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Tarotscopes: August 2023

August Tarotscopes Emma L. Bennett

This month, there are themes of fun, community and togetherness. For many, there are answers to prayer coming. I am also feeling that August is bringing the unexpected. So, it’s a good time to be flexible as well as open to surprises and new directions.

Please note: These messages are not the traditional card meanings nor the messages from the accompanying book. I use these cards to inspire and invoke intuitive messages to come through to me and then I share them with you.

Aries: Six of Cups

This month highlights your joy, Aries. There’s a lot going on in your life right now. Perhaps your schedule is very full or you have way too much to think about? You need some fun, Aries! August encourages you to seek out some playtime. You might have to actively create space for it but it’s necessary. It’s about balance again. When one area of your life becomes heavy with hard work, you start feeling tired, weighed down and flat. To restore your inner harmony, you require some upliftment. Remember, this fun time isn’t frivolous. It is purposeful because it’s just what you need to refuel. Some people need to lay down, have a long bath or take a nap to reconnect with themselves. But you’re not like those people Aries - you need positive stimulation. You need adventure, exploration, laughter and fun! You must connect with that which excites you and fulfils you in order to feel like you again. When you feel like you, everything and everyone around you benefits. This month, make your joy a priority. Go down to the beach, play some games, go out for dinner or take in a show. Whatever is playful for you, do that. By prioritising your joy, you’re prioritising your wellbeing, you’re prioritising you.

Taurus: Two of Cups

August focuses on your heart, Taurus. This month invites you to share your heart, your inner thoughts, feelings and ideas with others. There’s a tender and beautiful energy around you. You are being aligned with the right people to share yourself with. This sharing of your heart is deeply healing for you. It is opening you up to being able to explore places you’ve never been before. It is readying you for new directions and bigger adventures. You will also be experiencing more connection with people. As you share your heart, others begin to share theirs with you. It allows you to know others and be known by others in new ways. As you begin to reveal what you have and who you are inside, you will experience a sense of safety and belonging - in ways that maybe you never have. This month, you receive something you have been longing for and there is a focus on communion, community and connection for you. Other people are showing up to take you by the hand, to places you cannot travel alone. And likewise, you will show up for others in the same way. And whilst you may feel vulnerable and even exposed at times, you are safe to share your heart.

Gemini: Ten of Swords

Let’s face it, you’re right in the middle of the unknown right now. At this time, you are facing some big life changes and you’re not sure how they’re going to play out or come together. Not knowing can be tough, especially on a brilliant smartypants brain like yours, Gemini. In many ways, this month is about having faith. Faith in the Divine, faith in others and faith in yourself. You’ve experienced some challenges this year, but the worst is behind you, Gem. I’ve got Take That singing in my head… “Things can only get better”. This month brings the unexpected. You’ve already had some difficult unexpected events. Those events that you didn’t see coming and threw your life in an unexpected direction and it wasn’t much fun. But there’s a flipside to the unexpected. There are days ahead where you’re going to wake up in the morning and have no idea that your life is about to change in the best of ways. Where something incredible, beautiful and maybe even miraculous happens for you. August is bringing days like this for you, Gemini. Throughout August, you’re navigating the unknown but just remember that sometimes not knowing is part of the magic. You don’t know anything. And you won’t know anything. Until… SURPRISE - now you do know. And I believe that it will be better than you would have chosen or even imagined for yourself.

Cancer: Ten of Cups

August is about togetherness, Cancer. Together we are stronger, together we are fuller, together we are more. If you find yourself questioning anything in your life, the answer is togetherness. Talking to your people will help you to hash things out and arrive into clarity. You may find that your solo time is slim this month but that’s OK! Your people can take you to places that you cannot reach alone.This is a time to be with others. To have fun together, to support each other, to heal together, to teach one another, to learn from one another, to grow together, to relax together, to imagine together, to explore together, to build together, to play together, to be together, You were never destined to do anything and everything along, Cancerian. You have much to give this month and you’ll be receiving in kind from those around you. Energy flows out from you and flows right back in. You could be feeling more energised, more alive and incredibly full! Whilst you might wonder if you should have more solitude, and pockets of down time is totally fine, your togetherness is the most spiritual place, the most Holy place, the most connective place you could be right now.

(Leo also received the Ten of Cups, so you guys are in alignment right now!)

Leo: Ten of Cups

Happy Birthday to our August Leos! This month is about community, Leo. You can move forward on your own but you’ll move forward faster with others.There’s encouragement to bring people on board, allow them into the fold, Leo. This is a time for sharing your ideas, sharing your visions, sharing your heart and giving others the space to share theirs. Through conversation and exploration, you’ll realise that your goals are not in conflict, there’s not really any compromise necessary, because your visions actually compliment one another. Life is on your side here and brilliant things can happen for you this month - but it will be a hard slog if you try to go solo. The right people are being lined up to help you on your way and you can create something really special now. Be aware of networking opportunities, community events, team projects and willing helpers on your path. Just remember, your ability to thrive, your success and your abundance is available through togetherness. You might have to share the glory but the good news is, you’ll create something so much bigger together than you could on your own, so there will be plenty for everyone! Together you’re stronger, together you’re fuller, together you’re greater.

(Cancer also received the Ten of Cups, so you guys are in alignment right now!)

Virgo: King of Pentacles

Happy Birthday to our August Virgos! This month, you get your groove back, Virgo. You’ve had some unexpected events this year and new information came to light that may have knocked you off your rhythm somewhat. You may have spent some time unsure of the path you’re on. This month, you’re ready to make some decisions, which feel months in the making. You’ve been building up to these changes but now it feels like the right time to take action. This could stir up some temporary feelings of nervousness. It’s just the build up, the anticipation, creating some edginess. But you will make some decisions for yourself this month that clear the way for you and give you a deep sense of relief. These choices also honour what you need from life right now. They reflect your becoming. You know where you stand now and you’ve got clear directions that you’re travelling in. All of this puts your mind at ease. You regain your confidence and you’re striding through life with your head held high. These factors combined mean that you are glowing, Virgo. You’re back in your body, you’re back in your heart and you’re back on track.

Libra: Three of Pentacles

This month, the writing is on the wall, Libra. Information is coming to light to move you forward now. This is what you’ve been waiting for. What you learn about yourself, and potentially other people, throughout August will give you confidence in your decision making. You will be sure of who you are, where you stand and what you need to do in order to move ahead. In recent months, you may have been swinging back and forth on your thinking or certain decisions that need to be made - that classic Libran sway, as you weigh up the possibilities. However, there will be an undeniable truth presenting itself and it will make the path ahead incredibly clear for you. Other people might still be swinging, offering conflicting information or advice and maybe even trying to convince you in another direction. But you know this isn’t a rash decision for you. You know how long it took you to arrive here. In your waiting, you gave time and space for more information to present itself. And once it does, you will know in your heart what is the next right step for you. You will feel a profound sense of self-trust, self-connection and self-knowing, which you will not be willing to give up for anyone. You’re ready to move ahead. You’re ready for this next chapter of your life. Again, this is what you’ve been waiting for.

Scorpio: Knight of Cups

What does your heart need, Scorpio? That’s what August is asking you. There are many areas of your life going through change right now. You’ve been a busy bee Scorpio and that’s exciting. But there’s a subtle feeling amidst all this action and adventure, there’s a part of you that’s beginning to feel a bit… flat. Whilst you might be getting much of what you’ve asked for and you’re feeling all that gratitude, your heart is yearning for something else, something completely separate to what you’ve got going on. Your heart is calling for emotional fulfilment. It feels like you need something loving, something that is a bit more ‘you’ and I feel that relationships are a theme here. Remember, where you are right now is just a starting place and there is room for experimentation. Maybe you want to work with people who share your ethos and vision? Is it time to date different kinds of people? Do you need more time with your loved ones? Just remember, your heart is seeking its own fulfilment right now and it might be different to your brain's goals and ideas. Listen to your heart, it knows what it needs and it knows the way.

Sagittarius: King of Pentacles

This month brings you surprising and fast ways forward, Sag. You might have felt unsure of whether you’re on the right path, which direction you’re going in or how to get where you want to be. Pull up from within some of that Sagitarrian optimism. Pop on those rose-tinted star-shaped lenses. Remind yourself that things are working out for you and the Universe is on your side. Start tapping into some of that Saggi swagger. Because someone is coming to you with an offer that you do not see coming and it’s good. Really good. It is a catapult forward. Whoosh! Big energy! It will feel like a miracle but if you’ve got your swagger going, it will feel like ‘Of course this was going to happen’. I am feeling that you might need to channel some IDGAF energy to embrace it. As you step out on this new path, you’ll be ruffling some feathers. It’s inevitable. You do you, Sag. Let the rufflers be ruffled. Remember that the people who really see you, feel you, get you, love you - they are on your side. And forget the rest. You don’t need the approval of people you don’t agree with. For a few days, or even weeks, it might feel like you’re sailing through the water with not much in sight… But keep your eyes on the horizon, Sag, because land is in sight.

Capricorn: Seven of Cups

This month you are making big decisions, Capricorn. It’s time to readjust your priorities because what you want for yourself has changed. It’s not that your original pursuits have become meaningless, it’s that something else meaningful is calling for your attention now. There are other parts of you that require some life experience and it’s the right time for it. Initially, it might feel like a tough choice because perhaps you feel that you’re quitting on something. This isn’t true. You’re paring back on one area of your life, which you really care about, to make space for something else that you also care about. You cannot have it all and be it all - at least, not all at the same time. For example, you cannot be snuggled at home with loved ones and be climbing Mount Everest at the same time. The version of yourself that is cuddling on the sofa is different from the version of you that climbs mountains. This month, you’ll be deciding which versions of you need a platform for expression and when. And clearly, an exciting part of you is bursting out, maybe a new version of you is being birthed. You’re about to do something different and I truly believe everyone will be thrilled to see you go for it.

Aquarius: Queen of Wands

August sees you take a position of leadership, Aquarius. People around you may be struggling to see clearly and there could even be some drama bubbling. However, this doesn’t directly affect you. You’re not involved. But people do seem to be bringing them conflicts, concerns or confusion to you. The reason they’re doing this is because you are someone who sees clearly. You’re someone who has a wealth of life experience, you’ve been here before and gone beyond it. And I have a strong feeling that Spirit has Divinely guided these people towards you. They’ve been heaven sent to your doorstep. Through supporting others, you’re remembering yourself. You’re remembering what you’ve lived, what you’ve learned, what you’ve lost but also what you’ve gained. You’re remembering who you are. You’re deepening your connection to your generosity, your compassion and your love. It is through guiding others, that you are also guided. It is through strengthening others, that you are strengthened. It is through loving others that you are loved. And I have a feeling that being in this role is going to give you some ‘ding ding ding’ moments about how maybe, you’re called to show up in this role in other ways… Is this your calling, Aquarius?

Pisces: Queen of Cups

This month, your heart is leading the way, Pisces. You have some surprising opportunities to go in new directions and these adventures might not be ‘part of your plan’. However, they feel like an answer to prayer. You may have been out there blowing on dandelion clocks or wishing on shooting stars, gently asking the Universe to listen to your heart’s desires. Well, the Universe has heard you and is now delivering. The question is, will you listen to your heart? Will you follow your heart? Some people might be surprised at this new direction that you want to bound in - but it’s only because they were unaware that you’d been wishing for this. You kept these little longings private, so to observers, it seems like you just pulled this straight out of thin air. But you know that this isn’t a reckless whim. You know that this is something that speaks to your heart and soul. Your head might have many logical questions but with some curiosity, you can get some of those questions answered. The rest will have to be lived in to… These opportunities are offering you a wealth of life experience that you’re ready for. One door will lead to another door and another door and another door… This is just the beginning. But it feels like a beginning that you’ve been waiting for.

Lots of love,

Emma xxx

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