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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Tarotscopes: January 2023

Your January 2023 Tarotscopes are here!

Hello and Happy New Year, Beautiful Ones! Here we are with the first Tarotscopes of 2023 and I am using the Radiant Rider Waite Tarot cards. New Year always brings me feelings of stepping into the Unknown. The Unknown can be both exciting and a bit ooo-er, so it’s sometimes good to bring something Known with us as we journey into it - for comfort and security. Today, my something Known in the Unknown are these Radiant Riders. They have been with me many, many years. We are old friends and they are always a comfort for me.

Aries: Page of Cups

January brings significant communication and conversation that asks you to consider a new beginning. It’s 2023 and you’re hitting the ground running Aries. The possibility for change is coming thick and fast and it’s up to you to decide if you want to take the chances offered. This is Divine Timing. You’ve asked for change and now here it is. Remember, you cannot ask for change and simultaneously try to keep everything the same. Consider what this opportunity is asking you to change in your world. How is it asking you to change or grow? You do have choices in how things move forward. Weigh up what is most important for you now and what you want to prioritise and also allow room for your routine to adjust (or ways of doing things). There is a call to action this month but it’s the kind of change you are ready for Aries.

Taurus: The World

The World informs us that life is about to change again Taurus, in a pretty big way. January offers you a big deep breath, a strategic pause. You will need this time to rest and restore. This is your time to process and integrate recent events before life lurches forward. The World represents a successful completion of a chapter of your life. Congrats! All the woohoos! Really take in how far you have come and who you have become. This is the end of a cycle before a profound new one begins and the likelihood is, it will begin quickly - so make the most of a bit of downtime. This year may ask you to create brand new worlds, brand new realities, a brand new life. You’re going to need your strength, your clarity and your heart for what’s ahead. This month offers you a chance to bond with these parts of yourself, as a readying for what’s to come.

Gemini: Justice

This month, you are the power Gemini. Blimey, you’re coming into 2023 strong and I wonder if you know it yet? It appears that you are a Divine channel for change. Incredible change. There’s a feeling of ‘wrongs being put right’ and you may notice a call for justice. There’s a good chance that you are the one calling for that! In January, you are standing for yourself and you could be standing up for others too. There’s Divine power in you this month Gemini! And you’re using that power to say ‘no more’, ‘not like this’ or ‘never again’. Whether it’s for political, social or legal change or whether you are breaking patterns in your relationships, your voice is important. By advocating for what you believe in, you are also creating a new way for others. It could be a simple statement or maybe you accidentally start a global movement, either way, there is a magical ripple effect coming off you Gemini. Whilst it may not be immediately obvious… There is a real possibility that what you stand for this month - unbeknownst to you - might literally change the future.

Cancer: King of Swords

The storm clouds are dispersing, the wind is settling down, the sun is breaking through and this month - you are seeing clearly again Cancerian. If you feel you’ve been foggy in recent months or even emerging from a dark night of the soul, then January really does confirm that you’re on the other side now. Phew! You can take a deep breath of that fresh air, Cancer. Please don’t rush ahead just yet… Take time to enjoy the peace, the ease and the light-heartedness. Allow life to be a little gentler before pushing yourself towards new goals. This month, you are seeing with such sparkling clarity that you will know what you want more of this year. This month, you know, with all your heart. Pay attention to what comes up for you. These are the truest of truths. But don’t go charging towards changing your life overnight. Just note it down and devote yourself to investing in those areas, more and more, with time. For now, just enjoy the feeling that the storm has passed, take a break and bask in the sunshine for a while.

Note - Capricorn (below) also received the King of Swords this month, it may be worth reading their scope too, to see how it resonates.

Leo: Ace of Swords

Leo, I actually pulled the Ace of Swords for you last month and we brought forward themes of alignment. This month, we are continuing, we are layering what has already begun for you. This is not a time to be abruptly switching lanes but for staying the course. January will be supporting you in being able to walk the walk. You know what you want, what you believe in or what you want to create and life will be moving around you, lining up what you need to stay true to your vision. You may have some self-doubt this month but the Divine is providing you with support, opportunity and direction which will have the bonus of validating your feelings. That which is not aligned to your morals, your ethos, your dreams or your heart may continue to be cleared out but this month brings a lot of new additions - people, places and practicalities - that are in alignment with you. That’s exciting! It’s OK to feel a bit wobbly over what is leaving but pay attention to what is arriving and know it is a reflection of you being true to yourself.

Virgo: Five of Cups

This is the ultimate ‘there’s no need to cry over spilt milk’ card, Virgo. (Unless, you are my heavily pregnant Virgo sister, in which case, you might cry over everything right now - pregnant hormones be wild!). This month, pick your battles Virgo. You can’t do everything, you can’t be everything.You cannot lose your head over everything. You will need to prioritise what is most important or valuable to you in order to stay balanced. Your energy is precious and when directed into the right places, you will not only feel great but you will also be able to make magic happen! This might mean you have to focus on you and yours, rather than getting dragged into other people’s dramas or challenges. Trust that other people can actually sort their own stuff out - whilst you take care of yourself. January is encouraging this practice in you now, in preparation for bigger things that are to come later in the year. By beginning now, you’ll be in a good swing for managing your time, thoughts and energy later - when it will be really needed. And if you do find yourself crying over the spilt milk, there’s a good chance you’ve taken on too much - reduce, reduce, reduce …and have a nap!

Libra: The Hierophant

This month, you are the guide Libra! You may find that people are gravitating towards you (or perhaps sent to you, by the Divine) and they are sharing their wonderings, their woes and their worries with you. This isn’t unusual with you Libra, your healing heart is like a lighthouse in the storm and often you attract struggling souls with your bright light. However, the advice you’re giving might also be the advice you need to hear. What kinds of people are showing up for you this month? What do they have in common with you? And those loving, super-smart, words of wisdom that rise from within you - can you take that for yourself? By cleverly utilising you in sharing your voice, by putting you on the path for people who really need to hear what you have to say, The Divine is helping you to hear your own heart. We know that you can talk the talk Libra… Can you honour your knowings now and walk the walk? We believe so!

Scorpio: Ace of Wands

This month calls you to action, Scorpio. This month calls you to take the lead. But all with love Scorpio, all with love. In the past, on occasion, you have bottled up your ideas, thoughts, feelings and knowings (maybe through fear or self-doubt) and then when the time to share them has arrived, they’ve exploded out of you like a shaken champagne bottle. This year will be different. There’s more finesse. There’s more ease. There’s more grace. There’s firm but gentle expression. The Divine is developing more self-confidence, more self-esteem, more self-love and this is making all the difference in how you share yourself. But this is your preparation for leadership, dear Scorpio. This year paves the way for you taking a different role in your world and it’s all about to begin. You are seeing clearly at times when other people may not be and your love, your care, your attention, your vision, your voice is needed now. You may be thrown in the deep end this month and find yourself pushed into a leadership role that you’re not sure you’re ready for - but in the moment, in that call to action, you’ll rise. As you rise, you’ll realise yourself. It might be a bit unpolished, a bit rough-puff, but that’s OK. With practice, it will get smoother. Just remember, you're not doing anything alone, the Divine resides within you and as long as you lead with your heart, you’re doing it together.

Sagittarius: Eight of Swords

You’re starting the year with a bit of a detox, Sagittarius. I know! It’s so cliche! But this detox will also be setting you free. In January, you’ll be detoxing yourself of thoughts that are holding you back or limiting you so that you may feel wilder and freer this year. If you get uncomfortable or wobbly, pay attention to what beliefs are coming up for you because that’s what the Divine is working on. If you feel a bit heavy, notice the chains that bind you. You are ready to cast them off now. There is a focus on mind-thought blockages but there might also be some real physical detox too… Have you got any bad habits that are holding you back? Alcohol? Drugs? Christmas chocolate? Pretty-but-toxic lovers? Time for a detox. This should be a very natural detox. Don’t make it into a spiritual quest. Whilst you may feel that you’re not leaping into giant new life goals this month, realise that this stage is part of the creative process. These are valuable and important steps to take on the journey. What takes place within you this month, will make you lighter and brighter and clearer so you may run free in the Wilderness, so that you may be free to create all the beauty and brilliance that you know you yearn for - so really, this is what you’ve been asking for Sag.

Capricorn: King of Swords

Happy Birthday to our January Capricorns! This month, you are really vibing with yourself, Cap. You are feeling knowledgeable, you are feeling intuitive, you are feeling clear, you are feeling sure of who you are. And you will not be swayed by the masses. Things might stir up around you a little this month and lots of different perspectives and opinions could be flying about. When intense or wobbly emotions are involved, people aren’t always seeing clearly (even though they really believe they are). You are seeing things differently, Capricorn - and we want you to stay strong with your resolve. At this time, you may be the voice of reason - so speak your truth, even if you’re not sure how it will be heard. It might take people a couple of days to simmer down and be able to take in what you’ve said but it will help. And follow your gut. If everyone is going right and you feel you need to go left, then go left. You do you. Keep checking in with this connection with yourself - you’re grounded, stable and tuned in - it is Divine and you can trust your vibes this month.

Note - Cancer (above) also received the King of Swords this month, it may be worth reading their scope too, to see how it resonates.

Aquarius: Nine of Swords

Happy Birthday to our January Aquarians! This month you are ready to change things up, Aquarius. You’re starting this New Year - both the collective New Year and your personal New Year, with a dedication to shaking shizz up and I’m loving it. You are unwilling to bring any recurring headaches or sleepless nights into this next chapter. There is a clear and defining moment coming - a wake up call. This wake up call could literally be something that shakes you from your sleep or leaves you unable to slumber. This is something that you have been stirred up about for a while now, that you may have been stressing or obsessing over - you’re done and you’re doing things differently. And it feels great, Aquarius! This is you kicking into power mode. You’re not willing to feel like a victim or feel powerless anymore. You’re powerFUL and you’re bringing all the change. It could be something subtle, something that you’re letting go of worrying about something you can’t control or perhaps you really are going to make a big life decision - either way, January heralds a time where Aquarius took back their power… And this is just the beginning. As the year progresses, you are going to use that power for something very special. So this is a life changing moment, Aquarius.

Pisces: Three of Cups

This month, you are encouraged to be with your people, Pisces. There is a calling towards togetherness and it feels deeply spiritual and tribal. If you’re a man, you may find you feel called towards spending time with your brothers. If you’re a woman, you feel called to be amongst your women. This is a special kind of togetherness. Inside of it, you are able to be yourself, remember yourself, develop yourself and share yourself. Here, you can vent and put the world to rights but also laugh and sing and be silly. It’s a profound place for healing. You will also find inspiration for ideas and ways forward, as well as solutions for worries or concerns. Steer away from too much time alone or from sticking to the same person/people, day in and day out. Variety is key, mix it up a bit. There are parts of you that need nurturing that cannot be fulfilled here. Time with your most beloved is valuable, time in solitude is valuable but there needs to be a healthy balance. This month, what you seek, can be found in the togetherness of your people. Be in the warmth of the hearth Pisces, with your people at your side, all your answers are there.

You can still book in for your 2023 Readings with Me! What Divine themes are big for you this year? Let’s explore them together.

Lots of love,

Emma xxx

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