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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Plant Wisdom - Hyacinth

I am writing about Hyacinth today because three flowers have just blossomed in my kitchen. They are a blue-ish purple and their beautiful scent is so strong that it greets me as soon as I enter the room. I noticed last year that their aroma appears to be even bolder at night times, so I wonder if they have a special relationship with night time bugs?

For me, Hyacinths are a sign of hope, new beginnings and peace. They remind me of the dove in the Noah story, arriving after the rain with an olive branch in its beak because Hyacinths are some of the first flowers to arrive after Wintering. Breaking the fast, opening the season and they do so with such grace and beauty. They are a gift. A gift of colour, a gift of scent, but also a gift from the Divine that says, 'Winter always ends, Spring always begins, life always continues, as does the human spirit and there is always more'.

Hyacinth bulbs are strong and resilient and will blossom again and again and again, year after year. I've got some in the garden that have been going for nearly a decade so far. A beautiful reminder that we too, can blossom again and again and again.

Bulbs that are planted in the Autumn will flower four to six months later in the Spring. They sit underground, just waiting for the right time for them. This is wonderfully symbolic of us giving ourselves and our dreams time, trusting that they will bloom. But it is also an assurance, it is a promise, that the arrival of something valuable and beautiful will come. It is a promise from the Divine.

Hyacinths are symbolic of constancy and sincerity.

In some ways, perhaps they beckon us to check in our sense of sincerity but I feel they more direct us to ask what does sincerity mean to us? And also encourages us to be aware of where it already exists around us, to acknowledge the constancy and sincerity in others and in life itself.

I am totally loving Hyacinths x

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