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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Bluebell: Growth, Beauty, Love & Magic

Bluebells are one my greatest seasonal joys - as I know they are for many people. Our UK woodlands are home to about 50% of the worlds Bluebells and every year I am eager to see them.

Our type of Bluebell can take up to five years to grow from seed into bulb. This brings us our first message: Take your time to grow. Adjustments, changes and becoming as don’t always happen overnight. Whatever you’re meeting in your life at this time, Bluebell asks you to give yourself the gift of time. There’s no rush to be a master or have it all figured out. With time, you’ll be ready to bloom.

Once Bluebells have started, they endure, blooming year after year after year after year. They represent everlasting love. That which is meant to be will not only be but it will remain forevermore. Some loves really do last lifetimes.

They are associated with fairies and magic and I think we all can feel that magic when we step into a woodland carpeted with Bluebells! They just feel magical don’t they? They are connected to the Divine Mystery and we can connect with them, to feel into all that which is beyond our understanding or knowing. Bluebell symbolism brings Divine magic into our own lives.

Bluebells are, of course, connected with beauty. When we are in their presence, we are reminded to be present amid beauty. To not be in a hurry, to be in our heads, but to be with beauty whilst it is here. Their beauty is transitory and seasonal, we don’t want to miss what’s right in front of us. So if beauty is in our life right now, Bluebell encourages us to be with it wholly, enjoy it and be thankful for it.

Every April, millions of Bluebells can be seen across our woodlands. Not just one or two - MILLIONS. Of course, Bluebells are also a symbol and sign of abundance. They tell us that Divine abundance is available to us now.

They also carry traditional meanings of humility, constancy and gratitude.

Bluebell Symbolism:

  • Give yourself time to grow

  • Welcome love that lasts a lifetime

  • Open up Divine Magic and Mystery

  • Be present with Beauty

  • Abundance is available to you

  • Humility, constancy and gratitude

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