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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Tarotscopes: April 2023

Your April 2023 Tarotscopes!

This month, I am using The Light Seers Tarot. It just called to me. My Mum got me this deck for my birthday a few years ago. They’re a beautiful set of cards. Bursting with vibrant colour and gorgeous symbology. I’m thrilled to tune into your journey this month and bring through these messages. Enjoy!

Please note: These messages are not the traditional card meanings nor the messages from the accompanying book. I use these cards to inspire and invoke intuitive messages to come through to me and then I share them with you.

Aries: The Emperor

Happy Birthday to our April Aries! Well guys, this is your card. The Emperor is associated with Aries and Mars, your ruling planet, suggesting that everything is lined up with you this month! Fate is not only in your favour but also on your side. April is all about power for you. Your power. And imagine the power you have when the fates are also aligned with you! This month, you’re not waiting around for things to happen. You’re the one in control, you get to choose. The question is, what do you want to use this power for? I have a feeling that you already know. There are changes that you’ve been thinking about for some time. The message here is that it’s one thing having all the power, it’s another thing to actually use it. There’s encouragement to make real steps forward and take action towards what it is you want. Move with thoughtfulness and on your gut instincts and you shall see astonishing results. You have the power to create real change this month. This is your chance to not feel like a victim of circumstance but a vibrant, conscious creator in your life - and let’s face it, that’s right up your street Aries! That’s a vibe that really works for you. Sitting around and waiting for life to happen isn’t your jam, so it’s great news that the Universe is giving you the nod, the go ahead, the signal. Everything is aligned, it’s time… What are you waiting for? Make your move.

Taurus: Knight of Pentacles

Happy Birthday to our April Taureans! This month is giving you a little bit of a push in the right direction, Taurus. You may have been experiencing some uncertainty or indecision about what’s the right path for you. This might be in just one area of your life - or it could just be in general! Should I stay? Should I go? Should I wait? Should I begin? What should I do? There’s been a lot of ‘shoulds’ in the mix.. April brings sparkling clarity for you. The answers are coming and spoiler alert… The ‘shoulds’ will not be relevant. What you need and what you want to feel becomes your priority and your motivation. This month, those answers are coming from within and you’ll know - you will know with every fibre of your being - what you want to do. Not only that but you will make some decisions. This is going to bring great relief to you! Phew! You’ll be letting go of the weight of worrying, weighing and wondering - which will open brand new horizons, adventures, togetherness and ease. You might find that the energy intensifies for you at the beginning of this month… That could feel a little unsettling but don’t be afraid dear Taurus. It’s part of the process. You are on the brink of powerful change and once you make your choice, you’ll be surprised how life is on your side with this. And life will show you that with glorious abundance!

Gemini: Eight of Cups

April has themes of letting go, Gemini. Gentle, sensitive, natural letting go… You may find that you are letting go of an idea, goal or dream in order to make way for new dreams. You may find that you are letting go of relationships that have run their course so that you may welcome in fulfilling connections now. You could be letting go of a job that you’ve outgrown so you can embark on new adventures. Perhaps you are letting go of ‘how you are going to work things out’ so that Spirit, the Universe, Life can step in and lead the way. It can be difficult (and even painful) to let go because it raises the question: Who am I without this? Without this role? Without this person? Without this focus? Without this control? We might hide from those answers but I want to tell you there is nothing to fear, Gemini. You are safe. You are held. You are loved. Life has many cycles and mysteries and whatever it is you need to let go of now, it’s just time. It’s time for this change. Letting go is not indicative that you do not care. In fact, I feel you have cared very much for this. It is just time for this change to take place… But know, this isn’t the only thing happening for you this month. Whilst you may be letting go of something or someone, at the very same time, there are other things calling for your attention, your care, your passion, your focus, your love. They are calling for you and it’s time to go to them. They’re waiting for you - to hold you, inspire you, move you, invigorate you, support you and love you in return. So whilst it may be one thing to ask - who am I without this? You can turn towards that which calls you now and ask - who am I with this? Who am I with this person? With this role? With this focus? With this calling? I imagine the answers you find there are truly spectacular.

Cancer: Three of Pentacles

This month, the writing is on the wall. There is some news incoming - and maybe some plot twists - that will put some unnecessary worrying or wondering to rest. This feels like an unexpected change, Cancerian. Have you ever been fussing over something then got a phone call about something completely different, something big, that made that fussing seem really insignificant? That’s your April vibe. This month, mountains become molehills for you. The little things become even smaller. And it’s because bigger things are going on. This feels good to me but I understand that even positive, surprise events can be a little unnerving so remember to stay grounded and hydrated. The reason I say, ‘the writing is on the wall’ is because what’s going on is for everyone to see and it cannot be debated with. It is just is, what it is. Whomp there it is! And this is going to demand your attention. And know, your attention should be on this for now. This ‘bigger topic’ is going to create a buzz, a flurry of energy and I feel this is going to be good for you, Cancerian. You’ll find yourself in the flow of life and in the togetherness of people and I think this rush of energy is going to make you feel clear, capable, activated and alive. Life will be happening and you’ll be happening within it. I appreciate that this is very cryptic… But the nature of surprises is that they tend to be somewhat ambiguous before they, you know, surprise you. The message here is that what’s happening, is happening - go with it. That’s the only thing you can do. But I do believe this: In the moment, when it’s all occurring, you rise.

Leo: The Hermit

April is a month for you to just let go and let things be, Leo. You’ve been processing, digesting and experiencing a lot of change in recent months and you need a breather. There is a calling for a bit of downtime, some rest and some restoration. It makes sense that things need to settle before making your next move. Even if you can just have quiet mornings or evenings, pockets of time, to be in some solitude and peacefulness, that will make some real difference in how you feel, think and see. This month calls you inwards to be able to hear your own heart. It may not be the time for you to seek too much advice or too many opinions from outside sources. Of course, lean into togetherness for comfort, support, joy and love - we all need that. However, the answers coming from others may not bring the relief you’re seeking. That’s because the answers you need are coming from within. Spirit are with you - loving you, caring for you, guiding you - and they have many ways to support you in hearing your own heart. But guess what? That’s much easier to do when you’ve been able to chill out a bit. Move towards your sanctuaries this month. That might be snuggled in a blanket on the sofa whilst you listen to music or it could be taking a walk amongst the trees in the forest. You know where you feel at ease and connected. Throughout April, the most important move you can make is towards your own self and your own heart, Leo.

Virgo: Three of Swords

This month asks you not to escape your heart, dear Virgo. It may be that some uncomfortable emotions have been or will be coming up for you. It might be subtle bubbles or it could be some real heartache. I can understand wanting to distract from these feelings. Maybe you want to busy yourself with work, knock back a bottle of wine or scroll through your phone… How’s that working out for you? Those pesky feelings might disappear for a couple of hours but are likely to be still there. And the longer they feel unheard, the louder they will get. Your heart is demanding your attention. The encouragement this month is to not turn away from heart but turn towards it. In that discomfort or pain, there’s a message. Your heart is communicating with you. And the fastest way forward is through. By listening to what’s going on within you, you’ll get the answers you need to move onwards. You might be surprised how simple the solutions are too! When we distract from the aches it’s because we think it’s going to be too big or that we can’t change it or that it might destroy us. But your heart is on your side. It literally is you. Your heart has something to tell you. It knows the way. When you listen to your heart, you’ll see how gentle and quiet it can be. It only gets really loud because it wants your attention. Once it knows you’re all ears, it becomes softer and clearer. The way forward now is through your heart.

Libra: King of Wands

This month asks you to be a leader, Libra. The image on this card is of a man who is holding a flaming torch and that’s how I am seeing you in April. You are lighting the way. You are the one leading people onwards now. You may find that this month people are looking to you for answers or action. They know that you have something they need - ideas, knowledge or experience - and you are called to be of help, support and assistance this month. This is a role you excel at Libra! By rising into this position, you will feel yourself open up and strengthen. You will reclaim parts of you that felt absent in recent years. You will feel bold, clear and mighty. I also feel that it could be that younger people (younger than you) are turning to you for your wisdom, guidance and advice. Sharing and storytelling is another form of Divine guidance. People have much to learn from you this month and there are many ways that might play out. All of this is connected to something. It is leading you somewhere. This is your time to be a teacher, to be a guide, to be a healer, to be an elder. It is the beginning of another chapter for you where you are in this role and it has the potential to become much bigger and to take you to more places than in the past. You are encouraged to lean into Libra and to lead the way - and of course, as you lead them, allow Spirit to lead you.

Scorpio: Ten of Cups

This month is about relational abundance for you, Scorpio. April is all about your people. There are many areas of your life that you have experienced success and abundance. I’m sure it’s different for every Scorpio… For you, you might feel accomplished in your career or perhaps your spirituality or your creativity. It is now time for relational wealth and relational abundance. The vibes around this are beautiful… Really something special! This is the time for your relationships to be inflated, to come to fullness and provide you with incredible fulfilment. Relationships across the board - friends, family, romance, work colleagues, all the people. And the quality of this company is fantastic. These are your people, for sure. There is encouragement for you to be with your people, to talk and laugh and bond. You’re showing up for your people and they’re showing up for you and more people are showing up. If you have felt that an element of your relationships has been a bit flat - whether that’s your social life, work collaborators or your love life - people are showing up this month to help inflate that area for you. It’s exciting! This is peak abundance right here. And peak abundance. You may find that other areas of your life start to change shape slightly, perhaps begin to slow down or open up somehow. This is so that you can have a little extra space to accommodate and prioritise your relationships - both old and new. These people are the answer to sooo many of your questions, Scorp! Your people are just what you need. They are the answer and the solution. They are your nourishment and your fulfilment. Give over to the togetherness and enjoy it!

Sagittarius: Three of Wands

April asks you to keep your eyes focused on the now and the future, Sag. This is a brand new chapter for you and it’s a big deal. The past really is in the past and there’s nothing more to go over (for now). Really hear this - the past is not and will not be repeating itself. This is a new beginning unlike anything you’ve known. And what you are doing now is setting the scene for what you will create later. What you’re living now will be stirring up ideas and possibilities for what you want to live in the future. This is the time for new experiences - things you have never done before - which will birth new dreams, dreams you’re imagining for the first time. Life is available to you now, in ways that have never existed for you before. It might take a little brain-discipline to not keep travelling down memory lane, to stay grounded and present. This is where you change your ‘life story’. You’ve had a tale that you’ve told for a long time. But now, that story is no longer relevant. You have a new experience unfolding, a new story to tell, a new life to live, a new you that’s unfolding. You walked for a long time to get here. There is no other place that you need to be, other than right here. And part of being here will be coming up with new ideas, goals, visions, desires and dreams. So be here and allow yourself these new dreams. You’re allowed this new life, Sag - embrace it, enjoy it and be within it. It’s yours.

Capricorn: Six of Pentacles

April is about balance for you, Capricorn. This month could be quite full for you - it feels busy and engaging. There’s energy going out from you and energy coming in, energy going out, energy coming in. There is much that calls for your resources - your time, your attention, your space, your input. And I can feel that this is stuff you want to show up to. However, remember that there’s a balance that’s required. It could work for you to acknowledge what is going out from you and what’s coming in. Honouring what’s coming in could help you to realise that you’re not the only one giving. You are receiving too. Capricorn - please, please, please allow yourself to receive. It will nourish you and support you in your giving. Also, remember this month that you need not overgive. A good question to carry with you this month is: What is enough? Where have you done enough? Shared enough? Given enough? You need not give any more than enough. And the same applies for how you’re receiving… Has it been enough? Are you denying where you are receiving and therefore feeling an imbalance that doesn’t need to be there? Maybe you’re overgiving and then feeling the other people aren’t matching your efforts? Or perhaps you just need to wait for some energy to come in before giving more out? Take stock of the energy exchange - similar to how you might balance finances, it will help you to maintain balance. And, remember to take care of yourself, Cap. Rest, restore, nourish, hydrate. There is this constant ‘in and out’ this month which could leave you feeling a bit tired. But, it is also this ‘in and out’ that will have you feeling purposeful, connected, involved, loved and alive. Just remember the balance!

Aquarius: Two of Wands

What you are seeking is seeking you, Aquarius. This month is Divinely aligning your wants and desires with the right people, the right places and the right timings. You may feel that things feel ‘out of your control’. With all your best efforting, you can’t quite make things happen. The good news is - you don’t need to. Spirit knows what’s in your heart, your mind and soul. You don’t need to search for the way, the answers, the solutions. The Divine is bringing what you need to you. All that is asked of you, is to move yourself into a place of clarity. When you’re in this place, you will be able to recognise those right people, you’ll be able to intuit the right places, you’ll be able to arrive right on time. So Aquarius - what supports your clarity? Anything that puts you on the Joy Spectrum (my own terminology right there). The Joy Spectrum is a wide range of emotions and feelings - joyfulness, fun, peace, calm, relaxation, playfulness, enthusiasm, serenity, eagerness, adventure, sexiness, ease, excitement and many more. If it makes you feel in the range of ‘good’ - then you are at your clearest, you are connected into sparkling clarity! This month you are being moved and that which you desire is moving towards you. The energy is aligned, the stars are aligned, the whole damn Universe is aligned and there is nothing for you to do but focus on feeling good. And know, when you feel good, the rest will unfold as if by magic.

Pisces: The Moon

This month, you have The Moon, Pisces. Is there any other card more Piscean than The Moon? I would say that this is the most Pisces card in the deck. It represents everything that makes you, you. Deep emotions, deep intuition, deep connection. This month, the way you connect with the world is the way you will move through the world, Pisces. That’s a really important statement. It means that the way other people move through, the way you think you should move through, will not work for you. You have to do it your way. You go deep and this month, going deep is what is going to get you through. It could be that you’re in your own ‘dark night of the soul’ right now. Know that this too shall pass. Not only do you have permission to feel all your big feelings fully but it’s encouraged. These feelings are the direction, they are the path, they are the way. Spirit are also asking you to turn towards them during this time. Whether that’s God, the Universe, the Spirit world - the terminology doesn’t matter - the Divine is with you and invites you to fall into them. Meditate, pray, sing, write, go sit in the forest or swim in the sea. Go into your sacred places where you find the Divine. Spirit are with you and will be finding many ways, each day, to show you that. They know you’re moving through something and they’re moving with you. April is a big emotional time for you and you just gotta just feel it. Don’t try to intellectualise it, understand it or justify it. Don’t make it into some sort of life lesson just yet. Feel it. The feeling of it will bring healing. The feeling of it will bring clearing and release. The feeling of it will bring revealing. The feeling of it will bring connection. The feeling of it will bring knowing. The feeling of it will bring the light. The feeling of it is the way. Sometimes, you’ve got to dive deep to explore what resides here… But this is the way forward and you will find yourself in the bright light again.

Lots of love,

Emma xxx

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