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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Squirrel: Playtime

Squirrels bring spiritual messages of letting go of all the ideas of right and wrong and black and white, the heavy thinking, the seriousness and just spending time being playful and having fun.

Over the years, society has told us that we don't have time for playfulness and we must be productive, we must hustle, we must contribute to the system with the suggestion of 'if we don't work hard, how will anything get done?' but playfulness isn't a 'waste of time'. Play is another valuable way of getting to know ourselves and connecting with others and often, it's whilst we are playing that we rise into the perfect place within ourselves for inspiration, clarity and ease. We had sooo much fun watching the squirrels today. There were so many of them and they were so spirited, a real joy!

Squirrels are

also symbolic of gathering energy resources, storing up for what's to come and readying for what's next. They remind us to check in with ourselves and give ourselves what we need, so they we may be able to recognise the next step when it's right in front of us, as well as be comfortable so we can enjoy and connect with all that is arriving.

And maybe that playfulness, that joy of heart, is just what we need as a form of readying?

A friend of mine did a reading for me this week and it carried similar themes, the idea of letting go of our rigid thoughts of right and wrong, letting go of the overthinking and know that all is well, all is coming together and just have more fun now, in the knowing that we can have more fun because there's actually nothing to stress over, everything is just as it needs to be and more is coming. Squirrel's messages lines up with this so beautifully and it's always wonderful to feel those conversations layering up.

We really enjoyed our Squirrels today and are sharing them with you, to share that joy!

Loving you all, Emma

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