animal is Cheetah, Leo. Cheetah isn’t constantly on the move but is patiently waiting for the right moment to act. The waiting is purposeful. It gives him time to get ready, to scope out the surroundings, to take in all the information and connect with his intuition. This waiting ensures that he is sure of himself and his next step. When that important time comes to act, he does so with confidence. Cheetah is strengthening you, so that you too may move forward with confidence. Decisions need to be made and then followed up with action. Once you have chosen a path, there will be no going back - but that’s OK! Because you will be ready for these life changes. This is your time to pursue your goals, your desires, your dreams. This will require big energy from you, it makes sense that there will be an emotional build up and you will feel that, but this is the readying. Cheetah also reminds you that he can move at tremendous speed, but only for a short period of time. Once he’s used that burst of energy, he slows back down and rests before the next move. He tells you that you will need to mirror this pattern. Pause, move, rest, pause, move, rest. Cheetah is on your side to support you moving at a new rhythm so you may instigate and achieve impressive and exciting change in your life.

Virgo: Crab

Your animal friend is Crab, Virgo. Whilst everyone is moving forward, Crab is moving sidewards. He reminds you that you’re not going in the same direction as others, as you have somewhere else you want to be. He reminds you not to compare your path nor your process, nor to try and imitate others steps and movements. You’re not them and you’re not going that way. Crab points out that the right people for this stage of your life are also moving sideways. They’re seeing life from the same place, they’re going in a similar direction. You won’t be left alone on this path, you’ll be aligning with people who are a great match for you. Crab promises that who and what you leave behind pales in comparison to the treasures that will be gained. Crab reminds you that you’ve got some super self-protection for this transition, so don’t be shy in using it. You can safely withdraw into your shell house and you are able to cut situations off, you can free yourself with your clippy claws. Just remember, that your self-protection is there to shield you from harm and not from real joy and love. Crab knows when it’s time to protect himself and when it’s time to open up to the love available in this world. He will be supporting your practice of this too. Crab is on your side to show you that you are Divinely protected as you move in new directions and assures you that where you’re going is far better than where you’ve been.

Libra: Hummingbird 

Your spirit guide is Hummingbird, Libra. Hummingbird says that this is a time of deep devotion and meaningful commitment for you. The question she poses is - what are you devoted to? Are you devoted to your passions? Your peace? Your path? Yourself? She invites you to meditate on this question and allow the answer to flutter up from within. She assures you that once you realise this, it will make all choices and decisions easy. Hummingbird goes only to places that align with her desires and in doing so, she is rewarded with ease and clarity, joy and sweetness. Hummingbird is here to remind you that this is not a time for struggle. It is a time of flight, of swift movement and fullness of life. She tells you that this is not something to be afraid of but at one with and that this is a time to follow your heart, to go to all the places that call to your spirit. Hummingbird is not aligned with drama and asks you not to make a battle of this. She is aware that challenges exist and will present themselves but she says that your faith, your loving devotion, will show you the way. Hummingbird is on your side to support you in your devotion and commitments to your heart’s desires and to make the experience of them easy, beautiful and sweet.

Scorpio: Crocodile

Your spirit guide is Crocodile, Scorpio. Crocodile represents the cycles of life, death and rebirth and shows up during a time of transition for you. She sees the changes that you are moving through - the ones you have chosen and the ones that occur beyond your control. Crocodile says, allow the changes to change you. Let life contribute, allow the changes around you and within you to inform your perspective and decision making. She says that this is not a time to try to keep everything the same, not even yourself. Crocodile is often moved by the current of the river. Sometimes, she steps out of the flow and onto the bank. This is always an option. There are indeed times when that comfort and safety is what’s needed. She can stay where she is and nothing changes. But there are times when she needs to let the current move her along, to take her places that she would not have foreseen or chosen herself. When she does this, there is often something special there for her. This is a time for you to let go and open up to what is bigger than you and your own ideas. This is your time to connect with the Divine Mystery and discover what it has for you and to let it lead you. Crocodile is by your side as you go with the flow and allow life to take you beyond your own limits and imagination.

Sagittarius: Beaver

Your Power Animal is Beaver, Sagittarius. Beaver tells you that you are building something new, something big, something valuable - right where you are. Whilst the river is moving and flowing out towards the horizon, Beaver isn’t distracted by what’s going on out there, his focus is right here, where he is. Beaver is a maker, an artist, a creator. He has an idea, a vision, a plan and he’s taking action on it. When he imagines building his dam, his creation, he knows that just like Rome, it won’t be built in a day. He doesn’t think about how long it will take, he just gets to work. One stick, or big ol’ tree, at a time. And he has fun doing it. He reminds you that this kind of work is also playtime for you. Beaver is inspiring the same focus, commitment and fun in your own creative dreams. He says that the creation of your vision is possible, but only if you keep taking small actions towards creating it. This is about a rhythm of work, a rhythm of movement, a rhythm of creation. Beaver says that there will be days that you have to change your rhythm or even adjust your vision. When a storm rolls in, the work has to wait for it to pass. If the river swells and disrupts your creation, you’ll have to repair it or change it. This is not an indicator to stop or give up. It is part of the process. Beaver is on your side to keep you committed to your vision whilst you learn how to move at your own rhythm and the rhythm of life itself. 

Capricorn: Sloth

Happy Birthday to our January Capricorns! Your spirit guide is Sloth, Capricorn. I will admit, I have LOL-ed for this one. I know and love a few Capricorns and almost every single one of them will clench up at the idea of Sloth as their friend. But, I’m going to tell you why you should embrace her. When the world around her is moving fast, Sloth knows how to honour her own intuitive and Divine rhythm. Sloth is with you at this time because your priorities are changing and this year will ask you to adjust your rhythm in reflection of this. There will be less rushing, less urgency and more consideration, more conscious choice, more connection in your movements. Sloth is with you to help you design a new relationship with yourself, with the Divine and with life itself. Slowing down will support you in listening to your inner self and redeveloping your faith which will instil more confidence and knowing in you. Deep down, this is the very thing you’re yearning for. Sloth is not here to ruin your plans but actually help you achieve them. She is here to help you let go, so that you are less distracted or split between things. She is here to help you focus on what’s most important. Sloth is an incredibly powerful spirit animal and will be an ally to you. This is a highly spiritual time for you. She symbolises Divine connection and love in its purest form. I honestly believe she’s a bit of a miracle worker… Sloth is on your side because she has heard your wants, your heart’s deepest desires and she can show you the way - the Divine way - to living them. 

Aquarius: Panther

Happy Birthday to our January Aquarians! Your power animal is Path, Aquarius. Panther is a deep, passionate and powerful animal. She achieves much, yet no one sees what she’s up to. She keeps her actions and movements private. This is a time where you might need to do the same. You need not explain, justify or share what you’re up to with the masses. It’s a good time to protect that which you’re creating, whilst it’s still developing. You just don’t need other people’s energy or opinions involved right now. Panther moves through the jungle at her own pace, in her own time - usually at night time. Nights are vibrationally different from the day. You may find your best time for ideas, inspiration and creative work is when the rest of the world is winding down or fast asleep. If you find you’re firing up in the dark, then embrace this energy and use it to your advantage. This will also be a prime time for spiritual connection. Panther also symbolises the Divine Mystery, she herself is a mystery - only a few understand her ways, and generally, they are other panthers. She reminds you that you do not need to be understood or validated by others, you are a beautiful Divine mystery. This is a time to share yourself only with those who are vibrationally aligned with you.  Panther is by your side to protect your energy, your visions, your dreams and knows that this protection is the very thing you need to strengthen, power up and make some really big things happen. 

Pisces: Mountain Goat

Your spirit animal is Mountain Goat, Pisces. This month, and most certainly this year, you will going to places that you’ve never been before. You’ll be going to places that were once out of reach. You’ll be going further and higher than you’ve ever been. And Mountain Goat is here to help you on the journey. Mountain Goat is brave and he will be inspiring the same bravery in you. He feels fear, he knows the risks of climbing to those heights but he doesn’t allow those fears to hold him back. He pays attention to his fears, he listens to what they have to say and uses that information to make smart decisions. Mountain Goat doesn’t use fake positivity or fantasy as a way of avoiding fear. Being honest about what’s going on is the safest way for him to move forward. He sees a crumbling and shaky ledge and acknowledges it for what it is - and then finds another way. This will be a time where you will need to be honest with yourself about situations, people and yourself. Pay attention to both strengths and weaknesses. This is the way you will bring ideas into reality and get where you’re going. Goat also knows how to move quickly, spontaneously and instinctively. Be ready to embrace opportunities when they present themselves, with some of that Goat braver, so you may take swift, intuitive action.  Mountain Goat is by your side to help you face your fears, to create a new way of co-existing with fear, so that you are free to ascend to the highest heights of your dreams. 

Lots of love,

Emma xxx

For more information and to learn more about readings with me, visit my website:

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