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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Crab: Self Protection

Updated: Sep 8, 2020

Crab - Symbolism - Meaning
Crab - Emma L. Bennett

I’ve been spending time with Crabs today, so of course, I want to connect with Crab’s Medicine and Wisdom...

Crab inspires conversation about self-protection and what that means for us - what does our self-protection look like and what is it protecting us from? There are many ways that we self-protect, and a lot of those ways are totally appropriate and actually valuable to us - such as withdrawing from the world and into ourselves so that we may rebalance and recharge, not rushing into making choices that are beyond our own readiness and taking time to discern how much of ourselves we want to share with other people at any given time. Self-protection works to be supportive of us, to allow us to grow and move and absorb and thrive at a rhythm that feels right for us. These are not ‘fearful’ actions but choices that protect our own sense of well-being.

The thing is with self-protection is that it IS reflective of our own readiness. We cannot push ourselves past our own readiness, in a way that feels natural and real and confident. When we try to push beyond what feels natural, we usually feel shaky and uncertain and it can even triggering to our emotional stability. It’s in those moments that we are more likely to get a bit ‘pinchy’ - like our buddy Crab - which is another form of self-protection, we can pinch ourselves off from the flow of events, we can pinch ourselves off from our joyfulness and fun, we can pinch ourselves off from our passions and our relationships and we can pinch at others.

Crab encourages us to self-protect in a way that is healthy, nourishing and honourable to ourselves - by feeling into where we want to be and what we want, by owning our own rhythms and readiness - so that we don’t end up feeling too pinchy!

I feel that Crab’s big message today is: Be easier on yourself and take your time, listen to yourself, give to yourself and empower yourself before swimming further into new or deeper waters - because it’s this way, that you’ll enjoy it all and feel it all more fully... Which is what we all want.

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