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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Tarotscopes: February 2023

'The Answer is Simple' oracle cards from Sonia Choquette

Here are your February 2023 Tarotscopes!

This month, I am using Sonia Choquette’s ‘The Answer is Simple’ oracle cards. Maybe that makes these Oraclescopes? I have owned this deck for years and years but in recent months, I’ve found comfort and ease in them and have been using them for myself, when I want a little check in or guidance from Spirit. I adore and respect Sonia Choquette, as an instrument of the Divine but also as a mother and a woman. She is beautiful and her lived-life is incredible. What a wonderful woman! I love Sonia’s brave and playful spirit and trust in her vision. Needless to say, I really vibe with her oracle cards.

Please note: The ‘Scopes I am bringing you today are not the original card meanings that accompany these cards. I have used the cards as a tool for opening up my own intuition channel with Spirit. The messages are brought through and written by me. Enjoy!

Aries: Take a Breather

You’ve come a long way in recent months, Aries. Heck, you’ve come even further in recent years! This month asks you to give yourself a break now. Allowing for rest and restoration is an important part of the process. By taking a breather from the onward march, you can use this opportunity to rechart your course. Are you still wanting to head in the same direction? Do you have any adjustments you want to make? What resources do you need to stock up on for the next leg of the journey? It’s a great idea to see February as the ‘stop over’ on your long haul journey. Yes, we know you’re eager to get on - and you shall! But what’s here for you right now? Is there a warm bed for you to catch up on some sleep? How about you explore the beautiful terrain? Taste some of the local cuisine? Have a laugh with some locals? There is something on the horizon to look forward to but right now, you’re where you are destined to be and there’s treasure for you here.

Taurus: Put Others First

February is a good month to put self-analysing down and put togetherness first. Being self aware and doing the inner work is valuable, there’s no doubt about that. But sometimes, too much introspection can be counterproductive. Go for a walk, go watch a show, go out for dinner, go have some fun! You may find that there is healing power in helping someone with a problem, offering a listening ear to someone who needs it or putting someone else first. Have you ever been talking to someone, giving them some gentle advice and realised that message could also be for yourself? This is one example of a fun, round-about-way, the Universe helps us to help others and somehow we help ourselves. Showing up for people is a wonderful way to shift from ‘problem’ momentum and into ‘solution’ vibrations. Taking a break from trying to fix or solve yourself might help you to see yourself more clearly. Being out there, where the people are, having fun and rising into a support role, may strengthen and fulfil you in ways you don’t expect. It may even bring surprise answers and opportunities you’ve been waiting for. This month, get out of your head and into this beautiful world Taurus.

Gemini: Change the Scenery

This card is ‘what it says on the tin’. This month asks you to change the scenery, Gemini. Get out of the house, switch up your routine, rearrange the living room, hang some new paintings, take an alternative route to work or visit a new place. Yes, there is more comfort in the familiar but this is just what you need in order to have more fun but also to start seeing things differently. This simple process will unlock different parts of you that need to be unleashed at this time. By mixing things up a bit, your inspiration will be in flow, your sense of adventure will stir and Spirit can find new and playful ways to communicate with you and lead you. This is not the time to try to keep everything the same. This month asks you to allow for change and even get it going - nothing serious, no shocking life changes are necessary. Keep it light, keep it playful, let it flow naturally. The hand of fate is also involved here. Allow Spirit to lead you into new places and you will also be blessed with significant new people, new opportunities or new abundance.

Cancer: Turn Back

This card says ‘Turn Back’ and it is the image of a person feeling lost in a maze, unsure which way to go. I feel that this is reflective of Cancer wondering if they should give up and turn back… And I feel Spirit saying, no. At least, not yet. Maybe, not at all. But going back is not the right way for you, Cancer. Don’t turn back, turn inwards. It’s true that you don’t know everything and sometimes, it can feel as though you know very little at all. At this point, take a break but don’t turn back or turn away from yourself. Rest, have a cup of tea, take a nap, put it down for a day. There are ways forward that today you cannot see - but your Creator knows the way. When you cannot wrestle it to the ground or be the crazy movie director, when it feels somewhat out of your control, that’s when you throw your arms in the air and say, ‘Show me the Way’. This month, that is your mantra: Show me the way. Show me your way. Show me our way. This feels as though this is a call into Spirit, a call into your faith, a call to surrender, a call to relinquish control and panic-driving, a call to walk with the Divine. You don’t have to figure everything out by yourself and your Creator has thousands of ways to provide help, support, guidance, abundance and direction for you. Show me the way, show me the way, show me the way.

Leo: Listen to the Music

Leo, this month Spirit is placing messages in music for you. This is one of the fun ways they have to communicate with us. Look out for that song that seems to be on every radio station today, or the tune that pops up on your shuffle playlist, or even the song that’s stuck in your head. There’s a message there, especially for you. Spirit are wanting your attention and they are going in through the ears to get directly to your heart. There is also a call into music this month as a way to connect with your inner self. Playing, singing or dancing to music is the fast track out of your mind and into your body. Music is our gift from the Gods and It gets you into Divine vibrations. It shifts you into receiving mode which opens you up to inspiration, ideas and abundance. You may also be feeling a pull this month to music events - perhaps a concert, or an opera or a drum circle? Whatever your jam is, follow the calling. That is Spirit showing you the next step and there is synchronicity at work - it will all lead to the next thing and the thing after that. So this month, play the instruments, blast the tunes, have a boogie and sing your heart's desire, Leo. Through music, you will be connecting to the Divine and connecting to yourself in ways you can’t possibly imagine - but it’s going to be truly magical.

Virgo: Fill the Well

In the spiritual community, the term ‘fill the well’ is quite common nowadays but what does it really mean? It means, if your water well has run dry, then you have nothing to give. This month asks you to fill your own metaphorical well, Virgo. Another way to visualise this is to imagine that you want to hand out all these goodies from a food larder but it is running near to empty. There’s barely anything in it. Like Old Mother Hubbard's Cupboards. Virgo, it’s time to restock. You need things that nourish your mind, body and heart. You need inspiration, intellectual stimulation and brain-food. You need some rest and to pop your feet up. You need fun and play and healthy socialisation. Whilst you might be eager to start investing into plans, people, projects and goals just remember… when you’re running low… your ideas aren’t as strong or great as they could be. Yes, it’s out there, I said it. It is like offering someone a fancy gourmet dinner from your food larder and really, when it comes down to it, all you have to give is a pot noodle. You might want to give but if you don’t take care of yourself, you’re not able to deliver. That’s not going to feel good to you. It is smart strategic sense to give yourself a break and restock the inner cupboards. This way, when you are ready to give again, you’ll be bringing your best stuff and that will feel good to you. That will feel great! There’s a season for everything Virgo - this is your season to chill out and fill the well.

Libra: Be Patient

This month asks you to take one step at a time, Libra. You may be having feelings and ideas to make great change in your world. Let those feelings bubble! It’s a valuable part of the process. There is no rush to make it all happen immediately or take big action. When you try to rush ahead, you rush outside of your body and we want you moving consciously, every step of the way. From the inside of you, ideas can begin to take shape. What you’re thinking now is still growing, moving, shifting, becoming. You want these ideas to become full, ripe, mature. From the inside of you, Divine guidance and direction can be heard. You’re not doing any of this alone, Spirit are with you, for every step. From the inside of you, you are in the right place, at the right time, to meet the people who are going to help you bring your dreams into reality. It can be easy to think if you don’t get things moving now, they won’t happen at all. You know better than this, Libra. Be patient with the process, be patient with the expansion, be patient with yourself. And maybe, remember that to be patient is to be kind. To be patient, is to be compassionate. To be patient, is to be respectful of Divine creation and order. To be patient, is to be whole. To be patient, is to be in love with life. This month asks you to practice being at peace, being in sync, being connected and as one with the whole and know that is the way forward.

Scorpio: Just Laugh

February is about fun for you, Scorpio! Maybe you have found yourself taking life very seriously recently? Perhaps you have already realised that you don’t want to give excess energy to things that don’t really matter to you? There are parts of yourself that need expansion and expression this month. There are parts of you that are wanting to be tended to and fulfilled. And those parts, want playtime. You may find yourself drawn to activities you enjoyed as a kid like riding your bike, playing games or doing some painting. You may feel you want to have an adventure, a holiday or go to a rock concert. Follow these feelings. Honour them. Give yourself what you need. And, crucially, stay away from people’s drama or problems. You may find that you feel a bit rejective of drama anyway, as though you just can’t be bothered. That’s appropriate! It’s not a lack of compassion, it’s just that right now, you need a break. You need life to be about ease and laughter and silliness and play. You’ll be around, as a helping hand, soon enough but right now you are reconnecting with these very special parts of you through joy. And by doing this, those parts of you are going to become bigger! They are going to have a voice. And that voice is the key to the next step in your life. So, what are you waiting for? Go out and play.

Sagittarius: Invest in your Spirit

This month asks you to put your needs, wants and desires first, Sag. February is all about you, you, you. What do you need? What do you want? What do you desire? You will have a lot of inner questioning around this and you may find that the answers surprise you. It is one part of the process to ask those questions. It is another part to listen to what comes up for you. The answers from within will be coming in strong. Actual answers! Big woohoo! But at this time, the biggest and most expansive step forward for you Sag, is to actually give to yourself. When you do hear those answers, those needs, those wants, those desires - give yourself them. You want to go to the cinema? Go. You want a new red dress? Have it. You want to sing and dance and play? Do it. You want to change the way you’re working, the way you’re showing up, the places you’re going? Listen to those needs and take it all one step at a time. This month is not about what you should want or should do. What are your heart and spirit calling for? And what is calling for you? This is an investment in your spirit, in your heart, in your life, in yourself. This is just the beginning. Like tending to a tiny seed, by caring for it now, soon enough it will grow into something big, beautiful and bountiful. What you care for now, for yourself and within yourself, is going to grow into something mighty, something rewarding, something miraculous. So, this month, nurture yourself, feed your spirit, fill yourself up, care for you, listen to your heart and give to yourself, Sag. It is the way, it is your way.

Capricorn: Accept Love

You are one of life’s givers Capricorn, we all know that and we love you for it. This month, asks you to be one of life’s receivers. There is a flow of beauty, abundance, joy and love coming towards you and we ask you to open your arms, your palms and your heart for it. What if, this is a time to allow more for yourself, than you ever have before? There are themes of self value stirring this month, Cap. Your worth is not measured by how much you can do for others or give of yourself, especially if it means you are giving a little too much. When you are at your fullest, your giving is pure and magical. But, when you have given so much that you are now depleted and flat, then things are out of balance. Maybe you have even given away parts of yourself and are left feeling less than you are? This is one of the ways we abandon ourselves and this month asks you to reclaim those parts of you. Those parts of your time, your life, your being are yours and they belong to you. Welcome them home now. And know that Spirit is not asking you to give more, do more, sacrifice more. Spirit is asking you to receive more, allow more, reclaim more. February is wanting to restore Divine balance in your life, Cappy. You are valuable, you are precious, you are beautiful and the whole Universe is going to be flowing towards you this month in an effort to remind you, support you and restore you.

Aquarius: Take a Breather

Happy Birthday to our February Aquarians! This month, let things breathe. Recently, you may have been stirred up through ideas or action, focusing on a project or big life changes you want to create. This is exciting! But remember to let things rest, this is part of the process. Spirit are saying ‘don’t overwork the painting’. When painting, you can easily add too many brush strokes. There are times where you need to do less, step back and let the layers dry, take a break and look at it with fresh eyes. This month, do not overwork your own life. Take a breather. Step back and let the layers settle before adding another one. This is purposeful. It gives you a chance to rest and refuel, to look upon your plans with refreshed vision and it allows for the Divine to also step in to offer guidance, support and direction. Taking a break from your goal is not giving up on it but it does ease in new ways around how you let go of control, Aquarius. You’re not a general in a war ordering the troops onwards or a wrestler trying to pin down your opponent. It isn’t you versus your goal. You’re not against it, you’re with it. Your vision is beautiful. You are an artist, you are creating a masterpiece, you understand what it means to move with intuition and flow, to allow for Spirit to move through you and for life itself to be a part of the dance. This month, take a step back so that Spirit can step in and you can co-create these dreams together.

Pisces: Rebel

Happy Birthday to our February Pisces! This month asks you to go your own way lovelies. You may find your insides are stirring and saying, ‘no thanks, not this, no way’ which makes way for a lot of ‘Hell Yes!’. We are loving this in you, precious Pisces. Your sense of self is strengthening and you are displaying flashes of individuality, creativity, flair and fun. It can be a bit nerve wracking to reject the group, go off script or walk off the beaten track but you have an innate knowing of what is right for you and the courage to honour it. You are creating new ways, Pisces. You are creating your own way. This month is about your voice and your vision and that’s exciting. And even if ‘the others’ can’t get onside with you right now, know that your heart is on your side and Spirit is on your side. The whole damn Universe is on your side! Cheering you on and celebrating this boldness in you. As you take steps towards what you believe in, where you want to explore and what you want to experiment with, you will notice the Universe backs you up pretty quickly with validation, opportunity, support and rewards. It’s a fun month for following your heart, walking your own way and being your own person. And the abundance is going to be incredible! Vive la résistance! Vive la révolution! Go forth, rebel and make some waves, Pisces.

Lots of love,

Emma xxx

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