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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Daisy: care-free and care-full

Updated: Oct 19, 2022

Whenever I see Daisies, I think of the rhyme from my childhood:

"Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do,

I'm half crazy, All for the love of you,

It won't be a stylish marriage,

I haven't got a carriage,

But you'll look sweet, up on the seat

Of a bicycle built for two!"

Daisies always bring feelings of childhood don't they? They often remind me of being a kid and I have memories of sitting in the school field or in parks near my home, in the sunshine, making daisy chains to wear round my neck or fashioning them into daisy crowns. Daisies are beautifully symbolic of feeling young, care-free and playful and I feel that they inspire that into our now.

When you think of Daisy, which parts of your childhood does she take you back to? She's a bit of a time traveller and she generally will take you back to a feeling that is meaningful and is maybe coming up now for a reason. Is it that you might want to bring some of those easy going, care-free, fun, in-the-moment vibes you felt in childhood into the now? Maybe you were creative or physically active as a kid and your feeling that stir back up? Or maybe there's a family memory that wants to be remember?

She reminds us of what is valuable, special and true for us... And maybe it's not the stuff we've been getting all knotted up about lately? Daisy encourages us fill ourselves up with the things that we know makes us feel happy.

Daisies generally do symbolise innocence and youth however they've also been connected with mothers over the centuries. I'm not sure why, it's one of those things that started somewhere and trickled across the world. They are representative of new beginnings. Children, of course, are always discovering that which is new in the world, new in life, new in themselves. Mothers are on a similar journey - as becoming a parent is mightily transformative and everything becomes new again, we often feel like novices as we begin this journey and it's a long, long time until we feel like masters in it (if we ever get there!). With this in mind, perhaps Daisy is more connected to constant newness, rather than solely new beginnings, from the perspective that every day offers us something new.

We can bring that right back to how we felt as children - not knowing everything but discovering so much, all the time, which created such a gorgeous sense of aliveness in us.

Daisies are also 'composite flowers' which means that they are two flowers in one. Their white petals are one flower (called a ray floret) and their yellow centre is another (called a disc floret). This brings symbolism of love, soulmates and co-creative living. My first feeling is that this soulmate connection is really spotlighted on the mother and child dynamic, and Daisy is really blessing that dynamic, offering support and care and tenderness for those relationships which are pretty powerful soulmate links. Whether Daisy is blessing and healing our connection with our own mothers or whether Daisy is blessing our relationships with our own children or children who are special to us now, there is most certainly a nod in that direction but also towards family soulmates. We often think of soulmates as a romantic notion and swoon at the ideas that come with that - but some of our biggest, strongest soulmates will be those who are part of our family dynamic. When we find Daisy appearing in our world regularly, it may be that our family relationships are going through powerful transformation.

Daisy gets her name from the term 'Days Eyes'. That's what she used to be called way back when. This is because in the night time her petals close up and in and it looks like she's gone to sleep and in the morning, as the sun rises and shines down upon her, she opens up! I love watching Daisy do this, I often point it out to people because I find it so very sweet. For me, this brings messages for us that encourage rest when the time is right, so we may be restored and ready to welcome the new day.

When Daisy pops up into your life, she is most certainly bringing vibes of light-heartedness, worry-free living and of playfulness and fun - and the discoveries of life and ourselves that can take place within those feelings. She is small but she is mighty and she reminds us that sometimes it's the seemingly little things that are the most magical!

For me, she encourages us to be care-free about that which is not worth worrying over and care-full, as in, full of care and joy and love for that which is meaningful and makes our hearts feel happy!

May we have minds that are care-free and hearts that are care-full x

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