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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Tarotscopes: December 2022

Your December 2022 Tarotscopes are here!

This month, I am using the good ol' faithful Original Rider Waite Tarot cards. As we wrap up the end of another meaningful year and ease into our Winter here in the UK, I find myself thankful for the things in my life that are a constant and a comfort and Rider Waites definitely fit that feeling for me!

Aries: Four of Swords

December asks you to slow down your usual rhythm Aries. Sometimes, you've got to slow down to move forward faster! This is a great month to take a break. Maybe not from everything, but from something that's been on your mind a while. Come away from it for a few weeks, let it rest and settle and just be for now. Allow yourself to relax and refresh. This way, when you come to look at it again, you'll be seeing it with sparkly fresh eyes and you may be surprised at how different it looks, as well as what avenues forward you can feel for it. This is not 'giving up' or 'putting your head in the sand'. It's strategic and part of the creative process and a very smart way to approach it. It can still be meaningful to you whilst you do other things, like having fun with your loved ones or relaxing in front of an open fire (very Christmassy). In fact, by fulfilling other parts of yourself, you may discover or awaken some key information about this very subject! It looks like you're going to have to have a lot more fun to be able to see this clearly but hey... that's not the worst thing right?

Taurus: Three of Cups

This month calls you to be with your people Taurus. You are a very textured individual and you need different people to fulfill different parts of yourself. December wants to make you feel full! Over the next few weeks, pick up the phone, go for a coffee or show up at those Christmas gatherings with your nearest and dearest. Your people are the answer to many of your questions right now. If you find yourself at home, stirring over possible problems or challenges, don't try to figure it out alone. Hash it out with your besties. Nestle into the warmth and comfort of your most special friendships and family relationships. When you're with them, it's a fast track to fulfillment and feeling great. In the company of your people, you feel like yourself and you are restored through fun, conversation and togetherness. And from here, you feel solid, strong and safe. From here, you are seeing clearly again. What you have here is magic Taurus, absolute magic!

Gemini: King of Pentacles

You may find that you are in a position of leadership this month Gemini. Once upon a time, you were the student, soaking up all the information and learning from those who had walked the path before you. But the tables have turned and now you are the teacher. You are no longer the novice Gemini. You have a wealth of life experience that is needed now. People are coming to you, perhaps sent from the Divine, for your knowledge, wisdom, guidance and support. This month will be holding you in high esteem and value. You might be wondering, why me? We would ask, how could it be anyone else? Remember, you have the strength, resolve and vision for this. You also have kindness, compassion and love. You are King of the King of the Kingdom right now and in a position to care for your people. I'm going to quote Spiderman now - with great power, comes great responsibility. But there are also great and magnificent rewards too, which you should also be seeing this month!

Cancer: Ace of Swords

This month is all about honesty, Cancer. There is a calling to be honest about what you need, what you want and who you are - with yourself, first and foremost. And then taking the steps to communicate that, lovingly, with your people. You have changed this year. The person walking out of 2022 is a very different individual to the one who walked in. Experiences lived this year have changed you, irrevocably forever... but this is a good thing. Those experiences were big and meaningful. It's a testament to your connection and presence with these events that they have impacted you. What's done, cannot be undone. What you can now see, cannot be unseen. Who you have become is standing right here, right now. Give your heart a voice this month, speak about all of these experiences and what they have given you. You may be surprised what opens up for you - and others - when you share your new, true self.

Note - Leo (below) also received the Ace of Swords this month, it may be worth reading their scope too, to see how it resonates.

Leo: Ace of Swords

Leo, this month your theme is: alignment. December is aligning you with you. You have big ideas and visions and philosophies about what you believe in. Internally, this has felt really strong in you, but for some reason things haven't been quite lining up on the outside. This month focuses on aligning. You won't feel that you are solely talking the talk, but that you are also walking the walk. Maybe you've got a romance that doesn't honour your values or a job position that doesn't mirror your beliefs about work/life balance - whatever it is for you, you'll be encouraged to clear out and let go. You are choosing less of what you don't want, in favour of more of what you do want. This is powerful! You want to live the life you believe in. As you let something go, try not to be too dismayed. Very quickly something else arrives into your life that is exactly what you've asked for!

Note - Cancer (above) also received the Ace of Swords this month, it may be worth reading their scope too, to see how it resonates.

Virgo: Three of Wands

December is a bit dreamy for you, Virgo. You've got your eyes on the future and new ideas about what you might want next for yourself. Some of these ideas might feel a bit unexpected! Maybe this isn't part of the plan, the path you thought you were going to take? Maybe these ideas take you away from areas of your life that used to be your top priority? Have you had this dream before but abandoned it for yourself? Are you even allowed to think like this Virgo? Of course you are! Right now, it may all just seem dreamy, just a nice idea... but what if it's actually a calling? You are allowed to dream of a different life for yourself Virgo. Yes, you may have thought about it before and there were reasons it didn't go ahead but things are different now. You are different now. And once you own this dream and think about putting a plan into action, you move from 'just dreaming' to 'making this happen'.

Libra: The Sun

December is your lucky month Libra! Good news is coming and then more and more and more of it. From long awaited solutions or opportunities, to gifts and abundance from the Universe - the sun is shining down upon you friend! You may notice this month that loved ones are not having the same luck that you are and it could make you feel a bit uncomfortable. You may even want to hide or deny the great things that are happening for you. Of course, be tactful around those who are struggling and show up with compassion, as you always do, but don't get swept up in someone else's story either. You're in a different place, a good place and this is somewhere you've looked forward to arriving at in your life. Celebrate yourself and your happy things with those people who you know will celebrate with you and soak up all this greatness Libra - you deserve it.

Scorpio: Ten of Pentacles

This month, life is good for you Scorpio. Much of what you're living now, was once something you only dreamed of! There is wonderful abundance and emotional fulfillment here, where you are as well as a feeling of 'this is everything I want'. Give yourself a break from forward planning because this month is about presence, Scorpio. Be here now. Next year will surely bring big changes but right now, soak up the joy and achievement of what you've created. You walked for a long time and worked hard to arrive here. You might even pare back a bit in December, create more time and space for yourself to really be at peace and have the mental and physical energy to enjoy yourself. And when you find your mind wandering into the realms of 'I should be doing more' or 'I should be progressing' say to yourself: When life feels this good... why worry about what's next?

Note - Capricorn (below) also received the Ten of Pentacles this month, it may be worth reading their scope too, to see how it resonates.

Sagittarius: Six of Pentacles

Happy Birthday to my fellow Saggies! I don't know if it's the Christmas season or whether it's an energetic thing but your theme of the month is Giving, Sag. Yes, we love receiving and Sagittarians are great manifestors, they know what it is to receive but giving is an important part of the process. If receiving is the yang, then giving is the yin. We need both, they flow together. This month calls you to give and that might be giving your time, your patience, your presence, your truth, your knowledge, your wisdom, your listening ear, your kindness or your strength. Of course, don't deplete yourself, make sure your well is full and give in doses that feel healthy for you. You're showing up for people in need this month and it might be that you're giving of yourself to people who (right now), have very little resources to return your offering. That's OK Sag! Because what you give now, will circle back to you from other places, other sources, other ways. Give anyway - freely, generously and from the heart. It's through this heart-centered giving that you will stir up parts of yourself - inner treasures, sacred knowings and sparkling clarity - and I get the feeling that these might be the answers you have been waiting for.

Capricorn: Ten of Pentacles

Happy Birthday to our December Capricorns! This year, you became even more You, Capricorn. You have arrived, somewhere inside, into a place that you always dreamed of. Your sense of self is strong, bold and true. You are beautifully yourself. This month asks you to spend some time really feeling into this becoming. It's significant and it's profound. You're not going back to the older versions of you, so take some time getting to know yourself and sealing in the incredible experiences you chose, created and allowed this year. Life really is quite good, Capricorn. Own what has been great for you and maybe give yourself a spectacular end of year review. Because you are going into this next year with one helluva springboard! 2023 will bring more big life experiences for you and you may get news of some of them this month, they will be just more to look forward to! What comes next, is no longer what you need to be happy, what comes next is a bonus, something extra, on top of an already wonderful you.

Note - Scorpio (above) also received the Ten of Pentacles this month, it may be worth reading their scope too, to see how it resonates.

Aquarius: Eight of Cups

This month you have themes of 'moving on' Aquarius. It's time to go forward now. You may already be feeling to leave the past in the past... But it could be that things you thought you wanted, are also going to be left behind? Maybe you have a dream that you're letting go of? Or perhaps you are going to walk away from something you thought you'd never leave? This is because you have changed Aquarius and what you need and want now has also changed. You're not giving up or quitting and you didn't get it wrong - you've got everything you needed out of this experience and now you're ready for the next thing. This is a sign of your deep growth. There is a knowing inside of you that moving on is the right thing for you - even if it's a completely different direction to where you thought you were going - you can feel it in your bones. This month, you may take the first steps out on your new road and the Divine is with you, all the way. There will be signs and things will line up for you, as if by magic, reassuring you that you're on the right path. You are indeed moving on.

Pisces: Queen of Cups

This month, your emotions are powerful Pisces. You are feeling all the feelings! And this is your superpower because those emotions are your heart talking to you. They might get a bit loud but it's just because they want to make sure they've got your attention. Are you listening? Your feelings are your guide. They will be very clear. They will be saying 'No! I don't want more of that' and 'Yes! This! More of this!'. Good news is, there is a lot of love around you in December and it's real love. Emotional fulfillment to the fullest! This kind of love sets a standard. It reminds you - this is what it's supposed to feel like. This is what I am supposed to feel like. It's a return to base for you Pisces, a return to what you feel like when you're feeling nourished, balanced and full. And this will set you up real nice before you go out exploring the world again in January. So this month, just follow your feelings. In the places that you feel warm, held, joyous, valued, safe and loved - why not snuggle in there a little longer?

You can now book in for your 2023 Readings with Me!

And may I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, full of fun, joy and togetherness with your loved ones x

As we wrap up 2022, I send lots of love to you all...

Emma xxx

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