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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Queen Wasp: R.E.S.P.E.C.T

Updated: Apr 7, 2023

I know that for many (if not most) our Queen Wasp is a bit scary... Possibly somewhat unattractive? However, she is a Queen and I feel I want to give her a little respect. Plus, she flew into my house this week, bringing the perfect opportunity to draw on some her incredible wisdom and symbolism.

Queen Wasp is a creator. A Divine creator. She survives seasons that will destroy other weaker wasps. She rises after Wintering to create her own intricate, swirly nest (which is an artistic masterpiece) and then cracks on creating her colony all by herself. She lays her eggs, feeds them, nurtures the young ones and once they are all grown into adult wasps, they will become her helpers. Her children continue to develop the kingdom and feed the next round of babies. But Queen Wasp begins it all, sets it all in motion and then directs it. It is wholly her creation. I mean, come on... That's badass. Understandably, Queen Wasp is a power animal for mothers and single parents. For all of us, she symbolises our own creator energy and about ability to create our own worlds - and choose who we co-create with.

Queen Wasp inspires our own inner monarch and asks us to be the ruler of our own kingdom. Whether we channel this into one specific area of our lives or allow it to enhance every area of our world, Queen Wasp supports our own becoming and our own empowerment. She infuses us with resilience, knowing, intuition, inspiration, strength, focus and creation energy.

Our Queen is also big and she will be noticed. When she arrives in our world, it may be time for us to be big, for us to take up room, for us to noticed.

Queen Wasps really do give off Queen vibes and I feel for this reason, when working with her energy we are absolutely connecting with Divine Feminine energy. She is actually really special...

And here's another wonderful thing - Queen Wasps are chosen. It's not a role any ol' wasp can take up. They are chosen to become Queens by their creator. This is all passed down, through a beautiful lineage, female to female. Those who can connect with Queen Wasp may have strong connections to strong, empowered women - particularly through family dynamics.

I know she can look a bit unsettling but she is a Queen and she commands respect for herself. She knows what she is and what is capable of and she asks us to own our own capabilities and our own power and to also cultivate self-respect as well as respect from others. She asks us to know our worth and demand high standard living and loving.

We do not need to like her and guess what? She doesn't need us to like her. Queens are like that. They haven't got time to listen to or care about the opinions of others because they are far too busy living life and creating life.

I certainly do respect her and whilst I am not eager to spend too much time with her, I do feel she's incredible.

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