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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Plant Wisdom - Cherry Blossom Delights

Updated: Mar 23, 2021

Here are my first Pink Blossoms of the season... My heart was filled with utter joy and delight! I could write about the symbolism of Cherry Blossom for days and if you've followed me for a long time, you've read and heard me talk about them over and over again. When the real season hits in a few weeks, I will aim to bring a fuller conversation of their message but for today we shall lead with one of their many meanings:

Heart's Delight Those things that stir and awaken our hearts, those joys, those pleasures, those loves and the awareness of that the greatest, most powerful moments for our hearts are often fleeting ones. They are those mighty moments that grace us, temporarily, passing through us, landing upon us, waking up inside of us and bring us into a state of feeling, knowing, creating, wanting, being and aliveness.

They remind us how magical it is, that one moment can change us for a whole day, one moment can change us for a lifetime and whilst sometimes we are seeking longevity, consistency, reliability and security - truly, what we live for are the moments that connect and awaken us to ourselves, to one another, to the Divine and to love, in all their glorious unpredictability, in all their glorious unexpectedness and with all their brilliance and beauty.

Much like the sunset, which only arrives but once a day and reveals to us it's magnificence and presents itself as new and unique every single time, it is those flashing, moving, changing moments of glory hat make it all the more valuable and beautiful.

May our week be blessed with these magic moments...

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