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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Tarotscopes: May 2023

Your May 2023 Tarotscopes!

This month, I am using my good ol’ Rider Waites. My trusty sidekick. We have such a long term relationship, they make connecting easy and instant. I have real life friends and family like that too. I love everyone and everything that makes connection easy and natural. Maybe that’s a theme for our month ahead?

Please note: These messages are not the traditional card meanings nor the messages from the accompanying book. I use these cards to inspire and invoke intuitive messages to come through to me and then I share them with you.

Aries: The Tower

Wooooooo Aries! Well, this is unexpected. And apparently, so is your May. The Tower indicates significant life changes. There’s nothing subtle about a Tower. It’s obvious ‘whomp there it is’ change. Let’s say from the off: Towers aren’t always scary. This could be incredibly positive for you. The message I have here is to go with it. Don’t deny it, try to undo it or go back, don’t pretend it isn’t happening. Also - do not panic. There are changes happening for you and your loved ones. For some of you, you had a hunch this was coming. For others, you didn’t see it coming. Either way, the surprise is in the timing. The biggest thing here is not that change is happening, it’s that it’s happening now. And this might throw your plans off a little. These plot twists will be bringing out big sides of you - strength, power and love - and I feel you called this month. You are called to take charge and you are called to take care - of yourself and others. This is a call to leadership Aries and the message is go with it. Whatever is happening for you, you can handle it. You are strong, you are visionary, you are kind, you are capable and you really can handle it. Allow these changes to lead you down paths you wouldn’t have chosen to venture and know that whatever is there, one step at a time, you can handle it. And I have a feeling that life will provide you with deep connections, clear directions and unbelievable blessings, in ways that you didn’t even know you needed.

Taurus: Nine of Wands

Happy Birthday to our May Taureans! This month, there’s no rush, take it easy and take stock. It’s a good time to reflect on what you have lived and how you have grown this past year. There’s been a lot of life. Yes, there have been challenges but there have also been many blessings. So often, we consider how we have overcome our difficulties and how the tough stuff has made us who we are. But don’t forget, the good things that happened to you and for you also changed you. You are who you are because of the great things that happened for you. Of course, you can think about those things you never want to do again (if it’s possible) but this month encourages you to also count your blessings. The good news is, the next few weeks are feeling pretty abundant. You should be feeling the love from people and from Spirit. You’ll have even more blessings to be thankful for. There’s no need to be rushing into your next chapter, slow down, take a stroll. Before moving into the next thing, soak up the journey that brought you here. Soak up the here and now. There is a lot to be in love with, right here. By taking stock, you’ll be sealing all of this into your sense of self and connecting with you and you’ll realise you have just what you need for your next adventure, when the time comes. And it is coming Taurus, but for now, it’s ok to be here.

Gemini: Six of Cups

Happy Birthday to our May Geminis! This month is calling for more playtime, Gem. The last few weeks or months have been heavy going. It’s time to take a strategic break. But this break is for you to have some fun. This month is calling for you to connect with your people, go for lunch, have a bbq, wander in nature, have an adventure, maybe have a weekend away. Your heart needs light and ease and joy and laughter. You need to remember that life is more, it’s more than what you've experienced of late. It is colourful and hilarious and spectacular and loving. You may find that you’ve ‘had enough’ and that’s the calling, Gemini. That’s the calling that says, I am done with this and I need some of that. Thankfully, your playmates are available and also in need of some fun. You should find the invitations coming in, that’s the world calling you back into it, saying ‘We are here, we are here for you’. Answer that call, Gemini. It is an absolute priority throughout May. If you need to book time for it, do it. Even if it’s just an hour a day. This break is just what you need to refresh you and clear the dust and dirt off. By allowing yourself to be refuelled through creativity, socialising, play and togetherness - your sparkling clarity will return, your energy levels will be restored and your heart will feel full once again. This is just what you need before strutting into your next phase.

Cancer: The Star

This month, the spotlight is on you, Cancerian. This is your month to be recognised, appreciated and celebrated. You may have been wondering if all your efforts have been noticed and throughout May, you will know they have as people are singing your praises. Of course, there’s a line of thought that says we don’t need outside validation. However, there’s other theories that suggest that we only come to full existence through our relationships. Whichever way you sway on that, let’s face it, it’s lovely to be seen, felt and realised by others. All of this celebration also works as a mirror, reminding you of how awesome you are and you’re feeling full. Don’t bat away those compliments. Hear them, embrace them, welcome them, seal them into yourself. Those good vibes give your self worth a boost and you feel capable of anything. Which is great because this month, new opportunities and adventures open up for you because you’re amazing, because you’re special, because you are you. Walk tall through those doors! You can do this! This is your time - you are the star here.

Leo: Judgement

May asks you to make some big choices and decisions for yourself, Leo. This month is not about ‘waiting for life to happen’ to you or for you. If you want things to change, you’re going to be the one who makes those changes happen. The good news is, you’re absolutely capable of it. There’s strong energy coming in through you to support you in feeling clear, inspired and brave. This month, you are not willing to be a victim of circumstance. Yes, unplanned events happen in life, they happen to all of us. There are times when we truly are not in control. However, in the next few weeks, Spirit will be reminding you that this time, you do have a choice in what you do next and where you go next. You may have to cast off other people’s opinions or ‘ways of doing’ things so that you may walk your own path. You might have to go against your own past self even - maybe you said you were going one direction and now you want to go another? That’s OK. Follow your gut, follow your instincts, follow your intuition. You’re being pulled forward now and you are ready for these changes, Leo.

Virgo: Queen of Swords

This month you are protecting your kingdom, Virgo. You are in protection mode. But it doesn’t look like a woodlouse, all curled up in a little ball in a dark corner somewhere. It is brave and it is bold and ok, it’s a little shaky at times - but it is strong. Virgo is done with other people’s nonsense, interference and damage. As I said, you are protecting your kingdom. You’re protecting your health, you are protecting your mental wellbeing, you are protecting your heart, you’re protecting your family, you’re protecting your home, you’re protecting your space, you’re protecting your dreams, you’re protecting your present and you’re protecting your future. You are rising, Virgo! The Queen of Swords doesn’t listen to the opinion of sheep. You do not need the permission of others. You are owning this. This month is all about you listening to your knowings, honouring your knowings and taking strategic action on your knowings. You may not have it all figured out at once - but you’re taking real, proactive, valuable steps in protecting what matters and the whole Universe is backing you up for this.

Libra: Knight of Swords

This month, you are moving fast and you’re moving spontaneously! Usually, you like to think things through, mull it over, weigh it all up and take your time, be sure of your decisions, Libra. You have no patience for waiting around this month. There is an energy pumping through and it is moving you. You are taking charge, you are saying yes, you are saying now and you are grabbing life with both hands. This movement from within you is aligned with bigger things, Libra. You are getting things moving and life responds in kind. I’ve noticed that Libras do this thing… Where they are quite comfortable keeping everything the same for a while or just moseying along seeing what life brings, not really meddling in anything, just rolling along and they can do that for years …and then suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, they have a phase of making some off-the-cuff, crazy, wild life choices that spin everything in a new direction. This feels like one of your wild chapters kicking in. You may surprise people this month with your unexpected decisions but you’re going places and nothing can stop you. And you’re actually in alignment with your own cycles. It’s time, Libra, you’re on the move!

Scorpio: Ace of Wands

This month you are allowing your passions to be a priority again, Scorpio. You’re realising what you enjoy, what’s fun for you, what you love, what moves you and you’re allowing it to not only have more space in your life but perhaps even be one of your top priorities now. Previously, you’ve found reasons to put those callings to the side because there were other things going on that required your time and attention. But now, you’re owning their value and importance to you at this time. These passions are really about you, Scorpio. They speak of who you are. Denying them is to deny yourself. Allowing them to have their time now, is actually allowing yourself to have this time. You may find that you’re slightly challenged this month. Other parts of your life want more of you - maybe it’s your work or some sort of drama? It asks you to put your passions aside because this is more important. Once upon time, you would have done just that. But not anymore, not now, not this month. Because this passion, this part of you is too important to put on the bench, too valuable to demote, too special to ignore. By standing for what you believe in, by standing for yourself - you will be sealing in, solidifying and opening up to huge changes in yourself and your world, Scorpio. It’s bigger than you can imagine right now but it’s leading to another way of living and it’s worth doing.

Sagittarius: The High Priestess

This month, you are asked to move out of your head and into your heart, Sagi. Perhaps you’ve been too thinky lately? You’ve experienced a lot of change in recent months and it could be that you’ve slipped into your mind. Overthinking, over-analysing and over-trying will be counterproductive. You can’t think your way through this month. You are called to lighten up, reconnect and feel your way through. Put into place the things that help you feel in the flow, feel in alignment, feel reconnected. Be out in nature, meditate, hydrate, create quiet time, write, sing, sleep, pray and play. Be where your heart is because your heart knows the way. Sometimes, when life gets busy or heavy, we believe it will be hard work to figure it out and then we make hard work of it. Nothing needs to be figured out, nothing needs to be fixed. The way ahead is easier than it sometimes feels. The energy around you is super intuitive and psychic. You will know what to do and when to do it. Your insights are clear and powerful this month. The answers are already within you, ready to rise at the right moment. All you need to do is create a space where you can be yourself, hear your heart and be in the flow. You already know what you need, Sagittarius.

Capricorn: Six of Swords

It’s time to move onwards, Capricorn. You may have been feeling this bubbling for some time. You might have had a knowing that it’s time for something different, something new. May is bringing that movement. But remember, you’re not making these changes all by yourself. Other people are involved. They are inspiring you, supporting you and encouraging you. It may feel like a brave change but that doesn’t mean it needs to be hard. There’s a lot coming into place from the Universe, the Spirit world and your friends, family and loved ones to make this transition smooth and easy. You are starting a new chapter, Cappy. Or maybe this is bigger than that and it’s a whole new book! It is the beginning of a new era of life for you, one that you’ve not lived before. This experience will birth a whole new version of you and it will open up life in ways you can’t possibly imagine yet. It could seem like a small brave step but it’s into a big, new world. Things might have felt a little sluggish, stagnant or ‘off’ lately and you couldn’t quite put your finger on why... These changes will feel like someone opened the windows and let the fresh air blow in. This is what you’ve been waiting for, Capricorn.

Aquarius: Page of Wands

You are landing into new terrain, Aquarius. This month places you somewhere you’ve not been before, experiencing something that has never happened to you before. It’s very new and you might feel that you have no idea what you’re doing. Remember to stay light hearted where you can and most importantly - be curious. Ask questions, gather more information, get to know the people who have been here and have a wealth of experience. You might feel as though you’ve gone from master to novice and that can be a little unsettling, but with some humour and humility, this experience can be incredible. There is much to be gained here. Particularly from other people, Aquarius. This is a great time for networking, making new relationships and gaining new friends. There are other people who have the answers you seek, so don’t be shy, get out there and start asking around. The Universe is placing some wonderful people on your path who will enjoy sharing with you, supporting you and leading you. Right now, life has changed shape and you’ll be changing shape right alongside it. Life itself is moulding you and there are many hands coming in to support the process.

Pisces: The World

This month, is all about you, Pisces. You might find yourself questioning what other people think, feel and want. But what do you think? How do you feel? What do you want? You are in a powerful time for making decisions and the choices you make now are setting up your next chapter. Other people might be fighting over what they think is best for you and it can be easy to get lost in the tussle. People around you are focused on how your choices make them feel but what about you, Pisces? If it comes down to whether you disappoint them or you disappoint yourself, Spirit urges you to disappoint them. They’ll get over it. You are only responsible for your peace, your happiness, your thriving, your wanting, your experience, your life. Create space where you can hear your own heart. Go for some walks, have some quiet time at home, enjoy a soak in the bath. Answers from within are coming through to you in intuitive flowing, dreams and mediations so pay attention this month. What is right for you will be coming through you, from your heart, louder and louder and louder - which will make it difficult to deny. Whatever you decide, allow it to be for you. And know that the whole Universe is on your side.

Lots of love,

Emma xxx

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