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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Plant Wisdom - Gladioli

🌿 Plant Wisdom - Gladioli 🌿

gladioli, meaning, messages
Gladioli - Meaning and Messages

Today, my home is filled with these glorious Gladioli 💛 But what are Gladioli's meaning and messages?

Gladioli are symbolically connected with swords. They name is derived from the Latin word for sword and throughout history, because they are long and pointy, they have been connected with swords and gladiators and warriors. I find this fascinating because they are so far away from what we usually associate with swords - such as being cold and sharp. They are soft and vibrant! We know that traditionally, swords are connected with protection, freedom and truth and when I connect with Gladioli, I feel she encourages us into other ways of moving with these themes.

She encourages ways to protect ourselves that are inspired from self-care and self-love, she says that in order for us to remain vibrant and healthy, we can make good choices about where we put our time and energy. This isn’t ‘against’ others but rather ‘for’ ourselves.

Gladioli reminds us that freedom doesn’t always need to be the cutting away that which makes us feel trapped - such as situations, circumstances or people - but has a softer start, that it begins with owning who we are and honouring who we are, so that we may be bold in choosing environments, company and thoughts that are supportive of us to grow, to thrive, to be as we are.

Gladioli reminds us that the truth isn’t always harsh or loud or forceful, that the truth doesn’t need defending, truth simply stands. Truth IS simple.

I find Gladioli to be really special... She takes what is stereotypically a masculine energy item - the sword - and infuses it with feminine feeling. She immerses it with compassion, understanding, thoughtfulness, intuition, flexibility, intuition, wisdom and love.

A few centuries ago, Gladioli roots were mashed up and used to draw out splinters and thorns. I can’t help but wonder if we could draw on this lovely plant medicine to symbolically remove ‘the thorn in our side’ - those irritations or grudges that we’ve been struggling to let go of. But, rather than doing it sharply, coldly, aggressively, we can focus on Gladioli’s softness and find gentler ways of letting go.

Interestingly, Gladioli is also the flower for August - and here we are, right in August, so that’s awesome!

I am totally loving Gladioli today 🤩💕

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