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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Ivy: Loving Endurance

I have always dreamed of living in a house covered in Ivy. To me, images of green covered cottages are just so darn pretty. Well, I may be on the way to that dream because my next door neighbour has some Ivy climbing up his wall which is slowly spreading over to my side of the building. I have also noticed that the Ivy I planted in my front garden, nearly ten years ago, has finally started to climb the garden wall.

My partner is wonderfully practical and I love this in him. His way of thinking helps me to see life in a different way and it always compliments my visions. He isn't as keen on the Ivy as he feels it can mask structural problems in a house, and I am sure he is completely correct in this matter, as he usually is. However, I cannot deny the thrill I have that Ivy is gently showing up around our house. Perhaps, I shall take steps to not allow it to complete engulf our property but I am enjoying the small amount of it that is streaking up the walls.

Spiritually, Ivy is symbolic of enduring love.

For centuries it has been connected to marriages and friendship and all things love related. It represents loyalty, commitment and endurance.

Ivy is a fierce and devoted climber. Ivy is tenacious and resilient, there is not much that kills it and it can thrive in places that most other plants cannot. It not only overcomes possible obstacles like stone and brick - it uses these forces to its advantage, so that it may go even further. Ivy moves at a rhythm that isn't obvious. If you were to stand and watch it, it might look like it's not doing anything much at all. Yet, with time, it moves higher and higher. There's no rush with Ivy, it's about taking your time, it's about longevity. Ivy gives itself what it needs to go the distance and remain in the game.

You can see why Ivy brings spiritual meanings of dedication and constancy. It never gives up. From root to tip, it is invested in it's purpose. It stays committed, through storms and sunshine.

If Ivy is showing up in your life, it is asking you to endure now. When your heart is in it, there is very little that can you hold you back, there is nothing you cannot overcome and there are always ways ahead. Ivy says to us that you cannot give up on what your heart is striving towards. You can take a break, rest and recharge - but this is a time of commitment to your hearts longing. This is a time for you to stay devoted to your dream. We might not know all the answers yet - like the hows or the whens - but we can believe that somehow, someway, we will forge our own way.

Ivy's spirituality is also entwined with our relationships. It is connected to togetherness and belonging. The message with Ivy says that our love is strong, our love it loyal, our love is great and it's that greatness that will support us in enduring tough times. When our beloved is struggling, we need not give up on them and let them go it alone. We are to show up for one another, stand by one another and care for each other. We can learn together and grow together. We are stronger together.

I want to add a twist in here... Remember I mentioned how my partner sees things differently and that enhances the way I see things? That idea that Ivy, when it's grown out of control and has taken over, can hide structural problems from view? It's also worth checking in to whether your relationships need a bit of repairing. Denying issues or letting them fester might cause bigger problems later. We can love someone wholly but we don't want to love them blindly. Look the flaws and problems directly in the eye and find ways to grow through them and beyond them. It's good to meet difficulties together and to say that we address challenges as an act of care, value and respect for what we have with one another.

The same can apply if you're enthusiastic about your dream or your calling, just have a check in, how's your foundation? Does anything need tweaking or polishing?

Ivy encourages us to stay the course, to go the distance and to remain committed to the journey - together. It asks us to take care of ourselves - mind, body and spirit - so we have what we need to show up, in the ways we know we want to. And Ivy tells us to believe in our dreams and visions, wholly and fully and to devote ourselves to them with love. It might be a long road, but when we want something that lasts, it takes time. What we want is meaningful, special it is within reach. Ivy also reminds us that in the end, we will be glad we lovingly endured and that our heart's know this truth: It is worth it.

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