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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Tarotscopes: June 2023

Here are your June 2023 Tarotscopes!

This month, I am using my Enchanted Tarot deck. I love this deck, it still gives me the feels whenever I use it. I got all the feels writing these. June is going to be a real something… Enjoy, friends, enjoy!

Please note: These messages are not the traditional card meanings nor the messages from the accompanying book. I use these cards to inspire and invoke intuitive messages to come through to me and then I share them with you.

Aries: Eight of Swords

This month is about balance, Aries. I recently had a conversation with my favourite Aries and he said to me that balance isn’t something you arrive at but something you readjust daily. What needs balance today? What’s the priority today? What’s calling for me today? What do I need to connect with today? With this in mind, maybe balance is really about presence. It’s been a busy time for you and that’s going to continue. It could feel as though the world as you knew it has changed and it’s tricky to get things back the way they were. As you already know, things aren’t going back. But going forward, you have the power to give yourself what you need on a daily basis. And every day will be different. This month may bring more unexpected events, more unpredictable rhythms. It’s exciting - you’re in the flow of life itself. To ensure you don’t exhaust yourself, burn out and try to escape or sabotage what’s happening for you - remember you need balance, Aries. With all that is happening for you, all you can do is meet life one day at a time and be present with what’s going on. Listen to yourself, honour your needs and give yourself what you require today.

Taurus: Princess of Swords

June is all about communication, Taurus. Communication with the big wide world, outside of yourself and your protective little hiding places. You may have taken time away from the world in recent weeks but now the world is calling for your attention. Literally. Expect texts, calls, letters, emails and knocks on the door. You’ve been aware of changes that you want and changes that need to happen for you. Life is now responding to that knowing and opportunities to grow, evolve and move forward are arriving. It could feel like a whirlwind, so remember to take breaks. However, you must still answer the calls. They aren’t going anywhere and the longer you put them off, the louder they’re going to get. The good news is, this is all moving you in the direction you want to go in. There’s support available to you and you don’t have to do anything by yourself. Of course, no one can do it for you, but people will be by your side to do it with you. This is going to get your blood pumping and you might find it feels good, that you feel alive. Life loves you and it hasn’t forgotten you. All these calls are to invite you back into the flows and throes, the very heart of life itself. Life is calling, answer the calls.

Gemini: The Hierophant

Happy Birthday to our June Geminis! This month, the student becomes the teacher. You’re being sought out for your experience, your knowledge and your wisdom. You have put in a tremendous amount of work in recent years and whilst it might have taken some time, you’re finally being recognised. It may not be in the form of awards and accolades (yet) but people are seeking you out in order to learn from you and perhaps, that’s even more meaningful. You’re becoming a leader in your community and people trust you to lead them. There’s incredible respect in this position. Spirit trust you too - to be responsible, to be conscientious, to be of service and to be conscious that what you say matters now, more so than ever. You might wonder if you’re ready, whether you can do this and even, ‘Why on earth is anyone listening to me?’. Remember the life you have lived and the journey that brought you here. You have much to give at this time and through this giving, there will be much to gain. Remember, this is a new role for you. There will be learning curves and even our greatest leaders still make mistakes. That doesn’t detract from your worthiness to be here. This is where life has been leading you. And from here, this is where you shall lead others.

Cancer: Eight of Pentacles

Happy Birthday to our June Cancerians! This month, you’re still in the spotlight. There isn’t really any directive to push forward. Rather, it’s about owning who you are, what you’ve already accomplished, sharing your knowledge. This will move you forward organically. You’ve already put in the hard work, you’ve already got the experience, you’ve already developed what you need in order to meet that which arises this month. In June, you’re putting yourself out there and whilst in theory, this could call up some inner courage, it’s also going to feel natural to do so. Perhaps you’re showcasing your work, you might be attracting attention or maybe you’re called to teach, either way, you’re asked to pass on what you’ve gained. Your experience is needed now and there's an opportunity to put it to good use.This month is a good time to connect with yourself, with all that you’ve lived, learned and become. This will give you the confidence boost you need to be seen in the light. Show them what you’ve got, Cancer.

Leo: Princess of Pentacles

June is bringing tangible change, Leo. You may have been waiting on news regarding moving forward. Well, it arrives this month. And if you haven’t been planning a move, surprise! It arrives this month. For some of you, that could be a very literal move - such as moving house, moving country, moving work positions, moving company. However, it could be remaining in what you’re doing but levelling upwards or expanding outwards. Either way, there’s a call to action this month. Expect phone calls, emails, letters or in person conversations that ask you to make a significant change. The good news is, you’re ready for this and essentially, this is what you’ve been waiting for on some level. As usual, the surprise is in the timing. Oh! Now? We’re doing this now? But it’s exciting. Everything has lined up in beautiful synchronicity to move you forward now. You might have a bajillion questions, which would be appropriate. Ask them. Ask away. Meditate and pray too. The answers are available. Direction will be given. Spirit has lined this up for you and whatever you need going forward, will also be lined up. Whilst it’s all a-go-go, you’re not alone. People are around to support you and Spirit are on your side.

Virgo: Ten of Hearts

This month has a big spotlight focused on relationships, Virgo. Relationships are calling for you. They might literally be calling so expect plenty of phone calls. You are a textured being Virgo, and the different parts of you need different people, as a platform of expression. You need your family for one part of you, one friend for another part of you and another friend for this other part of you and so on and on. All the pieces of you, need all your people. When you allow all these pieces to be nurtured and satisfied through your wide variety of people, you feel more fulfilled. You feel the most you. Make time for different folks in June and know this is how you can take care of many sides of yourself - with ease, fun and togetherness. There is also a chance that this month, loved ones are taking up your time and attention due to a significant event or time that’s occurring. You might feel you don’t have enough time for other areas of your life. Don’t worry, things will balance back out later. Right now, if being with your people is where you need to be, then be here. Your people need you and you need them.

Libra: Six of Pentacles

June is full of flowing abundance for you, Libra. The Universe, the Spirit world, Life itself wants you to know that they are on your side. Solutions, answers and ways forward are made easy this month. Resources and that which you need, to charge onwards, are given with ease. There’s been a fire stirring in your belly lately and you’re readying for (or potentially already heading into) a brave new chapter. You have big plans for some bold life changes. Spirit want you to feel heard, seen, held and supported and so they’re sending in the troops. People will be showing up to give you a helping hand, doors will be opening so you can move forward and practical needs will be provided for. Together, you’re making things happen. Remember, not everything arrives overnight (goddammit) but where there’s a will, there’s a way and those ways will unfold pretty damn swiftly, in the grand scheme of things. This month, you will feel like you’re flowing. Your mind, your body, your spirit, you’re flowing. You’ve got thoughts, you’ve got ideas, you’ve got feelings, you’ve got knowings, you’ve got movement. Go with this flow, Libra. Go with it. See where it takes you. And know that Spirit is moving with you.

Scorpio: The Hierophant

This month is one big learning curve, Scorpio. You’re embarking on a significant and powerful new chapter of your life. Right now, you’re a student. Of course, that can be a little unsettling. But it’s also exciting. This is your time to be curious, to explore, to discover and to become. The great news here is that brilliant, smart and insightful teachers are coming to bestow their knowledge upon you. Real people that you will bond with, admire and learn from. These people already have the experience you’re looking to gain. They have much to give to you. They have secret tricks-of-the-trade and ‘insider knowledge’. They are also going to take you places that you don’t even know exist, that you have no idea you need to go. See? This is exciting! The vulnerability of it all might make you want to tighten your control reflexes. Just accept that you need to gain experience, so let go of the reins a little and allow others to take care of you and lead you on this wild adventure. You’re going to make mistakes but as long as you’re open to learning, there’s tremendous growth available for you here. Great teachers are going to show you the way - just make sure you’re being teachable.

Sagittarius: The World

You are redesigning your whole world, Sagittarius. Much has changed in recent months and more change is ahead. You might be feeling that life has become very full and you’re not sure how to regain balance. Almost as if you’re trying to balance the weight of the world. In some ways, you are. But remember, it’s your world. Slowly, gently, with ease and grace, consider what needs to be adjusted. You can have it all, Sagittarius. But you can’t have it all at once. You might need to have different elements of life on different days. This month calls you to think about what’s a priority for you, but Spirit suggest that you do it ‘day-by-day’. What’s your priority today? There’s also a feeling that your world is changing again this month. It’s opening up again. More opportunities, more offers, more possibilities. Your world is becoming bigger and bigger, in ways that are unimaginable to you. This is the excitement, adventure and growth you’ve been waiting for but it’s also enough to make your head spin. You need to put in some healthy practices so you can meet all this big stuff. As always, it’s about balance. What’s your intention today? What do you need today? You can have that, give that to yourself today.

Capricorn: Two of Hearts

This month is all about heart chakra energy, Capricorn. If you find yourself feeling all the feelings, it’s because your heart energy is cleansing, flowing, opening and just generally wide open. This is ensuring that your heart is heard. You’re encouraged to listen to and lead with your heart this month. It knows what it wants, it knows where it wants to take you and it is pulling you in the right direction. Your mind shouldn’t be disregarded though. Your brain has some really logical and smart ideas that can only support your hearts knowing. Relationships will be a big deal this month too. You want to show up for your loved ones, to be of support, care and protection. Your relationships require your presence and they’re monopolising much of your time, energy and attention. This could leave you feeling a little guilty about other areas of your life as they seem to fall by the wayside. Don’t fret, this is temporary. Balance will come soon enough. Right now, you’re people need you and you need them. This is where you’re supposed to be. And showing up for them in the way you do, well, that’s what love looks like.

Aquarius: Justice

Adjustments are being made to bring your life into karmic balance, Aquarius. There are surprises this month. You’ll have plenty of treats, gifts and rewards from the Universe. These joys are well deserved but they’re also well earned. You have given a lot in recent months - to others and through working on yourself. You are allowed to receive all this greatness. There is also a feeling of receiving what is rightfully yours. Perhaps this is an apology or maybe something is being returned to you. If you’ve been overlooked in the past, you could be recognised this month. There’s a lot of good coming your way. There’s also a call to make amends for your own mistakes. We’re all human, sometimes we drop the ball. You may feel pulled towards your own apologetic conversations or righting some wrongs. Follow these feelings, the karmic energy is strong for you this month and it’s good to pay attention to it. This month is wonderfully abundant for you. Remember, the more you receive, the more you’ve got to share with others. Welcome in abundance with one hand and then honour the blessing by giving with the other.

Pisces: King of Swords

This month, you are getting clear about what you want. It may have been a bumpy few months but you are becoming more settled, more grounded and more light hearted. From this stance, you’re feeling better and making peace with where things are at. You’re accepting of what’s happened and ready to make changes in order to move forward. With time to relax, you’re feeling connected to yourself again and this is giving you a boost in self-belief, self-assurance and self-knowing. You might not be sure of what others are doing or where they’re going but you’re not so ruffled by that this month. You’re making peace with that too. You are aware that you may not be able to serve everyone, but you’re ready to honour yourself and your needs. You’re not so worried about others or external dramas, you’re ready to be where you are and take steps onwards now. And it’s a powerful place to be. You’re making choices and taking action. This is beautiful energy for your Pisces, you’re seeing clearly because you’ve reconnected with key parts of yourself and it feels great. This month, you feel wholly yourself, more present and as though life is moving you on.

Lots of love,

Emma xxx

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