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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Plant Wisdom - Stocks (Matthiola)

Updated: Sep 8, 2020

Stocks - Matthiola - Symbolism - Meaning
Stocks - Emma L. Bennett

I always find Stocks so pretty and they pack a powerful scent for such soft flowers. Soft is always a feeling that I have with Stocks - soft, softly, softening. Stocks have very dainty, easily bruised petals - everything about them seems very tender and delicate AND yet, they have some super solid stems, they are vibrant, they’re highly fragrant and they are edible. They’ve got a lot going on!

They carry messages of softness and strength, that there are ways for us to feel solid, stable, strong in the world in a way that is also soft and open, graceful and beautiful. That we can be a power and have an impact, not through aggression, dominance or force, but by naturally being ourselves, that it is less about 'doing' and more about 'being' and that being, is really enough. They remind us that sometimes, putting our vulnerabilities and open-heartedness out there, in the world, can create opportunity for authenticity, bonding, inspiration and connection. Stocks say, that although it’s risky being ‘out there’ because we might get bruised, our own vibrancy and loveliness was never designed to be tucked away, it wants to be shared and seen and felt and celebrated.

Stocks also carry messages of enjoying life - even when life isn’t going ‘to plan’, perhaps especially when life isn’t going how we thought, when there’s an opportunity to relax, laugh or celebrate, seize it, throw yourself into it, wholly and fully. They remind us that whilst life throws us unexpected challenges, it also has a way of delivery unexpected delights, pleasures, loves and miracles...

Stocks are associated with Taurus season and Taurus energy, which is also connected to that deep core strength balanced with tenderness, kindness and an appreciation for earthly, tangible pleasures. They are also known to be symbols of timeless beauty and endless contentment.

Whenever I come across Stocks, they usually make n unexpected appearance in my life. They are utterly delightful... And always a welcomed surprise!

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