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  • Writer's pictureEmma L. Bennett

Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups - Rider Waite - Meaning
Queen of Cups - Emma L. Bennett

The Queen of Cups knows that in order for her to be the version of her she wants to be - kind, understanding, relaxed, inspired, fun, fulfilled, loving - then she needs to take care of herself. The more she gives herself what she needs, the more she can enjoy sharing in everything else without feeling depleted and drained.

The Queen of Cup knows that everyone struggles and doesn’t judge people for what they‘re doing when they’re suffering. She’s not hunting out other people’s flaws in an effort to protect her heart. She doesn’t waste her time doing that because she knows that she too is imperfect and is also very human when she’s struggling. She knows that she has also made questionable choices in the past and may make more in the future - but that doesn’t make her less than anyone else. She knows that during times where certain areas of her life or the people she adores are wobbly - she can give them the space they need, give herself the space she needs and fill her cup with other joys and pleasures in life.

The Queen of Cups just gets it. She gets humanity. And she loves anyway. She sees the struggle, she also sees what is glorious. She is patient with herself which allows her to be more patient with others. She tries not to label others by their mistakes but rather celebrate their greatest qualities and successes because life is more enjoyable for her that way.

And she keeps her focus on her own cup, she is always asking her heart ‘What can I do for you today? What do you need?’

She is willing to allow herself first. She is willing to choose her peace and pleasure first. She is willing to learn how to keep falling in love with herself first. She is willing to keep discovering more about herself and what excites her through the experience of life first. Instead of measuring up other people, to see if they’re doing life in the way she wants, (because she knows really it’s none of her business) she is focused on doing it for herself and when she is, life has this funny way of moving her forward and together with other lovers, naturally...

And that right there, feels really, really good and feeling good - genuinely good, not escapism good - is her sole reason for doing it.

© 2014- 2024 by Emma L. Bennett

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