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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Plant Wisdom - Rose: The Divine Messenger

Updated: Jun 2, 2023

Rose Symbolism and Meaning
Rose - The Divine Messenger

This Rose in my garden usually only blooms once. This is the first year that she has bloomed twice - and the flower that she has produced, is the largest one she’s ever grown. It is HUGE! Just massive... It was a grand surprise and I am totally impressed.

And yes - she smells DIVINE! Absolutely beautiful!

We seem to have a theme here of our flowers, fruit and veg being much bigger in size, it is MORE and I must say, it seems as though the metaphorical harvest this year has potential to be mighty, to be MORE than we’ve imagined - which is undeniably exciting.

Rose has a rich, deep and many layered symbolism throughout history. She is respected and honoured in different cultures and religions. From her familiarity within Marian traditions (The Rosary Prayer springs from Rose), to The Rose Gardens of Sufism, to her association with Aphrodite in Ancient Greece - the list can go on and on and on. She is classic and timeless and her symbolism can be found across the ages...

And yet, she always seems to be linked into similar connections, across the board, to the Divine, the Sacred Mysteries and Love.

Always Love.

Rose is symbolic of beauty, passion, steadfastness, deep appreciation, that which is eternal, unconditional love and miracles. Miracles are a big recurring theme that connects with Rose... All the time, everywhere. When Rose is near, the Divine is close by too.

Her medicine can be used in support of digestion but she also works as a source of super powerful antioxidants - which can help regenerate skin cells and tissue (and so many other things). She’s actually great for skin in general, working to help heal acne, eczema and lots of other skin disorders and also rebalancing the scalp. Rose works well as an antiviral, antibacterial, antimicrobial AND be supportive as pain relief. Personally, we are fans of Rose Tea round here! But the best advice I ever got in regard to Rose Tea, was not to let it steep too long. The stronger the tea, the STRONGER it is and it has the power to get your whole gut moving in a detox (that will mean a surprising amount of time in the bathroom) - so a softer tea is kinder on the belly! Of course, as always, do some research to find out more and if/how Rose could work for you - but she’s definitely worth exploring.

Rose brings a lot to the table and it could be easy to get lost in her depth of historical symbolism... I believe she is one of those flowers that will mean different things to different people and I feel that’s the way it should be, because she is a Divine Messenger, a direct messenger, an intimate messenger, a personal messenger. Whatever she whispers to you, is always the right message, a Divine message - from her, to you.

Today, as I connect with her, I feel her message from her to me and I’m happy to share it with you. It is this: What is beautiful is always worth protecting. And what is beautiful should most certainly be celebrated, embraced and enjoyed.

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