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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Tarotscopes: February 2024

Hello Beautiful Ones! Welcome to February and congratulations, you've made it through January!

As we still ease into the beginning of this year, in my own personal life I am reconnecting with ‘trusting the process’. As my Divine lovingly encourages me to loosen up and to stop trying to control everything, my attention keeps being redirected to the process. The process of myself, the process of creation, the process of experimentation, the process of transformation, the process of life, the process of all things.

With this in mind, it felt good for me to play around with Alchemical symbolism in this month’s Scopes. No one was more about ‘the process’ than the Alchemists.

I’m mixing things up for these ‘Scopes. I’ve condensed them down into stages of the process, key questions and keywords. The reason for this is simple: I do not have the same availability this month to write up the chunkier readings.

So this month, we are playing with Alchemy. To inspire me and get my intuition going, I’ve used the book, The Philosopher's Stones from Dr M. E. Warlick. I invite you to read it for yourself because the information, the history and symbolism is fantastic and fascinating. It comes with alchemy divination stones too!

I appreciate that I am using the term TarotScopes rather loosely right now. Last month, we had power animals and this month we have Alchemy. I guess right now, these are AnythingScopes or maybe EmmaScopes lols. I’m just having fun and I wish the same for you.

Enjoy! x

Please note: These messages are not necessarily the traditional meanings nor messages from any accompanying books. I use these cards, tools and images to inform me, inspire me and invoke my own intuitive messages to come through and then I share them with you. 

Readings are for entertainment purposes only.


Stage of the process: Albedo 

Albedo is the alchemical phase of cleansing and purifying, it is also the process in which the subject is divided into two opposing principles which will coagulate later. 

Key Question: Can you allow one part of your life, or perhaps a part of yourself, to dissolve in order to become something else?

Keywords: Purifying, cleansing, letting go, shedding, emotions, intuition, water, cleaning, washing, readying, strengthening, preparing, dissolving, changing, becoming

Taurus: Water

Stage of the process: Water symbolises emotions in Alchemy and represents allowing feelings to be felt, allowing them to flow and allowing big emotions to be transformative. Emotions aren’t just a step of the process, they are all the steps, they are the whole process.

Key Question: Whilst you usually prioritise the idea of ‘being stable’, could you take pride in that which makes you strong, rather than stable? (Yes, that refers to your feelings).

Keywords: water, strength, softness, flow, fluid movement, intuition, power, divine feminine, emotions, reactions, love, cleansing, releasing, change, allowing, being, transmutation

Gemini: Puffer

Stage of the Process: The term Puffer refers to the bellows used to control the fire in the furnace and is used to describe an alchemist who has misaligned intentions or motivations. It is the stage in which the alchemist reconsiders why they are doing what they’re doing. Really, the Puffer is a stage of reconnection. 

Key Question:  A three-parter: What are you doing this for?  Who are you doing this for? Why are you doing this?

Keywords: Recalibration, reconnection, reassessment, intention, motivation, reason, calling, questioning, fulfilment, wants, desire, calling, needs, alignment, why

Cancer: Earth

Stage of the Process: In Alchemy, Earth symbolises practical matters and material resources and possessions. It represents stability and is a sign that you have a solid ground to plant seeds into. 

Key Question: What do you need in order to begin, to cultivate and to follow through - step by step - with your goal?

Key Words: stability, foundation, seeds, beginnings, learning, planting, tending, respecting, practicalities, resources, planning, respect, consideration, care, balance, vision, observation, mapping

*Libra also received Earth this month - you guys are vibing in alignment!

Leo: Rubedo

Stage of the Process: Albedo is the process in which the subject is dissolved down into two opposing principles. Rubedo is the process in which those same parts have transformed and now coagulate and in doing so, become something different, something new. 

Key Question: Following recent revelations or transformations, which have irrevocably changed you…  Who are you?

Keywords: Union, love, togetherness, achievement, coagulate, transformation, new, different, becoming, growth, change, strength, passion, power, balance, harmony, wholeness, reunion, equilibrium, fertility, beginnings, fruitfulness

*Scorpio AND Sagittarius also received Rubedo this month - you guys are vibing in alignment!

Virgo: Nigredo

Stage of the process: At the beginning of the alchemical process, primal matter must be destroyed and go through a process of decay. Opposing principles are dissolved before they coagulate as something new. Nigredo is the blackest, darkest stage of the matter before coagulation begins. It’s always darkest before the dawn. Nigredo is the point where rebirth can start. It is the moment just before the light breaks through. 

Key Question:  Whilst trusting that you are so very, very close now, you’re nearly there, a new dawn is about to rise - can you take good loving care of yourself, just for today? 

Keywords: Night, separation, destruction, transformation, purification, letting go, endings, allowing, beginning, seeds, germination, development, survival, primal, calling, reduction, recuperate, recover, hibernation, conservation, sleep, meditation, prayer, inner self, hermit, rebirth, hope, healing, Divinity

Libra: Earth

Stage of the Process: In Alchemy, Earth symbolises practical matters and material resources and possessions. It represents stability and is a sign that you have a solid ground to plant seeds into. 

Key Question: Will you allow yourself to begin again? Or to just be a beginner - and not a master - at this time?

Key Words: stability, foundation, seeds, beginnings, learning, planting, tending, respecting, practicalities, resources, planning, respect, consideration, care, balance, vision, observation, mapping

*Cancer also received Earth this month - you guys are vibing in alignment!

Scorpio: Rubedo

Stage of the Process: Albedo is the process in which the subject is dissolved down into two opposing principles. Rubedo is the process in which those same parts have transformed and now coagulate and in doing so, become something different, something new. 

Key Question: Can you shift the focus and effort from what you think you would like to be, and allow yourself to powerfully lead with who you have already become, who you already are? 

Keywords: Union, love, togetherness, achievement, coagulate, transformation, new, different, becoming, growth, change, strength, passion, power, balance, harmony, wholeness, reunion, equilibrium, fertility, beginnings, fruitfulness

*Leo AND Sagittarius also received Rubedo this month - you guys are vibing in alignment!

Sagittarius: Rubedo

Stage of the Process: Albedo is the process in which the subject is dissolved down into two opposing principles. Rubedo is the process in which those same parts have transformed and now coagulate and in doing so, become something different, something new. 

Key Question: Can you let go of trying to grow into something else (for just a moment) and realise that you’ve already done the growing, you’ve already become who you are meant to be?

Keywords: Union, love, togetherness, achievement, coagulate, transformation, new, different, becoming, growth, change, strength, passion, power, balance, harmony, wholeness, reunion, equilibrium, fertility, beginnings, fruitfulness

*Leo AND Scorpio also received Rubedo this month - you guys are vibing in alignment!

Capricorn: Athanor

Stage of the process: The Athanor is the furnace that holds and heats the alchemical vessel, the alembic. Firing up and then keeping this vessel at a stable temperature is a valuable part of the process. Heating and cooling are both essential in preparing the substances properly. 

Key Question: Are you ready to turn up the heat and fan the flames of your project, goal or dreams now? 

Keywords: Heating, cooling fire, action, stability, constancy, consistency, strength, protection, Divine support, care, moderation, venting, observation, reactions, control, self-control, activity, movement, connection, intuition, instinct, responsibility, accountability

Aquarius: Philosophic Mercury

Happy Birthday to our February Aquarians! 

Stage of the Process: Primal Matter is composed of two parts. Philosophic Mercury represents the feminine part. Through the alchemical process, Philosophical Mercury is separated from its masculine counterpoint, Philosophic Sulphur. They are dissolved down, purified and refined and then later are reunited as something new.

Key Question: Whilst your head might not be able to solve this for you, can you trust that your heart knows something important and can lead the way?

Keywords: Intuition, creativity, Divine feminine, receptivity, insight, psychic, knowings, emotions, flow, reflection, deep, inner self, moon, night, inspiration, contemplation, reactions, feelings, strength, balance, heart

Pisces: Philosophic Sulphur

Happy Birthday to our February Pisceans!

Stage of the Process: Primal Matter is composed of two parts. Philosophic Sulphur represents the masculine part. Through the alchemical process, Philosophical Sulphur is separated from its feminine counterpoint, Philosophic Mercury. They are dissolved down, purified and refined and then later are reunited as something new.

Key Question: Are you willing to remain open and curious as you take bold and courageous steps into the wild unknown?

Keywords: Energy, action, movement, curiosity, logic, practicalities, strength, power, courage, thinking, clarity, balance, sun, light, learning from mistakes, growing, resilience, determination, novice, beginner, engagement, participation

Lots of love,

Emma xxx

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