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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

All Things

During my meditation last night, I was sat on a gravely beach watching a calm, still sea. The sky was a black night and yet in the distance, a warm orange sun hovered above the horizon. As it glowed, light reflected across the gentle ripples on the water. I remember asking, "If it is night time, why is there the Sun?" and I felt a response, "Because all things are possible."

I have a 'word of the day' flipper. My friend gifted it to me some time ago and it's a bit like a flip calendar except instead of dates, you have an uplifting quote to start your day. This morning when I turned it over, my message said 'Anything is possible'. As you can imagine, this cheery synchronicity popped a smile on my face.

This evening, before the Sun disappeared for the day, we were lucky to catch it standing out in the sky big, bold disc. My boyfriend said to me, "Is it the sun or is it the moon?". Another small prompt that brought my meditative vision to the forefront of my mind, all beautifully aligned.

May we all be reminded today: All things are possible.

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