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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Tarotscopes: November 2022

November Tarotscopes using The Enchanted Tarot
The Enchanted Tarot from Amy Zerner & Monty Farber

November Tarotscopes have landed!

This month, I am using The Enchanted Tarot from Amy Zerner and Monty Farber. I've had it for years and years and it still one of my most beloved decks. In my personal deck, the embossing is faded and rubbed off, having passed through my hands so many times. I truly adore these cards and I'm warm and fuzzy to use them with you today for your Tarotscopes.

Aries: Queen of Swords

This month, you are encouraged to speak your Truth, Aries. Be honest, be direct and say how you feel. You might umm and ahh over how this will go down but what you have to say is also what needs to be heard. It's worth asking yourself, what is the most loving way I can say this? It will help you to speak boldly but also with tact and kindness. However, don't try too hard to be palatable and digestible. If you disguise the pill-of-truth in too much cheese, it may go unnoticed completely. Speaking your truth will make you feel in alignment with your integrity and that will always be right for you.

Taurus: The Sun

November is a blessed time for you, Taurus! There's fun, celebration and togetherness to enjoy and you are safe to revel in it. People may be spinning tops around you but remember it's not you, it's not happening to you, it's not your story, it's not your circus and these are not your monkeys. You are alright. As my Taurean daughter would say, "You do you, gurl." Remember, what is happening for you now, is what you wanted and you're allowed to delight in this. Keep counting your blessings and watch how more blessing keep rolling in. We might be heading into Winter here, with stormier weathers and darker nights, but it's all sunshine for Taurus this month.

Gemini: Princess of Pentacles

Practical solutions are coming in to bring some much longed for stability into your life, Gemini. This month, mountains become molehills for you. You may be surprised at how easy things can come together. Together is a key word here - you won't be figuring it all out or doing it alone. Others are coming to lend a hand. Know that when they arrive, they are the solution you've asked for and you are safe to welcome them in. You should find that with less to worry about, life becomes more manageable again and far easier to navigate. And you feel more rested, more relieved and more relaxed. The support this month feels like an answer to prayer, your heart is heard Gemini.

Cancer: Prince of Pentacles

This month is all about accepting Divine Timing, Cancer. And I have the Serenity Prayer coming through here for you: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, it courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Remember, not everything is your fault or doing and therefore not your responsibility to fix. Don't be so hard on yourself Cancer, you've truly done enough and are enough. Allow yourself the gift of rest this month and know that in this space, Spirit will move you forward as if by magic, in ways that are bigger than your own imagination.

Leo: Queen of Hearts

Leo, this month it is time to show up for your people. Be a Giver. You are full of warmth, fun, kindness, knowledge generosity and love. You have so much to give and now is the time to give it. In the past, you felt a bit burned because you gave in places that maybe didn't appreciate your or return your affection and that always sucks. However, this shouldn't hold you back anymore. If you're not sure where is safe for you to give, then give to other Givers. They always want it and need it and energetically, it will circle right back to you somehow. You always feel your best when you're being loving and this month there will be ample opportunity to show up.

Virgo: Nine of Pentacles

November asks you to make yourself your top priority, Virgo. Your needs, your wants, your desires, your health, your wellbeing should all be ushered to top of the list. It's all about you, it's all about you baby. You are the foundation Virgo. Do you realise that? This whole kingdom you're creating is built from you, so it makes good sense to look after yourself. You might feel that you're letting others down by stepping back somewhat or by needing them to pick up more weight - but the people on your side actually want you to do this. They've been waiting for you to do this, they will throw their hands in the air with joy when you do this - and are willing to step up and help you out in order for you to achieve it.

Libra: Prince of Hearts

November asks you to follow your heart, Libra. When you're caught swaying between heart and head, place one hand on your heart and just listen... Remember, the head thinks it knows something but your heart really does know. And you can trust it. It is ready and is just waiting for you to listen. This month wants to be deeply connective and intuitive for you. Space will be created for you to hear you. It will be about heart-felt conversation, heart-felt communion, heart-felt contentment. As you feel your heart pulling you forwards Libra, all you have to do is not dig your heels in. Your heart is longing for change and it knows exactly where to take you.

Scorpio: Eight of Hearts

Happy Birthday Scorpios! Now is the time let go of what has been in order to make room for what shall become. The past isn't repeating itself and doesn't look like it will be any time soon. Did you need to hear that? However, with all the brand new experiences you might feel like you don't know what you're doing. That's OK! Now is a good time to reshape what 'being ready' looks like to you. Is it knowing everything already? Or is it being willing to learn? Soften up on your perfectionism and relax into curiosity and discovery. New experiences are coming to spice up your life this month but remember not to cling on too tightly to your old safety blankets, let go and gently lean in Scorpio... You are ready for this.

Sagittarius: Strength

Happy Birthday to the November Saggies! This month is about reconnecting with yourself Sag. Ahhh there you are! You had a wobbly few months, or maybe years, but your inner strength is returning and you are feeling more and more like you again. Remember, your strength never came from facts, figures and information. It never came from getting it right. It came from your connection and your trust in that connection. This month you will be called to connect, connect, connect - every step of the way. This is your readying Sag, this is your building up, your strengthening... For something far grander to come in the near future. Know that the steps you take this month cannot be skipped so just commit to process and see where they lead.

Capricorn: Ten of Hearts

There is a call for Togetherness this month, Cap. Be with your people. It is here that you will feel a deep sense of belonging, nourishment and fulfilment. And fun! Woohoo! And that's all very lovely but it's also purposeful. When you feel filled up in this way, you are connected into a different intuitive spectrum. You can see clearly, you are able to flow and you're instinctive knowings are spot on. Your people are the place for you to be charged up before you charge onward. It seems almost too simple but it really is the fast track for you in November. So, when the call comes, answer it. Say yes to that cuppa, meet your buddy for lunch or have some fun with your besties this month.

Aquarius: Four of Pentacles

This month asks you to protect that which is most meaningful to you, Aquarius. It might be a dream, it might be a relationship, it might be a project, it might be your wellbeing but there is something that is deeply valuable to you that wants your attention now. Connect in with why you wanted this originally, what does it mean to you, why it is precious to you and what it is asking of you in order to care for it. You are being asked to invest into it, prioritise it and protect it from harm - especially from outside drama or even your own negative thoughts, anything that is chipping at it. This month, you may have to turn down, refuse or reject that which doesn't align with you and your treasure. But know, you are Divinely blessed with this Aquarius and with your tender care, this will only become more abundant.

Pisces: Six of Pentacles

November will be reminding you of how valuable and beautiful you are Pisces. There is much happening this month to celebrate you and have you feeling cherished. Both the Spirit world and your people will be finding ways to have you feeling held and loved. And I feel that you're winning this month, in more ways than one, so maybe enter the competitions! Through feelings of appreciation and affection, there's renewed connection to yourself and this will bring change. Don't be surprised if your goals or visions change slightly. It is just because your standards have gone up and you're realising you can have something better, something more. It's an upgrade! Bask in the glow this month Pisces, you are worthy of all this loving.

Lots of love to you all this month,

Emma xxx

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