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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Plant Wisdom: Forget-Me-Nots

Forget-Me-Nots: A flower of remembrance and remembering. A reminder that we do not, and should not, forget our greatest loves and what those loves revealed to us, what those loves made of us.

Time brings us Loves and time moves us in different directions but all Loves are meaningful and transformative. All Loves are real loves. All Loves are worth experiencing.

Forget-Me-Nots, even in their name, ask us not to forget. A friend of mine often says that she doesn’t believe we ever fully heal those great loves and losses because we are meant to remember.

Love reminds us of what we have to give - kindness, forgiveness, patience, tenderness, care, consideration, understanding, strength, courage, connection and togetherness.

Forget-Me-Nots also asks us to remember ourselves and what love has given to our becoming, they whisper to us ‘Remember, remember, remember you.’

They are also connected to our loved ones in the spirit world and let us know that they walk along side us, that from where they are, that they do not feel the loss the same because they can be with us even more and help us in ways that far exceed when they were alive in this world. Forget-Me-Nots are one of Spirit’s way of saying ‘I am with you and I am working everything out with you and for you.’

Forget-Me-Not Symbolism:

  • True Love

  • Forever Love

  • Loved ones in Spirit

  • Remember

Personally, I love Forget-Me-Nots. It’s always a joy to spot them because they are so very lovely and super pretty x

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