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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Water Lily: This is not your final place

Updated: Jul 15, 2023

It is July and the Water Lillies are in bloom 🪷

These flowers thrive in the water. Spiritually, water represents our emotions and Water Lily symbolises our own ability to thrive by feeling our feelings. They remind us that our emotions are powerful. They are not working against us, but rather working for us, guiding and directing us, so that we too may thrive.

At night, Water Lilies close up their flower buds and in the morning they reopen fresh and new. This is why they have a spiritual connection to cycles, particularly rebirth and resurrections, the idea of coming back to life or being born anew. But, similarly, it’s why they have connections to Christ and they’ve also been connected to Mother Mary.

As Water Lilies come through the darkness of night and bloom in the light of day, they also represent spiritual awakenings - where we become clear on the truth, as well renew our connection with ourselves and the Divine.

In the same theme, they also represent coming through a ‘dark night of the soul’ experience. Water Lily honours what it takes to travel through a difficult period of life, what we lose along the way but also what is to be gained.

Water Lilies are deeply spiritual and are a sign that whatever we’re living right now, the Divine Mystery is with us, on our side and will guide us through and beyond.

When Water Lily appears in your life, it is a calling to connect in, with whatever is Holy for you. Whether that’s a God or your loved ones or your own heart. In times of uncertainty, turn into your Holy places.

Water Lily reminds you that this is not your final place, this is not where the story ends or all that shall be. Tomorrow is another day, tomorrow is a new day and who knows what tomorrow will bring?

When we were out on a walk, Boyfriend took this photo of Water Lily and as you can see, there’s a nymph resting upon a petal. This only brings home further messages that this is not your final place AND this is not your final form.

Water Lily Symbolism

▫️ This is not your final place

▫️ This is not your final form

▫️ Tomorrow is a new day

▫️ Allowing our emotions and accepting them as a guide so that we may thrive

▫️ Spiritual cycles and rebirth

▫️ Powerful awakenings

▫️ Connection, communication and communion with the Divine

▫️ Holy places

▫️ Deep strength and resilience

▫️ Remembering how deep our roots go

▫️ Being inside a ‘dark night of the soul’

▫️ And then moving into the light

▫️ Connections with Christ and the resurrection

▫️ Connections to Mother Mary

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