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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Tarotscopes: July 2023

Your July 2023 Tarotscopes!

This month, there are themes of changing direction, taking action and exploring new terrain. What is really weird is just how a few signs received the exact same card as last month! Here I am, shuffley shuffling between every read and as I pull a card, the same one as last month appears… It seems that for many of us, the story of our lives is ongoing, the messages are ongoing, the journey is ongoing. Even if you have a different card this month, I imagine the big ‘themes of the moment’ are still playing out through July.

Please note: These messages are not the traditional card meanings nor the messages from the accompanying book. I use these cards to inspire and invoke intuitive messages to come through to me and then I share them with you.

Aries: Queen of Swords

July is about transformation. Aries. There is much changing in your world. There are many moving pieces and at times, you may be unsure where to step and when. With all this action around you, you will need to move mindfully and at a slower pace. This might seem counter-intuitive. If your outer world is moving quickly, you might feel you need to ‘keep up’. However, what’s really called for right now is thoughtful, considered steps and conscious decision making. Give yourself time this month to wind down, calm down and slow down. You’re going to need pockets of peace to keep your head clear. But what’s really interesting this month, is that whilst you might be embarking on some new adventures and traversing unknown terrain, you’re not coming into this brand new. Remember, you have a wealth of life experience. You’ve been working towards this for a very long time. You’ve been becoming the person you need to be for this, over many years. You’re ready to meet what life has in store for you. And you’re ready to make something incredible of it. The transition of the caterpillar into a butterfly comes to mind. In terms of growth, we often speak of the caterpillar growing and growing and growing and then it becomes a beautiful butterfly. Ta-da! Aries, you are not a baby caterpillar anymore. You’re not limited to the same small area. You’ve put in your time, you’ve put in the growth, you’ve emerged and you’ve transformed. You’ve got wings, you can fly, you’re going places. You’re a goddamn butterfly.

Taurus: Page of Swords

This month is about clearing energy and space around you and within you. You’re feeling ready to switch things up and let the fresh air blow in. You may find yourself drawn to tidying up the garden, clearing out old clothes, sorting out documentation or cleaning the cupboards. Often, sorting the outer world helps to sort our inner worlds. You may be lighting smudge, using singing bowls or sitting in meditation. These are ways you are cleansing your spirit. The small tasks are necessary as they are part of a process. They support you in feeling calmer and clearer. The little steps will all string together. From here, you’ll feel a sense of readiness developing to face any significant life changes you want to make. From here, you build your confidence to take bigger risks and embark on bold adventures. It’s through the clearing of stagnant or stifling energy, that you will reconnect with yourself. You might have experienced some ups and downs in recent months and you may have thought that X, Y and Z were the problems. You’ll discover this month that what was missing this whole time was your connection to yourself. As you reclaim your self-connection, what happens next will be profound, it will be incredibly powerful. You will feel like you were blind and now you can see again. And it all starts, with the small things.

Gemini: Three of Wands

New horizons are calling, Gemini. You’re aware that it’s time to move on, you can feel it in your bones and you can feel life calling you onwards. And yet, you may not have all the answers yet about how to move forward. Do not fret! Whilst you are eager to get everything into place, remember that where you are right now still has something for you. With your eyes fixed on the horizon, it could be easy to disregard what’s right next to you, what’s right beneath your feet or what’s right in front of you. There is still healing, wisdom and magic to be gained from the present. Where you stand today is creating your tomorrow. When you find yourself querying how you’re going to get over there, the way is very much right here. You will be moving ahead into new beginnings, onto new land, into a new life. It is not a question of whether you will or will not. You will. The question is when and the surprise is in the timing! But once you start moving, events are going to unfold pretty fast. It’ll be so swift that you might get whiplash! That movement is going to be big energy. Right now, you’re gaining the resources, the strength and the partnerships you will require to not only endure it but also enjoy it. So, whilst you’re in a hurry, be mindful and present of where you are right now. The present contains more for you than you could possibly know.

Cancer: King of Cups

Happy Birthday to our July Cancerians! This month, you’re the adult in the room. Your wisdom, your knowledge and your vision are required. There are people in your world that are spinning out and it is easy to get swept up into their situations. You may feel concerned or want to resolve the issues but be aware of what your position is and don’t over-identify. What is happening for you and what is happening for them? By connecting in with your emotions and the messages they carry, you can bring a sparkling level of clarity and insight. Others might be losing their minds but you are going to keep your head clear and your feet on the ground. You do have a role here, you are a leader and guide, and it’s your emotional maturity that’s required. By embracing this role, you will realise that life has moved you on. You’re no longer the novice, the beginner or the one who hasn’t got a clue. You have grown. You have a wealth of life experience. You’re in a different place in your life right now and once that really hits home, it’s going to change the way you look at yourself. It’s going to change the way you look at your life. It’s going to change the way you look at your future.

Leo: Nine of Pentacles

Happy Birthday to our July Leos! This month, you are feeling hot, Leo. The sun is shining on you and you’re feeling all the good vibes. The light is shining on you and from within you and you are feeling it. And other people are paying attention to you too! You’re being recognised, realised and celebrated. Others think you’re a hot commodity too! You are seriously wanted this month. Whether it’s your career, your social life, your family and friends or your love life - you are being sought out, appreciated and loved. The light from within you is super bright and others are dazzled by what you see, what you know and who you are. You’re also attracting new people into your world - that bright energy is more powerful than you know - and you may be approached with surprising opportunities that take you off in new directions. Enjoy it, Leo! You should be seen, understood, acknowledged and adored. You’re a gift to the world and it’s about time others celebrated you. This is your time to realise that you can be wholly yourself and there is a place for you in this world, you do belong and you are loved.

Virgo: Two of Pentacles

This month, you may feel as though you’re at a crossroads and are unsure of which way to go. Should I go this way, that way, forwards or backwards? You’re weighing up some pretty big decisions and potential life changes. Take your time in choosing your way forward. There’s no rush. Other people might be trying to hurry you along or pushing you to decide but you do not need to respond to their urgency. What you’re deciding feels pretty huge and it requires your consideration, your thoughtfulness and devotion. I also feel that these decisions need time because as you process and digest your ideas, you will discover that your mood, your perspectives, your feelings and your knowings grow and evolve. You deserve to give yourself time for vision to develop. This will also give you much more confidence in your choice. When the time comes that you do decide, you will do it with more conviction. Do not be surprised if this month, what you thought you wanted has changed. This is because you have changed dear Virgo and what you want for yourself is different now. Give yourself as much time as you require to feel out what that means for you.

Libra: Six of Pentacles

Libra, you had this exact same card last month! It would be a good idea to re-read your June ‘Scopes, as that message is ongoing. There is help on hand in July, to usher you in the right direction and keep you moving forwards. People will be on hand to provide you with the information, advice and guidance you need. There will also be generous gifts of energy and resources to help you make things happen. There’s a big message to accept help, Libra. We know you are more comfortable doing things for yourself or even being the one who gives, the one who cares, the one who helps. However, this month, you are the one who needs to receive, you’re the one who needs to be cared for and you’re the one in need of a bit of help. It’s all about balance. You’ve been putting out a lot of love, now is the time to let some of it come back to you. Welcome in these kind and thoughtful offerings and gifts of the Spirit. These are the answers to many of your questions and will support you in moving forward much faster. Remember, what you accept at this time, you will pass on to others later.

Scorpio: The Hierophant

This is really weird because I pulled the same card for you last month, Scorpio! I recommend reading over your June ‘Scopes because that message is ongoing. This month, you’re still learning, you’re still discovering, you’re still exploring and you’re still becoming. Whilst you’re still amidst new life changes, there are plenty more new experiences on the way. With your life in flux, it could be a good idea to implement some simple and relaxed rituals or routine. Nothing too strict or serious because you need to remain flexible and open right now. But just something that supports you in creating order within the chaos. A morning routine is standing out as something that could be a great benefit to you, just to help you keep your head on and eyes forward. This is an exciting time for you and July will beckon you into all sorts of brilliant adventures. This is all the stuff you really want for yourself. You want to enjoy it, embrace it and embody it fully, just give yourself a little loose structure so that you are able to process current events, check in with yourself and connect in with the Divine along the way.

Sagittarius: The World

Interestingly, last month I also pulled The World for you Sag! It might be worth going back to the June ‘Scopes because we are continuing those vibes in July. This month, you are still settling into your new world and the process is ongoing. There is still much change taking place and it will take a few months more for this to feel like your new normal. You’re fresh in a foreign land and you’re still getting to know the locals, the terrain and where the good cafes are. Really think about that - how long does it take to change from a tourist into a bona fide local? It takes experience. Give yourself the gift of time. This is your time to explore, to discover and to learn. And Sag, please try not to take yourself too seriously. There’s no rush to be feeling steady or sure. With all the new information you’re taking in, you might get overwhelmed or tired so take strategic breaks. But remember, this is an adventure and there’s plenty of fun to be had. This month, it’s a good idea to focus on what is pleasurable and exciting and fulfilling and fun about where you are. You’re here for the full experience! Give yourself some play time and connect into the light, passionate, unexpected, fun reasons you’re glad to be in this new place.

Capricorn: The Sun

This is a good month for you Capricorn, there’s a lot of light in your life and you may feel as though luck - or the whole Universe - is on your side. You’re feeling easy going and brighter and things just seem to be working out for you. You will feel as though the stickiness of recent months has disappeared and that something new is here for you. Abundance, fulfilment and contentment are key words for you in July. It’s good for you to revel in this joyousness! Expect to change plans and direction this month. The reason for this is that from this place, this place of ease and peace and fun and love, you want something different for yourself, you choose something different for yourself. You might find that when you’re feeling good, you no longer desire the life you were creating when you felt low, overwhelmed, confused or depleted. From this place, you are able to hear your heart with sparkling clarity and you can trust what you’re feeling, what you’re wanting, what you’re needing, where you’re feeling called towards. The good vibes, the surprise gifts and the good luck are going to keep coming because the Divine knows this is what you need to stay on track and where you want to go, they want you to be.

Aquarius: Ace of Swords

This month, you’re taking inspired action to create the changes you want. You’re making some big decisions this month that move you onwards. You may have been keeping your ideas, your thoughts, your plans quiet and your plans close to your chest. Now, you’re ready to take what you’ve been building inside and make it happen on the outside. To observers, it might appear ‘out of the blue’ but you know this has been months and months in the making. Yes, people will be surprised and have some questions but it’s because they’re only just finding out about it. You know this isn’t on a whim and that you’re ready for this. Once you take your first devoted steps in this direction, expect things to move quite swiftly. The Universe, and Spirit world, have been aligning with you for this for a long time and you’ll be amazed at how everything has been lined up for you. Whilst you’ve been thinking about it a while, it will still feel as though you’re wandering into unknown territory and you don’t know what to expect. It is big change, it may even be life altering, but you can handle it.

Pisces: The Devil

This month, your head has all the logic and reason of what you ‘should’ be doing but you’re drawn towards fun, excitement, passion and that which makes you feel alive. This month is a palette cleanser for you. After a heavy few months, or potentially the last year, you just want to let go and have some fun. You’re aware that further change and hard work may lie ahead and you need a break. Usually, you can be an overthinker but in July, you’re moving more spontaneously and doing things you wouldn’t usually do. You’re taking some risks, having new experiences and allowing for adventure. This is unlocking parts of you that you never knew existed. It is also birthing wants and desires for yourself that you never knew you would yearn for. It is going to stimulate some questioning for you about your goals and where you want to go next. Others might be questioning whether your decisions made at this time will derail your plans (or their plans) for the future. But, if that happens, perhaps you’re destined for another direction?

Lots of love,

Emma xxx

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