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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Hoverfly: Easy, Easy, Easy

To begin our conversation around Hoverfly, I want share with you my story from today. As well as working with Spirit, I volunteer at a local Forest School working with children out in nature and today I had a really awesome experience. To begin with, the bugs are emerging which is super exciting for me, being a massive Bug Lady. Some the bugs out right now are Hoverflies.

Now, I love Hoverflies, I’m a fan. So I was explaining to my colleague, who had one buzzing round her face, that they are super friendly and love people! I raised my hand in the air and the Hoverfly landed on my fingers. They really are friendly! I did this a few times over and I showed one of our young girls who has shown particular enthusiasm for all things 'naturey'. She proceeded to lift her own hand in the air and gracefully, the Hoverfly landed on her fingers. She did it over and over and even went for a little walk with him. She was delighted and besotted!

It was just this super special moment because experiences like not only immediately change our relationship with bugs and certain types of bugs, but they work as an introduction, like making a new friend and I just know this young girl will continue to befriend Hoverflies forever now, through her entire lifetime - and she will show others. And that, is just magic to me.

So let's talk about Hoverfly.

Hoverfly - Easy, easy, easy

To draw on the above story let's first discuss just how darn friendly Hoverflies are... They are super friendly! They have a natural curiosity for humans and you can often spot one hovering over your head or trying to rest on your skin. Whilst they may look a bit like some our friends like Wasps, they are very different and they don't have a stinger. So if you want to make friends with your Hoverfly, you are quite safe to do so. Hoverflies love people and they encourage us to also be curious about the people in our world and to ease into getting to know people a bit more - and to have fun with it. When you see Hoverfly, they can work as encouragement to be kind to those around you and they may even signal new people, people you can connect with, coming in your life.

There are many, many Hoverflies in the world - they are over 6000 species across the world! So Hoverfly really brings themes of individuality and the beauty of that. Variety is the spice of life and all that jazz... When you're out being all friendly, you are free to be you and to know that everything that is unique and special about you is what is wanted and needed in the world.

Whilst Hoverfly can be found in lots of places in across the globe, you won't find them anywhere that is too hot or too cold. They like to be in the middle somewhere, bringing symbolism about balance, but perhaps more directed at balance in our environments. They encourage to be in places that feel comfortable to us, that feel good to us and enhance our ability to enjoy life. Life can be hard enough at times without us lingering in places that just are 'too this' or 'too that'. Go into the places that you know you can thrive in.

And allow it to be easy going... This isn't a serious 'change your life right now' kind of message. Hoverfly is so chilled out... So relaxed... Just enjoying life and taking everything in and there's a message for us to make it easy too. Be around people who it's easy to be around and be in places where it is easy to be yourself. Simple!

We can't ignore the whole 'hover' element here either. Hoverflies hover. They aren't rushing through life busy busy busy. They tend to scooch over certain areas and then soak up the sun, soak up the delight, soak up the food. They aren't playing hide and seek with life because they know if they hang around long enough, what they want will come to them. They are symbolic of attracting abundance - easily. Just be where you are... And also, to hover above life a bit, get some perspective and take your time to take everything in before forming judgments or making choices. Remember, there's no rush to get anywhere with Hoverfly, it's about being where you are and knowing it is all working out for you.

Hoverflies are our forever friends x

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