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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Tarotscopes: March 2023

Updated: Mar 2, 2023

Here are your March 2023 Tarotscopes!

This month, I am using my Radiant Rider Waites again. They are my trusty go-to. I can always pick up the Rider Waites and get an immediate connection and flow. My insta-vibes with these cards could be connected with the collective relationship with the deck. Maybe, all the millions of people over the decades, all focusing on the iconic imagery, have just infused some sort of cosmic bank and now we can all tap into it with ease. I don’t know, but I sure do love my Rider Waites. I’m excited about the conversation and messages they’ll be inspiring for us in this month’s ‘Scopes. Enjoy!

Please note: These messages are not the traditional card meanings. I use these cards to inspire and invoke intuitive messages to come through to me and then I share them with you.

Aries: The High Priestess

Happy Birthday to our March Aries! This month, you are encouraged to trust your instincts. You may not have the whole road laid out ahead, you might not have all the finite details or a bulletproof plan. But you are deeply intuitive right now and what you do have is a strong feeling. And you can trust your gut this month. Without explanation or justification. If it feels like a no, it’s a no. If it feels like a go, it’s a go! This isn’t a time for overthinking or over-analysing. This is a time to let your heart lead the way. Your spontaneity, passion and ability to bounce your way ahead will be in full swing. It’s time to take a leap of faith and see where you land. You’ll be like a cat taking the jump and I’m fairly sure, you’ll land on your feet! As we move into Aries this month, and the beginning of a new astrological year, these vibes are totally working for you. The stars are aligning in your favour. This is your jam Aries! This is your time for new beginnings, new adventures, new opportunities, new partnerships, new life and the energy is so right for it. I get the feeling that whatever you want, you can have it baby. The question is - what do you want? The answer is - follow that feeling.

Taurus: Page of Wands

This month asks you to get to know your new world, Taurus. Much has changed for you in the past year and at times, you may have felt some whiplash! For now, it’s ok to take your foot off the pedal. There’s encouragement to park up the car and rest here. This isn’t a time for you to be seeking out or adding even more change, so take a break from striving towards ‘the next thing’. It feels as though you have been travelling for a long, long time and you have found yourself in a new land. It makes sense to get to know this new terrain. Be here for a while before rushing off ahead again. Much like visiting a new country, there’s plenty to explore and discover. By investing time in that ‘getting to know the land’ process, you will move from feeling like a tourist to becoming a local. Through the fun of bonding with this place, you will develop much wanted feelings of safety too. Spirit is not asking you to forge onward but rather reminding you why right here is precisely where you need to be, at least in this moment. And there is something here, Taurus. If you can take the pressure of yourself to be progressing, you might discover that the treasure you’re seeking is right here. exactly where you are. This month, rather than what’s next?, try asking yourself what is here for me?

(Pisces also received Page of Wands this month, so it may be worth giving their ‘Scope a read too!)

Gemini: Six of Swords

This is a dreamy time for you, Gemini. Your mind, body and Spirit are dreaming up new dreams. You have gone through tremendous transformation this past year and now, you may have realised recently, that old dreams no longer fit the new you. But the mourning period for that is over. The energy around you is great and you are feeling vibrant, zesty and inspired. You have new ideas, new goals, new dreams and you’ll be taking tangible steps towards them. But, you’re not doing any of this alone, Gemini. This month, we enter a new astrological year and this year is big on people, relationships and community for you. These fun new dreams are totally achievable but you will notice that it’s not solely you bringing it all about, by yourself. People are showing up for you, as if by magic, to offer a helping hand, point you in the right direction or support you in making things happen. Welcome and embrace that togetherness. Not only is this bringing your dreams into reality but you get the added bonus of community, which you’ve been yearning for. Perhaps, this is a whole two birds with one stone kind of deal? One dream coming true (community, support, togetherness) will help other dreams to come true (adventure, vocation, romance, emotional wellness) and onwards. This month, dream on dreamer and keep an eye out for the people that are arriving. Remember, they are your dream coming true, in more ways than one!

Cancer: Wheel of Fortune

It’s fate time, baby! This month, the Divine has got the reins. Which means, you’ll have to let go of trying to control what’s going on, where it’s going and what it can become. Yikes! Jesus take the wheel! (Get it? Wheel? Wheel of Fortune? All the hahas). I’m not getting any bad vibes here, Cancer. Don’t panic. It feels good. It feels as though you are, and everything around you is, being moved. It feels as though I am watching a show playing out in the theatre. The scene is being set and the people are being moved into place and the circumstances (& environmental factors) are moving them to speak, think, feel, choose and act. Life itself is moving you, Cancerian. We have Divine Synchronicity here and Divine Timing. It’s all just Divine, darling. This is the new beginning you’ve been waiting for but you could get a little edgy because you’re not the director of this. You’re the participant and let’s face it, you don’t even have your script, it’s all a bit too improv… But, it could be really exciting for you. This is the kind of stuff that brings life to life. This is where the magic happens. Over-thinking and obsessing will have you feeling stuck, it is not your way.. By living life - just living life - the way will unfold, the way will become, the way will happen for you and with you. The Wheel of Fortune is spinning in your favour. Fate is on your side. This month, get out of your head and get outside. Let life itself guide you, provide for you and lead you.

Leo: Three of Pentacles

This month, you have a significant incoming something that asks you whether you want to change direction. It might be news coming in, maybe it’s a conversation or it could be a new dream bubbles up for you. This is meaningful for you. It will make you question whether you want to keep on down the track you’ve been on or whether you want to switch things up and go towards a whole new world. A world you had not considered, or maybe even imagined, for yourself. You can’t make a wrong choice here. This crossroads moment will make you check in with yourself, listen to yourself and honour yourself. There cannot be a wrong decision here. But you may feel that you can’t have both worlds. For example, I cannot pursue a dream of becoming a ballerina that performs in a different city every night and be at home where my community is. Neither is the right or wrong place. I simply can’t be in two places, living two different lives. You may have twinges of that this month. Does one dream that you have right now, ask you to forgo another? You can have, be and do anything Leo - but you cannot have, be and do everything. You are called to make a choice. This month, there is full Spirit support in you following your heart. By honouring this calling, it can begin to flourish and blossom. And it will be your heart that you follow. You may weigh everything up with your head, but I’m fairly sure that your heart is going to do what it wants anyway. And we salute and celebrate this. Follow your heart, Leo.

Virgo: The High Priestess

You are feeling some big feelings this month, Virgo. We know that you are well practised in leading the way using your head - your logic, your reason, your intelligent understanding of things. Much of what you have achieved is because you use your head and we love this in you. However, this month, you may be feeling a lot of feelings… and those feelings seem to be saying something contrastingly different to what your logical brain was thinking a few weeks or months ago. You may find yourself in a real ‘Heart vs Head’ position, Virgo. In the past, the head has often won, but I wonder what might happen for you, where might you go, what might you choose, if you allowed your heart to lead on this occasion? Your intuition is strong this month - and intuition is Divine. Your heart knows something and it won’t be silenced. Do not allow your head to talk your heart out of it’s knowing. There’s no need to play that good ol’ tug-o-war. What if your head could be on the same side as your heart? Consider listening to what your heart knows and feels, honouring what it wants to do and where it wants to go and using your brain to take logical steps forward - in one direction. Your heart wants to go in a new direction or on some sort of wild adventure and it is totally ‘off brand’ for you. Your heart is pushing to change things up. This could be the beginning of a rebranding. We are loving it! It seems that your heart is leading you into the next chapter of your life and maybe it’s time to let it?

Libra: Eight of Cups

This month, you are asked to leave the past in the past and give yourself permission for a new beginning. Perhaps recently you’ve been questioning whether things can be different for you now or whether your dreams can still come true? The answer is yes. You are encouraged to look at who you are now, rather than who you have been. It’s not just the tough times that have defined you. You have been created from the good and the great and the love that’s happened for you. It’s worth checking in with yourself about who you are now, as a readying & clarification process. Because life is calling for you, Libra. And who you are, today, that person really wants to answer this call. This month will beckon you towards new adventures, new terrain, new land even. There is a call out of yourself, out of your comfort zone, out of your protective hidey-holes and into the big wide world. There are themes of community as well as big new life experiences here - things you haven’t done before. These new opportunities may ask you to leave something else behind… To exchange the ‘what has been’ for ‘what’s now’. Should you embrace the invite, it will be a worthwhile exchange. It will be like swapping a stuffy, windowless panic room for a beautiful, open vista full of waterfalls and flower meadows and people gathered around a fire for you to sing songs with and feast on fine foods with. March may also ask you to reconnect with your Divine gifts and to share it with people in a new way. I can feel fate here, gently beckoning you. Life is calling for you. Will you answer the call?

Scorpio: Three of Cups

March has got a big focus on your social life, Scorpio. You are a textured individual with many layers and you need lots of different platforms to express those parts of you. With different people, you get to tap into different elements of yourself. You might have one friend that you can talk about your intellectual stuff with, another you can share your creative side with, one that can unleash your spiritual depth with and another for just having a laugh and shooting the sh*t. This month calls you out from too much solitude or from investing in just one friend, family member or lover and asks you to allow time and space with a variety of people. Whether those are long time buddies, family members you’ve not seen in a while or work friends that make the day fly by - your people are calling. Of course, this is going to bring a lot of fun into your world (which is what you want) but it’s also bigger than that. Through these exchanges, you’ll feel fulfilled and lighter, more easy going. And from there, you start seeing things with a crisper clarity. They are your fast track to a fuller, clearer you. You will also find that your people hold the answers to many of your questions this month. They are on hand for support, guidance and direction. Through conversation new ideas and ways forward will be created. They might even hold the key to a new opportunity, a new connection or adventure for you! Spirit has chosen these people, especially for you, to be of help now and offer ways forward that you just can’t muster up by yourself. So basically, Spirit is saying go have fun with your mates and you’ll find all the answers there. It seems almost too easy right? Don’t question it, just enjoy it.

Sagittarius: The Devil

March is asking you to follow your impulses, Sagittarius. It’s easy to get swept up in the ‘shoulds’. I should be doing this, I should be doing that. But, what we know about you, is that you only ever get bogged down and deflated when you look at life through that lens. When you are following your wants, your desires, your intuition, your fun, your play, your creativity, your joys, your passions - that’s when you feel most inspired. That’s the very fire from where your greatest ideas and actions are born. This month, your spontaneous, illogical, burning wants are your intuition talking and moving you. When you follow them, you will find that synchronicity is beautifully lined up with them. You may have impulses to see a certain person or travel to a specific place or pick up a book in a shop, by following that feeling, you will discover something - maybe a key bit of information or the next step. You may find yourself battling between your shoulds and wants. But your wants, might answer your shoulds. For example, I should look for a new job but I want to go to the beach. You might go to the beach, bump into a friend who knows someone with a job opportunity. I should sit here and plan out the next steps for my business but I want to go for breakfast with my friend. You may go to breakfast with your friend and through conversation stir up great business ideas that you hadn’t even imagined. Spirit are using those wants, those desires, to move you into the right places, with the right people, at the right time. Follow those feelings!

Disclaimer: Be safe and considerate. This is not an encouragement towards drastic or destructive action. Remember that you are responsible for the decisions you make.

Capricorn: Four of Swords

This month asks you to reduce, reduce, reduce. This is an ongoing theme with Capricorns lately, the idea of not adding more into the mix, but reducing what you’ve got going on. When I use the word reduce, I enjoy likening into when you reduce a broth or a sauce. By letting it simmer, it actually enriches and creates more flavour. Right now, rather than adding more into your world, you are invited to let it simmer, Cap. By giving yourself a break from production, goal-achieving or plate-spinning, you will create space for your physical and mental energy to restore. Don’t be surprised if this month, when you find yourself trying too hard to push on, there seems to be delays, plan changes or straight-up blocks. I’m not trying to rain on your parade. But there is something right here that is calling for your attention. Recently you may have been too tired or busy to be able to connect in with it. Being productive has its wonderful & healthy benefits, but sometimes busying your way through the week or having your eyes fixed on the horizon can often distract you from what is happening with you and for you right now. This month is about presence. Being here, being with your people, being with yourself, being with life, right now. Whilst it is fun to be moving towards something, what’s trying to happen for you, is meeting you here. In this place. Right where you are. The good news is, if you can give yourself permission to reduce your load, put down some of the plates and ease into your presence - there are answers here, there is togetherness here, there is ease here, there is clarity here, there is abundance here. It’s all right here. This is your month for enrichment, right here.

Aquarius: The World

This month is about expanding your world, Aquarius. There are themes of community coming up here and your metaphorical ‘village’. They say, ‘it takes a village’. I’ve heard this in regard to child raising but it is also applicable to helping us to rise. There is much we can achieve on our own but essentially, we need one another. You’ve been buzzing with big ideas and new callings in recent months and I mentioned last month’s the idea of co-creating those dreams into reality. The same theme is trickling on this month but now, there is encouragement towards other people to support you now. You’re not asked to include just anyone. There are wonderful people being placed, in the right place, at the right time. These people will be by your side and on your side. You might already have a few allies but this is the expansion of your village. March asks you to widen your net and start embracing a variety of people in your life. They have a lot to offer you - from emotional support or a good giggle to valuable connections, opportunities and knowledge. But you are the one who discerns which roles people have in your village, how close you are with them and what you provide for one another. Whilst we are asking you to open up the security gates and let a few folks in, you do still retain the power to choose. There’s an emphasis on this being quite tangible and real - beyond the phone. Less texts and calls and emails and more meeting people in real life for coffee, conversations and connection. This month is all about community, communication and communion.

Pisces: Page of Wands

Happy Birthday to our March Pisces! This month, asks you to accept where you are, Pisces. You’re in new territory, you’ve not been here very long or maybe this is the first time you’ve done something like this, been somewhere like this, experienced anything like this. You might at times (or regularly) feel as though you have no real idea what you’re doing. Of course you don’t! You’re newish here and you haven’t mastered it yet. You might also feel as though you’re not sure where you’re going. This is because you’re living off-script right now and outside of the hot-zone that you used to dwell in. This is a little bit like freedom and a bit like feeling out of control. So, all feelings are appropriate. This month asks you to find peace with where you are at. When we’re rejecting or deflecting from where we are at, we’re trying to rush to the next bit, in the hope we’ll be more comfortable there. But if you can accept where you are instead of trying to escape it, you will find it has a lot of abundance, adventure and treasure for you. Yeah, you don’t know everything yet, but you’re learning and discovering. You’re becoming through the living of it. There is no pressure to have it ‘all figured out’. This month will ask you to be easier on yourself and to reap the benefits of where you are. There will be guidance and direction towards people, adventure and fun that will bring more light into your life and make you remember how much you do want to be here, in this new beginning, in this new place, living these new experiences. You may be eager to be in the next stage, that illusionary place where everything is ‘better’, but Spirit are bringing improvements into your life now and reminding you of why right here is a great place - the best place - for you to be.

(Taurus also received Page of Wands this month, so it may be worth giving their ‘Scope a read too!)

Lots of love,

Emma xxx

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