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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Fern: Gentle Unfolding

One plant I‘m vibing with right now is the Fern. I have recently gained a little indoors one but right now, so many of them will be beginning to rise in the woods .

Ferns are incredible and incredibly old, they are thought to be on our planet 400 million years ago! If that doesn't bring symbolism of survival, longevity, overcoming, endurance and eternity - then I don't know what does.

They are a symbol of rebirth and renewal. They die back and return in full, year after year, for about 400 million years apparently. They reassure us that no matter what's happened or going on for us, we can and will rise again and again.

What I love about Fern, is that her growth is this soft uncurling, this gentle roll out.

She sends a stem up, then each leaf is rolled up into a spiral (all lined up in Fibonacci golden ratio) and she will gently unfold each leaf out - and if you look, there are many segments and layers, it’s step by step, segment followed by segment, layer upon layer. As an observer, that is so exciting to me.

At this time, during the Spring, she has grown an impressive amount - she’s broken up from the ground, she’s solid and she’s picking up steam and that’s awesome, but this is just the beginning because in the coming weeks and months, she will flourish and there will be just so much MORE of her. And it’s all at her own rhythm.

This gentle uncurling, this easy rolling out... It’s such a gorgeous reflection of how we are moving with our own sense of becoming, it’s not a ‘snap your fingers’ and it’s done kinda deal and it never really is - becoming is a constant, natural unfolding and there’s always more.

This brilliant uncurling is also reflective of how we can wait a minute before reacting or coming to any firm conclusions right now, that there is more to unfold - and we can use that, we can live into everything for a bit, let life roll out some more, gather more data and information, have more conversation and living experience, rather than feel we need to figure anything out, we can allow life reveal itself to us...

Allowing ourselves to be naturally transformed as life is transforming. We can allow things to uncurl, unfold... Rather than attempting to bash a way forward, we can allow the path to roll out gently in front of us and just follow it, see where it takes us.

I totally love that and I totally love Fern.

Fern Symbolism

  • Gentle growth

  • Gentle reactions

  • Transformations

  • Following our own way, our own path, our own becoming

  • Survival, overcoming, outlasting

  • Longevity and endurance

  • Rebirth and renewal

  • New life and new beginnings

  • Hope for the future

  • Divine Creation

  • Divine magic

  • Support mental and emotional wellbeing

  • Devotion to a lover

  • Protection, hope and peace

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